Health Service 4U2B Well is for the Family
by Susan Lee

Is There Help So Family Members are Less Susceptible to Illness?
Children observe the world around them and try to make sense of it. Often misinterpretations happen. Emotional behaviours or physical sickness are the indicators that there is a dysfunction. The body’s energy is being used up to cope with certain situations and feelings. The person develops belief systems around that experience. Can the body operate more balanced giving the energy needed for healthy development in all stages of life? The BodyTalk system offers a “yes” answer to the posed question.
Being a parent is rewarding, but also challenging. You want to do the best you can with the resources you have available to you. You know you have an invaluable role to play in the life of your child.
As a parent, I have experienced sleepless nights—worrying, researching, trying to come up with a course of action to help my family. I wish I had had the support of BodyTalk to help give insights on what was going on and contributing to the dysfunction.
How Will BodyTalk Help You and Your Family?
The BodyTalk system realizes that past health situations, emotions, the environment, genetic information, and choices may all affect our wellbeing. For example, BodyTalk is useful for reducing these affects of stress on the body and mind. The entire family unit benefits when it’s members are relaxed.
BodyTalk uses proven, well-researched information based on both Western and Eastern treatments assisting the body to heal itself. It offers new perceptions on what is going on and how things can improve. Change can occur instantaneously with awareness and treatment, as well as gradually toward more health and wellness.
What If childhood Hurts Could Be Healed?
As an advanced BodyTalk practitioner, I have had the opportunity to work with numerous health issues. Take for example an adult with digestive and self-esteem problems. During treatment, we can discover these stem from childhood anxieties such as bed wetting. The associated emotions of embarrassment, fear of others finding out, shame, feeling like you have no control, may come up to treat. BodyTalk works to heal emotional issues from childhood that contribute to illness. Wouldn’t it be great to treat our children when these issues arise? Future ill health of the body could be avoided. BodyTalk sessions can be for the child, adult, or for the whole family.
Susan Lee, owner of Saskatoon home-based clinic Health Service 4U2B Well, provides flexible hours to accommodate the needs of today’s active households. Sessions offered in person, through Skype, or phone. She enjoys working with children and their families so that good health on all levels can be experienced up to and including old age. For more information and appointments, visit or call 306-716-2997. |