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Volume 15 Issue 2
July/August 2009

Sauces for Summer

Care From The Core in Regina: Nurturing the Return to Self, Heart, and Spirit

Solar Energy Systems in Martensville Show Home

Bradley®–the new natural

Grief is a Natural Process: Honouring Our Beloved Kona

Desperately Seeking Self

Torch Valley Country Retreat


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 15 Issue 2 — July/August 2009
by Melva Armstrong

In May, I had the extreme pleasure of driving to Regina and meeting with members of Care From The Core. This is a group of holistic practitioners, and others, who came together to create an integrated wellness centre in the “inner city”, the Core area, where they live. This is a place available to people from all walks of life to learn to nurture the return to self, heart, and spirit. It is a place for teaching, a place for learning, and a place for healing. The centre offers information, tools, and resources that enhance self-understanding and help bring balance into one’s life. They provide programs and classes that address these issues. They also provide and fund programs aimed at youth and adults in the inner city, offering them tools and skills that enable them to discriminate between choices that help and those that don’t—programs that allow exploration of alternative outcomes to that currently dictated by where they live. They also take their message into the wider community with outreach programming and through their website, trusting it will be received wherever it is needed, or wherever they are invited to deliver it. They invite others who see the wisdom of this path to join them. I feel blessed that one of the members, Elita Paterson, has provided an article called Care From The Core in Regina (p. 14), that explains more about this group of heartfelt and dedicated individuals. I thank them all for their kindness, generosity, and warm welcome. May their healing work continue for years to come. It is very important work in these rapidly changing and turbulent times. I look forward to working with them in the coming days, months, and years.

I managed to have some relaxing time in nature in May which, for me, is the great balancer, the rejuvenator, the restorer. Whenever I feel unsettled, I go for a walk in the park or along the river trail, and when time permits I drive to a friend’s acreage and visit there for a while, away from the busy-ness of the city. A little nugget of wisdom caught my eye on an email recently that said to go out into nature and look at the wonders of a tree, feel the bark and the leaves and you will regain your balance; so I did, and it worked. The peace and gentleness I felt was truly amazing! I can’t emphasize it enough for you to take the time to be in touch with your natural surroundings, as often as possible. This is imperative for the all-important balance that human-beings need to keep healthy.

Another significant aspect to good health is to have some quiet, meditative time by yourself each day, when you can connect with the inner you, your soul or spirit, your true sweet essence. These are the times when you have some of your greatest inspirations and when you can feel the oneness and connection with all life. These are magical moments that you can have each day as long as you set aside the time for them. Even if it is only five or ten minutes, your body and mind will rejoice, and you will reap the benefits.

I imagine those of you who read WHOLifE are well aware of the wide range of educational and health-conscious information we include in each issue. You will therefore already be tuned-in to the importance of keeping yourself informed and updated on the many kinds of natural and alternative services, practices, and products that are available for maintaining good health. For those of you who are newcomers to the world of natural health, then welcome. May you enjoy the many offerings we have in this journal.

We are getting more contributors joining our WHOLifE family all the time, so the natural health and wellness movement continues to grow and unfold in miraculous and delightful ways in Saskatchewan. In this issue we trust we have a nice balance of healthy information for everyone’s summer reading, from Sauces for Summer (p. 12) to Champissage™—Indian Head Massage (p. 18), from Bradley® Birth—the new natural (p. 22) to Blessingway Into Birth (p. 16), from checking out Solar Energy Systems in a Show Home (p. 20) to discovering the wonders of nature at Torch Valley Country Retreats (p. 42), from Desperately Seeking Self (p. 38) to The Secret of How the Mind Works (p. 40), and to a whole lot more. Be sure to read from cover to cover so you don’t miss anything.

May your summer be blessed with love, laughter, good food, and abundance, and may the sunshine fill you with light and healing energy!

(The Spirit in me honours the Spirit in you)

Melva's signature

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