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Volume 19 Issue 5
January/February 2014

A Handful of Edible Remedies

Medicine of the Future

Chair Yoga

12 is Your Number for 2014

Social Media Savvy Can Increase Your Business Success

What is Spirit Medicine?

Soul Art: Spiritual Wisdom + Physical Embodiment = Powerful Transformation!


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 19 Issue 5 — January/February 2014
by Melva Armstrong

Another new year is starting and we better fasten our seatbelts because I think we are all in for quite a turbulent planetary ride. According to lots of intuitives, astrologers, and seers, there is going to be plenty of unusual activity on all fronts in 2014. These are exciting times and I’m glad to be a part of it all. I hope you are, too. Every day, it seems more people are turning within themselves to find greater peace and joy in their lives. They are discovering that external “stuff” just isn’t bringing them consistent happiness, peace of mind, and well-being. People in droves are turning to things such as yoga and meditation, to healing modalities like acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, homeopathy, energy medicine, reiki, and massage, and couples are switching to natural childbirth with doulas and midwives. It’s all so fantastic that it makes my heart sing. I’m so happy that a larger portion of the world’s population is turning to more natural ways of being. Although the shifts and changes may seem chaotic, I feel we are entering a time where our world will become more peaceful and loving. My instincts tell me 2014 will be a very dynamic and interesting year.

It is like a winter wonderland here on the farm. Thankfully, there hasn’t been as much snow as last year at this time, which makes it much easier for me to enjoy my daily walks with the dogs, and they certainly love them. There are lots of wildlife scents for them to sniff and smell and of course, they are busy marking their territory along the way. I was gifted over the summer with some cross-country skis, poles, and boots so am looking forward to trying them out very soon. I am also planning on getting some snowshoes so I can tromp across the fields. I bet that will be fun, as well as a good workout.

Once again, I have thoroughly enjoyed putting together this issue, along with Cheryl McDougall, the designer who does all the fabulous artwork and layout. She and I have worked together for many years and I feel blessed to have this terrific working relationship. So, thanks to her for another year of wonderful work on each issue.

To everyone who has contributed to WHOLifE during 2013, I offer you my heartfelt appreciation. I am truly grateful for all the support I get through advertising, articles, and subscriptions. There are quite a number of new subscribers this year and lots of renewals, and from the feedback I get, the journal is being well-received and appreciated. I am also grateful for those who help with the distribution in numerous cities and towns throughout the province. If it wasn’t for them, it wouldn’t get out to all the readers. And, you wouldn’t be holding the journal in your hands without the truly dedicated work of all those employees at the printer—Transcontinental Saskatoon.

As you read through this new issue, you are sure to discover a wealth of information and ideas to help you continue on your well-being journey. For example, Sandra Brandt’s A Handful of Edible Remedies (p. 8) looks at a few specific food-based remedies to help promote a return to health when one is slowed down by common health-related setbacks. The important message here—let your food be your medicine—was first stated by Hippocrates in 431 BC. Before the days of pharmaceuticals, we used food to heal any illness, so it is good to be reminded that food is where we get our nourishment in order to maintain our good health.

Along with healthy food, our body needs to have some daily physical activity. That’s where Francine Niekus’s Chair Yoga (p. 12) article is very useful. Although it may be primarily geared toward older folks, it can be used by anyone of any age at anytime, including sitting at your work desk or flying in an airplane.

As you read further, you will find out how to make your own natural bodycare products, how to keep your eyesight healthy, how to become savvy on social media, how to respect your body at every size, how 12 is your number for 2014, how to understand spirit medicine, and how to create soul art. As well, we present the second article submission on the radioactive chemical element known as thorium.

I look forward to sharing so much more with you all in this new year.

May the return of the light bring joy and renewed energy to your days and may your new year be full of peace, love, laughter, and prosperity. Be well, dear ones.

(The spirit in me honours the spirit in you)

Melva's signature

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