8 Issue 5 — January/February 2003
Dancing the Sacred Body
Journey to Wholeness
by Gina Di Paolo and Jan Henrikson
"If you have ever been moved by the dancer, felt the stirrings
of your heart and the goosebumps on your skin then you have
the dancer within you that longs to dance, to move and to
express in a deep and soulful way." We all live in this, the
physical world; we each inhabit a physical body. . . a vessel.
And when we are fully present in the moment we are spirit
embodied - a simple step forward becomes a step in the divine
dance of life."
Read the article
The Luscious & Succulent Avocado!
by Paulette Millis
The avocado, commonly called the "alligator pear," is actually
a fruit, although we generally treat it as a vegetable. Apparently
"avocado" is an attempt to phonetically reproduce the Aztec
name "ahuacatl." Originally the avocado tree, a glossy-leafed
shade tree, was native to tropical America but is now a popular
California and Florida crop. This luscious fruit can weigh
as much as 3 to 4 pounds, be roundish or pear shaped, have
a thin or a thick skin, be smooth or pebbly. Colour varies
from greens to purplish and black. There are many varieties
although all have a greenish-yellow buttery flesh surrounding
a large round inedible pit.
Read the article
A Thousand Year Old Japanese Martial Mystic's Art Form
by Paul Johnston
Have you ever heard of a "Ninja?" Most people will probably
recall the name from the 1980s during the "Ninja Boom!" when
it seemed like everyone and their dog was making Ninja movies
like "Enter the Ninja," "Ninja 2 The Domination," "American
Ninja 1, 2, 3," and the like! You might even find these old
low-budget films still on the shelves of some video stores,
although I would not recommend renting them if you want to
find out what a Ninja really is. Unfortunately most fiction
books, screenplays, and magazines that have ever been written,
or movies produced about the Ninja (pronounced "Neen-Jah"),
are complete and utter nonsense and depict very little of
the true nature of these ancient and mysterious people.
Read the article
Natural Reflections:
Sustaining Human-Ecological Well-Being
by Maureen Latta
I saw a documentary recently about a horse trainer who helps
people with problem horses for whom no amount of training
seems to be effective. This "horse whisperer" was willing
to share his secret with the public. He had spent many years
patiently observing wild horses, including the way they react
to predators and to each other. He discovered that horses
have a type of language composed of subtle gestures and eye
movements. By adapting what he'd learned, this man could get
a horse to cooperate with him without breaking the animal's
Read the article
by Melva Armstrong
We are starting a new year that I feel will be full of many
fascinating and diverse experiences for everyone on the planet.
As the wheels of evolution and transformation speed forward,
carrying us with them in all sorts of new directions, we need
to be prepared for the journeys ahead. There is much work
for us to do on the earth that requires us to be vigilant
about our energies and our time. On the physical level our
world appears to be moving into destruction mode with the
talk of more war and increased violence, with the rich getting
richer and more people getting poorer, and our environment
being continually polluted. This is not a time to be dismayed
or despondent, it is a time for the peace makers and the peace
lovers of the planet to join forces and together provide our
world with that necessary and important balance of compassion,
forgiveness, peace, joy, love, and nonviolence. Each one of
us has a choice - we can contribute to building a more peaceful,
loving world or we can contribute to its destruction. Which
will it be?
Read the editorial
Sakyadhita - Daughters of the Buddha
Eco-Energy Retreats in a Yurt
A Personal Viewpoint on David Orchard
Cathy Asks - Pilgrim's Journal: France
Fytoken - Local Herbal Research Company
Omega-3 and Omega-6: Essential Fatty Acids
The Gift of Self Understanding
News of Note
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