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Volume 17 Issue 2
July/August 2011

Gracie’s Reiki Story
The Joy of Helping an Animal Companion

Are You Thirsty?
The Question of How Much Water to Drink and When

Citizens Concerned About Drinking Water Supply Due to Proposed Intense Livestock Operation

Yoga for Seniors

The Art of Zentangle Drawing

Getting Stoned
Stone Therapy… what is to be expected?

Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls — New Age Medicine

Spirit Orbs – Their Messages of Well-Intention


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 17 Issue 2 — July/August 2011
by Melva Armstrong

As I write this editorial, it is pouring rain and has been for many days and even weeks. It seems Mother Nature wants us to have more moisture in our lives. In fact, our province is being saturated with water, especially in the southern areas. The rivers are swelling to record levels, the dams’ waters are being releasing, and we are being transformed into a wet province from a dry one of many years. I heard from a friend in Australia recently who said they are having floods and rains there too, while England is having a drought. We are always at the mercy of the natural environment no matter where we live, and we must learn to adapt and adjust to its many changes, which is always a challenge as most of us like the status quo and get frustrated with change. But how else can we grow and evolve without change? We can’t. In fact, we can be grateful for everything that comes into our lives, including the weather patterns, for they are all gifts to help us change and become more resilient and adaptable human beings. Life would be very boring without change.

Change is also good for animals, including our beloved pets. This is something that Sara Woodhouse knows well, for she has three precious companion dogs and is a certified Reiki II practitioner for animals and humans, which allows her to use energy healing to help both species change and transform for their highest good. Sara has written an article called Gracie’s Reiki Story (p. 42) in which she tells a heart-warming tale about the gradual transformation from nervous fear to peaceful calm of her rescued collie-hound Gracious (Gracie) through building a Reiki space for the animal to enter at its own will. Over time Gracie was therefore exposed to the powerful non-invasive healing energy which eventually allowed her to be more at ease. According to Sara, “Gracie now spends most of her time living in a relaxed energy, rather than living in fear.”

“Multitudes of people all over the world have been noticing opaque circular features in their flash photographs taken with digital cameras, making them wonder what they mean.” This statement is from Klaus and Gundi Heinemann’s article called Spirit Orbs–Their Messages of Well-Intention (p. 24). Perhaps you have noticed circles in your digital images, as I have. I find them fascinating and feel, like the Heinemanns do, they are messages from outside this world here to provide assistance on our life’s journey. If you are inspired to learn more about these unique images after reading their article, they have also written a book called Orbs: Their Mission and Messages of Hope in which you will find a lot more information.

Have you experienced the dilemma of not knowing clearly how much water you are supposed to drink each day and when? I certainly find it challenging to know what is best. To help make more sense of this topic you will want to read Sandra Brandt’s Are You Thirsty? (p. 12) in which she quotes a number of sources that each give a different viewpoint on what is the best approach to daily water intake. It appears there is no one rule that works in all cases, so it is likely best to do your own research and to listen to your intuition.

For you who are passionate about the urgent need to keep our water systems safe and healthy, you will fine Sue Peterson’s article, Citizens Concerned About Drinking Water Supply Due to Proposed Intensive Livestock Operation (p. 22), a must read. Sue is part of a group of citizens in the Outlook area who are concerned about all the adverse affects on their water supply from proposed huge feedlot operations. They have launched a legal appeal to prevent this happening and are waiting for the results.

There are also many other delightful and inspiring articles including Yoga for Seniors (p. 16), Getting Stoned–Stone Therapy (p. 18), Soap Series #1 (p. 20), The Art of Zentangle Drawing (p. 36), Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls–New Age Medicine (p. 38), Bio-Fuels (p. 40), Preparing for 2012 (p. 15), and Finding the Good (p. 46). I highly recommend them all.

We like to hear from our readers, so please email, write, or call and share your opinions on anything you see in the journal. We welcome articles and advertising on many topics so let us know if you want to be included in the upcoming issues. I look forward to hearing from you.

May you enjoy the rays of summer sunshine as you play and have heaps of fun in the great outdoors.

(The Spirit in me honours the Spirit in you)

Melva's signature

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