Volume 30
Issue 6 March/April 2025
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you, Melva! It feels great to be advertising in a wholistic magazine.
Thank you for providing the platform.
—Email from K. McQueen, Saskatoon
Dear WHOLifE:
Hi Melva. Thankyou for doing the amazing work you have been doing for a long time with the wholife magazine. Cheers.
—Email from J. Wooff, Saskatchewan
Dear WHOLifE:
Good morning, Melva.
I trust things are going well with you. Best of luck with the new edition. Happy you are still getting these out. I know it helped me when I was getting set up! Have a beautiful day!
—Email for L. Constantinoff, Thunder Bay, ON
Volume 29
Issue 6 March/April 2024
Dear WHOLifE:
Thanks for keeping WHOLifE going. Merry Christmas and wishing you contentment and small joys for every day of the New Year.
—M. Kusisto, Beechy, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Hi there! We spoke this morning [February 10, 2024] about possibly getting my daughter’s Easter Story out there! She wrote it when she was nine. Its cute and funny. She is 10 years old now, and has been writing since she was 4. She wants to be a writer when she’s all grown up! :) Enjoy the laughs! Click on the link to read the story.
—Email from C. Gieni, Moose Jaw, SK
Volume 29
Issue 1 May/June 2023
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you for the great magazine and fantastic info in every issue!
—D. Ahrens, Rosetown, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you for sending WHOLifE my way. I enjoy the articles and look forward to the next issue.
—M. Allen, Parkland County, AB
Volume 28
Issue 6 March/April 2023
Dear WHOLifE:
I always enjoy reading the articles in WHOLifE. Keep up your great work. Merry Christmas and all the best in 2023!
—M. Kusisto, Beechy, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I hope life is treating you well! Really enjoy the magazine. Wishing you a memorable winter and many blessings.
—T. Degenstein, Battleford, SK
 Dear WHOLifE:
The last two WHOLifE [Nov/Dec’22 & Jan/Feb’23] have been the best!!!! Thank you for your dedication to wellness and energy to bring everyone together to produce your amazing magazine!!!!!
—G. Maxwell, Radisson, SK.
Volume 27
Issue 5 January/February 2022
Dear WHOLifE:
Wishing you a bright and beautiful season of joy! Always interesting articles in WHOLifE; keep up your good work.
—M. Kusisto, Beechy, SK
Volume 27
Issue 2 July/August 2021
Dear WHOLifE:
I’m sending this cheque for your Journal. I found it quite interesting. There are lots of things about what people do, such as gardening, crafts, lifestyles, etc. Take care.
—G. Hemming, Esterhazy, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
You really come up with some hot stuff that really gets me interested. Exciting things are happening in SK and you are a great source. The write-up in May/June 2021 on page 26 (What is Sho-Tai?) generated a response from me and the Broadway Health Collective in Saskatoon about which you had a write-up recently appears to be a gem.
—N. Levandoski, Chitek Lake, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you for the May/June 2021 issue of WHOLifE. All these years and you are continuing to share good news amongst your community and beyond. I enjoyed reading the journal.
—K. A. Selzler-Jazic, Nanaimo, BC
Volume 27
Issue 1 May/June 2021
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you for your years of WHOLifE magazine.
—M. Foley, Quill Lake, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Thanks for a great magazine, Melva! Awesome information. Here’s payment for a 2-year subscription.
—D. Ahrens, Rosetown, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
It will be very reassuring to everyone in the Saskatoon area to have you up and running again. I thoroughly enjoyed WHOLifE while I lived in Saskatchewan. Best wishes for continued success in bringing education and entertainment to all those fortunate enough to read your exceptional magazine!
—L. Anderson, Alberta
Volume 26
Issue 4 March/April 2021
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you Melva! I love this subscription.
—K. Court, Birch Hills, SK
Volume 26
Issue 3 January/February 2021
Dear WHOLifE:
Keep up the good work, Melva! Sincerely,
—G. Laing, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Really enjoy reading the articles in WHOLifE. Not able to get anywhere (especially in these covid times) to pick up a copy so appreciate being able to get a subscription. Good work and thank you. Stay well, stay safe.
—M. Kusisto, Beechy, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I have so enjoyed your magazine throughout the many years. Thanks you for creating such a blessed product. Cheers.
—D. Edmison, Saskatoon, SK
Volume 26
Issue 2 November/December 2020
Dear WHOLifE:
Enclosed is payment for a 2-year subscription to WHOLifE Journal. I enjoy this publication and read it more than once! Hope you and your family are keeping well in these challenging times. Let’s hope we all learn from this experience – to be grateful for our many blessings, and for those who are on the front line every day. I’m a retired nurse so I know what they are facing. Sincerely,
—N. Hopps, Moose Jaw, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I wanted to congratulate you on publishing WHOLifE for 25 years. When I look back, I recall picking up the magazine at a Natural Doctors’ office back in the 90s! So I have been enjoying the journal for as long as you have been publishing. I believe it has been very instrumental in advancing natural remedies in Saskatchewan. I look forward to reading it well into the future! I hope you and yours are in good health and working through these pandemic times. Sincerely,
—J. Neely, Regina, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I picked up your last issue [March/April 2020] at Sangster’s and that’s how I knew you were celebrating 25 years of business this past spring, which was, I’m guessing, sort of anti-climactic in our presently upside-down world. I wanted to send you congratulations on this achievement – I am truly impressed. So congratulations on achieving 25 years of putting out a fine magazine. It is no small feat that you have done so.
—L. McMurray, Saskatoon, SK
Volume 25
Issue 2 July/August 2019
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you so much for the reminder about my subscription to WHOLifE Journal. I really enjoy it and read it from cover to cover. I find it very interesting and I’m very health conscious. Hope you are well.
—J. Davis, SK
Volume 23
Issue 6 March/April 2018
Dear WHOLifE:
My Grandmother and I enjoy your WHOLifE publication so much! Thank you for the time and efforts you put into it!
—J. Simpso, Birch Hills, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Almost every article in your January issue [January/February 2018] resonated with me. It was a dreary winter afternoon when the mail arrived. Once I started reading I couldn't stop. By the time I finished I had moved from dreary to cheery . . . thanks to you.
The varieties of breakfast food article made me feel more comfortable with the forest green smoothie I drink every morning. (An adolescent friend took one look and muttered "Gross!")
The shared farm project reminded me of a friend who organized a community garden in Ontario. Fond memories flowed.
Sound therapy sounds fascinating . . . but I think I'll stick with piano lessons, revelling in the vibrations I get that way.
The float tank story reminded me of getting a free float in one in Vancouver many years ago. A good friend worked for the company and gave me an hour long demonstration. Maybe that is why I swim three times a week now . . . and resent the raucous sounds from the piped-in music. Floating in silence I recommend highly.
The Way of the Bow caught me from two sides. When I was a teenager I crafted my own bows and arrows and loved using them for my delight in movement. When I got heavily involved with writing, the teacher who influenced me most was a Zen master. She showed me how to find myself in stillness and in moving. . . in reading and in writing.
Chakradance is new to me as an idea, though it reminds me of things I discovered while learning Reiki. I shall keep my eyes open for it showing up here in the Okanagan valley.
The personal growth coach uses words magically. Her claim that when you focus on something you make it increase seems almost simplistic. But as she gave illustrations the power in what she was saying was far beyond simplistic. I wondered if she learned that at Harvard, or if leaving Harvard opened windows of understanding for her.
Now that I am nourished for the bleak mid-winter, bring on the spring edition!
—K. Dixon, Summerland, BC
Volume 22
Issue 2 July/August 2016
Dear WHOLifE:
After reading the article, The Unanticipated: Digital Stress (May/June 2016), I was prompted to contact you. I find that the article has merit but fails to address a larger issue. I do not argue with their findings that using our electronics creates a stressful and unnatural environment. I do, however, wonder if it is really an attempt to have people dismiss the greater problems of our electronic age.
We are being bombarded with EMFs to a degree that is totally unnatural and it keeps on increasing with each new technology we embrace. Simply look around and note the proliferation of "towers" all broadcasting some electronic impulse. This is creating an unhealthy and very stressful environment for all living organisms on the planet. Note the increase in genetic mutation, human diseases, etc. This combined with processed food is a recipe for disaster.
I just finished reading an article (no citation) that said, "According to reports from the military in both United States and Russia, psychotronic generators are being developed that can create an infrasonic oscillation in the 10–20 Hertz range. It is destructive to living organisms: can cause behaviour modification by transmitting frequencies through normal telephone, TV, and radio networks, and can produce frequencies to paralyze the central nervous system."
No one has done long-term studies on the effect of the wave frequencies of our tools. Below is a list of books outlining in depth the inherent problems we've created.
Currents of Death: Power Lines, Computer Terminals, and the Attempt to Cover Up Their Threat to Your Health by Paul Brodeur (Simon And Shuster)
Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization by Samuel Milham, MD, MPH (Universe Inc.)
Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock by Ann Louise Gittleman (HarperCollins)
Curing Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity by Steven Magee (Self-published)
Here are some important website stories that I want to share with you.
takebackyourpower.net | www.theregister.co.uk | spectrum.ieee.org | microwavenews.com
Suzanne Somers and Camilla Rees Discuss Wireless Tech Risks:electromagnetichealth.org
Mobilize - A Film on Cell Phone Radiation www.mobilizemovie.com
Below is a tool that offers some protection from Wi-Fi and EMFs.
I have published a lengthy article explaining the Co-Creative Brain and Body Field Enhancer, a tool that helps alleviate many of the problems discussed. Here is a link with the testimonials at the end: www.ablecrystals.com
I believe it is important for people to choose all or parts of conventional remedies combined with the remedial abilities of the more unconventional Co-Creative Brain and Body Field Enhancer. May you find relief regardless of method and please share your journey with others. It is vital that this ever-increasing attack on our human electromagnetic body be reduced and/or remediated.
—Email from M. Stodola, Vanscoy, SK (devas@ablecrystals.com)
Volume 21
Issue 3 September/October 2015
Dear WHOLifE:
We picked up the WHOLifE May/June ’15 issue of your paper. While we usually enjoy reading about health, eating right, etc. that you usually promote, we were shocked to find a piece by Bruce Mason being so political. What does "Building a Neoliberal Canada" have to do with wholeness and wellness? This is not something we thought we'd find in this paper and will not be reading it again. It's too bad when "a few" views are put into health material. It's not Tar Sands, it's Oil Sands and Alberta is the motor that drives all of Canada, but that should not be debated in a journal that claims it contains plenty of healthy and wholesome information.
—R&L Hennings
Editors comment: Thank you for sending me your comments about this article. I appreciate and respect your feedback and I’m glad you have been reading WHOLifE regularly. I would like to respond to you by saying I feel that knowing more about the individual who is currently controlling and running our country is something that every Canadian ought to be aware of, because the policies this man creates and puts into laws have serious affects on all citizens and thus, on their health and well-being. The reason I published this article is because I feel it has everything to do with wholeness and wellness. Citizens can learn to be healthy and whole from a wide variety of sources and WHOLifE encompasses a large and diverse area. May you keep well and happy! Namaste
Volume 21
Issue 2 July/August 2015
Dear WHOLifE:
I noticed the blurb about knitting for Monarchs on pages 6-7 [May/June.’15]. I received that same email from the David Suzuki Foundation on April 1. The next day I got an email saying it was an April fools joke. Don't worry. Although I thought it sounded strange at the time, I fell for it, too. PS - Love your magazine.
—Email from L. Mang
Editor's Note: Thanks to this reader for letting me know it was a joke. I don't recall getting the email the next day saying it was. It sounded good to me. My apologies for the mistake.
Dear WHOLifE:
Just a quick note to congratulate you on your wonderful magazine. I always read it from cover to cover and am grateful you drop them off so I can pass them on to my clients. Thank you for all your hard work. Best of everything for the future. Love and peace always.
—Email from W. Poole, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I wanted to congratulate you on the last two issues of the journal. They had very good articles and tackled relevant issues. Congratulations on the anniversary, as well. You have done a good job in the service of people. May it go another two, three, four, five decades. Thanks. May you enjoy good health, success, and long life,
—Email from H. Javed, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Thanks for keeping up the good work. I loved the March/April 2015 issue. Thanks.
—P. Melnychuk, Edmonton, AB
Dear WHOLifE:
I appreciate all the hard work you put into WHOLifE and I look forward to continuing my subscription. Take care and keep well, too!
—Email from L. Leisle, Edmonton, AB
Dear WHOLifE:
I've been reading your magazine for years as I always pick a copy up at my library or my health food store. I enjoy all the articles, have taken some of the classes offered, and have tried many recipes. Thanks for this great magazine, Melva.
—Email from L. Graham, Regina, SK
Volume 20
Issue 2 July/August 2014
Dear WHOLifE:
I just picked up the newest WHOLifE [May/June.’14]. Thanks again for publishing the article [Gong Awakening]. It's exciting to actually see it in print. Cheers,
—Email from S. Parkin, Regina, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you, Melva, for such a lovely job you do putting this WHOLifE magazine together! I can’t wait to receive it in the mail and open the envelope to see the treasures in each issue! It has been so long since my first subscription – I can’t remember how many years! Keep up the great work, Melva, your efforts don’t go unnoticed!
—Email from L. Leisle, Swift Current, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Your article by Graham Noble [High Brix Organic, May/June.’14], no email info provided, is not scientifically supported, the meter he lists measures sugar. Koolaid would pass his test!! Perhaps using a food scientist or dietician would be better than an un-registered financial person on issues about food.
—Email from M. Leslie
Dear WHOLifE:
I really enjoy your publication. Nothing else like it in Saskatchewan that I know of, and I get info I would never have otherwise. Keep up the great work.
—M. Broeder, Assiniboia, SK
Volume 19
Issue 4 November/December 2013
Dear WHOLifE:
My daughter Laurie and I were recently able to travel to Calgary for the Gregg Braden presentation. It was well worth the trip, we enjoyed every minute of it. I am so grateful to WHOLifE Journal for advertising this event, I would not have known about it, otherwise. So thank you so much. Your September/October [2013] issue was wonderful!
—J. Sherman, Maymont, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I just came back from a 10-day lecture tour and among the mail was your new issue of WHOLifE Journal [Sept/Oct.’13]. Congratulations! I saw the Gregg Braden interview, and immediately read it, because I've been so cautious about him and his work up till now. And it all went well, until I went to the on-line continuation… and then OMG, yikes, I discovered that he is a climate denier. This is so distressing, especially since he claims to bridge science, spirituality, and the real world, and he's talking to audiences of 3,000 people. He is so badly informed, and yet he dresses it up as if he's correct, which is what all the climate deniers do. He also misrepresents Darwin. The petition he refers to, with 31,000 signatures, has long been exposed as a total joke. Of all the weak arguments that climate deniers make, it's one of the weakest: only 0.1% f the 31,000 people who signed it have a background in climate science: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kevin-grandia/the-30000-global-warming_b_243092.html. Wikipedia: “In 2001, Scientific American took a random sample of 30 of the 1,400 signatories claiming to hold a Ph.D. in a climate-related science. Of the 26 we were able to identify in various databases, 11 said they still agreed with the petition – one was an active climate researcher, two others had relevant expertise, and eight signed based on an informal evaluation. Six said they would not sign the petition today, three did not remember any such petition, one had died, and five did not answer repeated messages.” There is so much in Gregg's interview that I agree with, but when it comes laced with such nonsense, it's embarrassing for everyone. But I love everything else in the mag! Warm wishes.
—Email from G. Dauncey, Victoria, BC
Volume 19
Issue 2 July/August 2013
Dear WHOLifE:
Every two months I am waiting for your mail. It is very informative and has good recipes. I love the magazine!
—I. Sonderhausen, Dalmeny, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Please renew my subscription. I really enjoy your magazine! Thank you.
—M. Bugiera, Rama, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I just wanted to say that the latest issue of WHOLifE [ May/June 2013] was wonderful. I really enjoyed the articles. Very informative. Thank you for what you contribute to our world community!
—Email from T. Deerhorn, Saskatoon, SK
Volume 17
Issue 6 March/April 2012
Dear WHOLifE:
Thanks for all your help, Melva. The issue [ Jan/Feb '12] looks great, as usual. I think I devoured it in one day!
—E. Cann, Westlock, AB
Dear WHOLifE:
What a breath of fresh air to read your wonderful magazine, WHOLifE! And your own story on page six and all the articles and ads. I especially liked Patti Gera’s article on The Occupy Movement [ Jan/Feb '12]. Keep up the good work.
—R. Hingston, Landis, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you for the WHOLifE Journal! I look forward to receiving it in the mail! I’ve seen it transform from black and white to colour pages! Absolutely wonderful reading! Sincerely,
—L. Leisle, Swift Current, SK
Volume 16
Issue 5 January/February 2011
Dear WHOLifE:
Love this magazine. Thank you.
—J. Tourscher, Regina, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I so enjoy receiving the WHOLifE Journal in my mailbox! (And) I especially appreciate the listings of the upcoming events, courses, and retreats. I look forward to receiving my next issue. and will continue to subscribe. Most sincerely,
—T. R. Beth, Moose Jaw, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
What a stunning issue of WHOLifE you put out this go round [Nov/Dec '10]; the colours are gorgeous! I'm going to make my way through it today. It’s always a bit like Xmas when WHOLifE arrives — oooh look at this, and this, and this! Thank you for all the love, heart, thoughtfulness, and skill you put into it.
—Email from L. Bay, Saskatoon, SK
Volume 16
Issue 4 November/December 2010
Dear WHOLifE:
I love your magazine, Melva!
—Email from E. Oddleifson, Indian Head, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Your journal is a light to the world. Keep up the wonderful inspiring work.
—C. Thompson, Saskatoon
Dear WHOLifE:
Each time I receive the WHOLifE I am impressed with the presentation and use of space. Love and light,
—Email from B. Bogner, Regina, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
We would love some copies of the magazine. The ad has brought in quite a few registrants so thank you! Sincerely,
—Email from P. Hack, Foam Lake, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I have been a very big fan of your magazine for many years and I look forward to seeing the new issue every 2 months. Take care,
—Email from C. Bergen, Regina, SK
Volume 16
Issue 2 July/August 2010
Dear WHOLifE:
Wow, I love the way the article [Consulting a Psychic, May/June '10] looks! Thank you so much!
—Email from Catherine, Regina, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
The issue [May/June '10] looks great. Well-done and well-planned. Thank you for everything you did for us – we love the cover.
—Email from De Long Ancient Mystery School, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
What a fine celebrative weekend [May 29-30 '10] for WHOLifE - wish I could be there in body to share the nourishment with you all. Melva, so much of that journal is your coordinating, creative energy that has changed many lives. The joyous energy and song will carry on the winds of the planet.
—Email from C. Stevenson-Seller
Dear WHOLifE:
I do believe your many years of WHOLifE have made a huge difference in the well-being of many people. You took an idea, like alternative medicine, which had probably not yet gained very much interest and use, and presented it all in a wonderful publication... to those of us who needed healing in whatever way. You just kept going, working on the idea of WHOLifE, making it happen. On behalf of the faithful followers, I want to say a huge thank you. It took a huge part of your working life to give us this gift. Thank you!
—Email from C. Wilson, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Happy Anniversary! I am delighted that you will have spent the weekend [May 29-30 '10] celebrating with great people including Pam Gerrand. I have no doubt that the concert was fantastic – she is a very gifted lady. Melva – thank you for sharing WHOLifE with me. I really appreciate and enjoy the information, the ideas, and the connection with all of you. You created a community, with WHOLifE, who share valuable ideas and values and I am glad to be part of it. I wish you many more years of success, creativity, and joy in this, and all of your ventures.
—Email from K. O'Reilly, London, England
Volume 15
Issue 6 March/April 2010
Dear WHOLifE:
Bravo on the beautiful "Food As Gift" article [Jan/Feb '10] and pictures. Blessings,
—Email from D. Brown, Fort Qu'Appelle, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
A quick note to say a BIG thank you for printing the book review on Across the Void in WHOLifE [Jan/Feb '10]. It looks fantastic! Wishing you continued blessings,
—Email from L. Bonello, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you for the subscription reminder. I would have been devastated if I missed an issue of WHOLifE. Thank you so much for making such an informative media for alternative ideas and concepts. You are truly a ray of sunshine in a cloudy, congested world. Live, Laugh, Love.
—M. Wilda, Semans, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I just picked up the latest issue [Jan/Feb '10] and really enjoyed reading it. I liked the book reviews and Caroline Myss is one of my favourite authors. There are good articles, and, of course, I always enjoy reading Carol Marriott's contribution. Keep on with your magazine, which is a wonderful resource. Sincerely,
—R. McKague, Cut Knife, SK
Volume 15
Issue 5 January/February 2010
Dear WHOLifE:
Here is my cheque for a subscription renewal. I continue to enjoy your journal, and I share as much of the info as I can. I wish you continued success. Kind regards.
—J. Sherman, Maymont, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I so enjoy receiving the WHOLifE Journal in my mailbox! Thank you for a wonderful Saskatchewan publication! Sincerely.
—R. Beth, Moose Jaw, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you for the service rendered by both yourself and your publication. Blessings.
—Email from M. Stodola, Vanscoy, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
We appreciate being connected with WHOLifE Journal and look forward to another fruitful year in 2010.
—Email from J. Pigott, Dysart, SK
Volume 15
Issue 4 November/December 2009
Dear WHOLifE:
I have been meaning to send you a note to say how much I enjoyed the last issue [Sept/Oct '09] of WHOLifE… well, they are all great… well written, well edited, well laid out, and wonderful content. You should be really proud of your journal! It brings a lot to the lives of many people.
—Email from L. Palmer, Calgary, AB
Volume 15
Issue 3 September/October 2009
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you for making such a great magazine! I'm very excited to be receiving my very own copies, learning from all the great reading materials! I'm wishing you most beautiful days!
—J. Olszewski, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I would like a two-year subscription. I really enjoy your magazine. Thanks again.
—Email from J. Coleman, Saskatoon
Dear WHOLifE:
A Close Brush With Something…
Your article [A Brush With Death by Donald Sutherland, July/Aug '09] regarding our health care system concerns me. I had a similar situation to yours regarding emergency care and surgery. I had a torn Achilles tendon which was diagnosed and treated very efficiently. I would never assume, based on that experience, that we have "the best health care system in the world"… far from it. For emergency situations, the system is adequate. Other than that, the health system is slow, bureaucratic, inefficient, drug-dependent, [and] decades behind in accepting and encouraging alternative methods… the very methods that the WHOLifE Journal is dedicated to. I have many stories about how pathetic our health system is and will mention only two. A friend has a severe shoulder problem and waited six months to see a specialist who told him he was a knee surgeon and did not do shoulders, so he had knee surgery instead. His shoulder is still wrecked and painful. How can a doctor refer a patient to the wrong specialist? A second example is a friend who also had a shoulder problem and after dealing with six different doctors, who prescribed a range of painkillers, was finally sent to a surgeon who told her that if he had seen her sooner she would not have needed surgery at all, but the painkillers had allowed further damage to take place. Pathetic. Add to this the hundreds of people suffering for years waiting to get knee and hip replacements and other ailments and you have the makings of a medical system that needs a major overhaul, especially in attitude towards preventive medicine. People are taking charge of their health by travelling out of province or out of the country, trying alternative methods, and being pro-active. We need more private, specialized clinics and allow people more access to choice. Your example of not listening to your body, or to the medical world around you, is an example of how out of touch many people can be. Take care of yourself. Our medical system is great only as long as you are healthy!
—Email from S. Early, Saskatoon, SK
Volume 15
Issue 1 May/June 2009
Dear WHOLifE:
I wanted to let you know that I REALLY like the look of your new cover [March/April '09]! Very eye catching and artistic.
—Email from S. Pulvermacher, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
[I] read your last magazine [March/April '09]. It is awesome. Great work! This publication is very informative on how to take good care of our own health and identifies important resource professionals who can assist us.
—Email from B. Pringle, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
The “News of Note” item in the March/April '09 issue reports that “Bill C-52 Now Becomes Bill C-6”. This is incorrect. Bill C-6 has to do with the safety of consumer products, e.g., coffee makers, swing sets, etc. Subsection 4(1) of the Bill states: “This Act applies to consumer products with the exception of those listed in Schedule 1”. Schedule 1 refers to “cosmetics”, “devices”, “drugs”, and “food” as defined in section 2 of the Food and Drugs Act. So Bill C-6 excludes those items.
—Email from R. Matonovich, Regina, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I was having a conversation with my two sons about the possible link between parasites and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). They both have problems with their digestive system. So I decided to google for any information. One thing I came across was information about Bioresonance therapy. The problem is that it appears to be only available in Britain. My question to you is do you know of this therapy and do you know if anyone in Saskatchewan offers such a thing? If you are able to reply I would really appreciate it. Thanks. I love your journal and read it cover to cover whenever I get my hands on one. Have a successful 2009. Best regards.
—Email from J. Sherman, Saskatchewan
Editor's Note: if any of our readers know about a practitioner of this therapy in Saskatchewan or Canada please see our contact information on page 6 left column and get in touch.
Volume 14
Issue 4 November/December 2008
Dear WHOLifE:
I just finished reading the Sept/Oct '08edition and wanted to tell you how fabulous your magazine is...very impressive...Well done!
—Email from D. England, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Our God of the mountain top is also our God away deep down in the valley, and so, if we find peace at the top of the mountain, then we indeed shall also find it down in the valley … if we but only ask. I wish you peace in your every step on your journey. Thank you for sharing part of your journey, and WHOLifE with us, your readers. Namaste.
—A. Steele, Shellbrook, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Even without the problematic Bill C-51 in force, the Natural Health Products Regulations, introduced in 2004, are succeeding at keeping me from importing homeopathic remedies to use in my homeopathic practice. These regulations are so onerous, and I see no way around them. For instance, the Health Canada Inspectorate seized my shipment of remedies because the labels on the bottles bore directions and indications for use; therefore, the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) is accusing me, I guess, of using these remedies for retail purposes, even though I only use them in my practice. If people want to buy common homeopathic remedies, I direct them to our local health food store, where many are sold over the counter. Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and have been used for over 250 years, and notably by the British Royal Family.
I am not getting the answers I need from Health Canada’s bureaucracy, nor from any Opposition Leaders, nor from our elected representatives during this election year. The NHPD only responds through form letters directing you to read all of its restrictive policies. When the regulations came into effect, I was assured that as a homeopathic practitioner I would be able to continue importing remedies. This is no longer the case, and I cannot understand what has changed or the reason for it. I have consulted a lawyer about a class action lawsuit. Health Canada’s NHPD is interfering with my livelihood and taking away rights, freedoms, and choice. I urge you to contact your MP and the Natural Health Products Directorate to allow homeopathy to continue to be offered as an alternative health care choice. If you wish to add your name to the class action lawsuit — as a satisfied patient of homeopathy, alternative health care practitioner, or friend of homeopathy — please contact the Canadian Society of Homeopaths, www.csoh.ca, or Alypsis Inc. in Peterborough, Ontario. The more names that appear, the greater our impact. Please do not allow Health Canada and the pharmaceutical industry to shut out homeopathy in Canada because that is exactly what will happen if NHPD continues with its restrictive policies. Yours truly,
—Email from Dianna Medea, CCH, Classical Homeopathic Practitioner, Regina, SK, Sept. 19, 2008
Volume 14
Issue 3 September/October 2008
Dear WHOLifE:
Thanks [for the subscription] & really enjoy your magazine but live in rural SK so don't get regular free ones! Keep this important info about health going. Great info you have in your magazine!
—L. Dahl, Norquay, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
WHOLifE has always kept a quality and integrity that I very much appreciate and have not found anywhere else. Thanks, Melva! Namaste!
—Email: S. Kane-Kennedy, Victoria, BC
Dear WHOLifE:
Please find enclosed payment for a 2-year subscription. Thank you for providing a great magazine with local flavour.
—M. Wilda, Semans, SK
Volume 13
Issue 3 September/October 2007
Dear WHOLifE:
The new issue [July/August '07] looks very nice.
—Email from D. Braun, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I appreciate keeping up with alternative modes in the city! Keep up the good work!
—G. Laing, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Your work is such a blessing as you put out a beautiful magazine.
—Email from K. Tootoosis, Cut Knife, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I would like to tell you how much I LOVE WHOLifE. It is great to have such a wonderful resource for health and healing available to the province, and I guess beyond! Thanks so much.
—Email from A. Rowland, Saskatoon, SK
Volume 13
Issue 2 July/August 2007
Dear WHOLifE:
I just wanted you to know that I thoroughly enjoyed the article [The Art of Giving, May/June '07] written by Trent Deerhorn. I hope to see more of his work. Bright Blessings.
—Email from H. Sawatzky, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I wish to thank you for your inspiring energy. I always so look forward to your delivery of the WHOLifE magazine to our office. I see them read and disappear, so that’s good. I can’t wait to see the new publication. I always immediately thumb through it as soon as I get it. It is always so well put together and easy to read. Can’t imagine not having this magazine for our subject areas. You are experts in your domain. Thank you. Regards.
—Email from M. Badrock, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I have been half-heartedly reading WHOLifE ever since you started publication. I have always been sort of attracted to the articles and usually read the ads with mild curiosity. That all changed recently. I finally made my first phone call to one of your advertisers. The next day I took part in a small, almost informal, one-day course. It was quite simply a life-changing experience. The very next day I went out with some old and new friends and played, danced, and sang more freely than I have in years. I would never have made that phone call without WHOLifE. You must have positively influenced 100s, if not 1000s, of people's lives just like me. Thank-you.
—Email from K. Anklovitch, Saskatoon, SK
Volume 13
Issue 1 May/June 2007
Dear WHOLifE:
The new WHOLifE [March/April '07] looks GREAT! Awesome production!
—Email from B. Van Berkom, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Enclosed is a cheque for renewing my two-year subscription. I love your magazine! Thank you.
—R. Herriges, Watson, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
The photography in the magazine [March/April '07] is so crisp and clear; to me the magazine seems to have a better quality of paper than I remember it having. I compliment you on your magazine structure. Peace Profound.
—Email from I. Barker, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I went to Dr. Helen Caldicott’s recent talk and found it very informative. Thank you for including her article in your January/February '07 issue. I also took K. Keane’s advice in the "From Our Readers" section of your March/April '07 issue regarding the nuclear issue and went to the EFN website www.ecolo.org. This website states that it has "complete and factual information on energy and the environment”. This is quite a claim when one considers how complex the issues are and how much information needs to be considered. I found very little in the way of scientific information there and nowhere that I could find did they discuss the many long term health concerns connected to all aspects of the nuclear pathway. I would suggest that people interested in nuclear issues check out a variety of sources. There are many useful articles, books, and websites: The Pembina Institute (www.pembina.org) has lots of material including their new report, "Nuclear Power in Canada: An Examination of Risks, Impacts & Sustainability", also available as a book for those who prefer printed material; Families Against Radiation Exposure (www.ph-fare.com) from Port Hope, Ontario; and The Institute for Energy & Environmental Research (www.ieer.org) has articles and a video interview. They also produce books; one of their most recent is Insurmountable Risks: The Dangers of Using Nuclear Power to Combat Global Climate Change.
—Email from K. Weingeist, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
In regard to K. Keane's endorsement of EFN (Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy) [From Our Readers, March/April '07]. By all means, go check out their website, especially have a look at their Board of Directors. EFN's Board is composed of Nuclear Industry hacks holding up Patrick Moore's Greenpeace credentials like a Duck Blind. Just claiming an ideal doesn't make it real. If Patrick Moore was an environmentalist in his youth, he blasted those alliances into oblivion years ago when he became the mouthpiece for the logging industry. Anyone who believes EFN's pseudo-green propaganda will be crying in their radioactive bottled water when this province is drowning in nuclear waste. Why would we choose to poison our soil and water to save our air? We have real green technologies at our fingertips. The vampires of industry are using our fear of climate change to lead us down the nuclear garden path. We have to take real responsibility for what we have wrought. It is our duty to look after future generations by leaving them a legacy of real green energy, not a nuclear nightmare to wrestle with for millennia. We could be world leaders in wind and solar, we could be the wilderness destination of the planet. Beware Nukes with green garb. There are werewolves under there. Sincerely,
—Email from L. Ter Heide, Saskatoon, SK
Volume 12
Issue 6 March/April 2007
Dear WHOLifE:
I sure like reading the journal and sure like the recipes in the journal. Thank you very much.
—A. Woynarski, Regina, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I urge any of your readers interested in the nuclear energy issue [Medical Hazards of the Nuclear Age by Dr. Helen Caldicott, [January/February '07] to visit www.ecolo.org and www.ecolo.org/lovelock. The information compiled by these environmental scientists is complete and straightforward. Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy (EFN) provides information to the public on energy and environment—promoting the benefits of nuclear energy for a cleaner world.
—Email from K. Keane, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I operate a restaurant up north and wanted to ask if I could be added to your list of places where you send your magazine. I'm trying to educate about healthier life choices, and your magazine is on top of the list of educating. I've gotten it every time I've gone south to Saskatoon, and it would be such a treat to have it free to my customers.
—Email from D. Durocher, Beauval, SK
Volume 12
Issue 5 January/February 2007
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank you for WHOLifE. It helps me to connect and know what's happening – workshops, etc. I've connected to so many great workshops because of your magazine. Thanks again.
—M. Foley-Jacob, Quill Lake, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I am totally intrigued with Gary Renard’s work as you have described it in the latest WHOLifE [Nov/Dec06]. It appears to speak to me like nothing else has. Thanks for making me aware of this. It is very supportive of the direction my work has been taking. Namaste.
—Email from S. Kane-Kennedy, Victoria, BC
Volume 12
Issue 4 November/December 2006
Dear WHOLifE:
[Response to The Greening of Wal-Mart by Guy Dauncey in the July/August 2006 issue.]
Environmental Bullying
Wal-Mart is definitely not a mentor for environmental thinkers. Although recent media advertises Wal-Mart as a sustainable merchant, we must stop and think about what sustainability means.
Claims to reduce greenhouse gases are apparently in Wal-Mart's new plan, but a look at typical Wal-Mart locations and plans for new locations in the province indicate the opposite. Wal-Mart is most often situated on the outskirts of the city, contributing to urban sprawl and the donut effect. The donut effect simplified is the rapid construction of buildings on the outskirts of the city which draws traffic away from the core, thus leaving a "hole" or void in the city centre. The centre then becomes a wasteland and a prime location for increases in poverty and crime. Like donuts for people, donuts are not a healthy choice by city planners.
Not only does urban sprawl effect the local landscapes and ecosystems, but it also increases traffic and time spent in a vehicle for consumers, contributing to higher rates of greenhouse gas emissions. Big box centres are not accessible for bicycles or pedestrians which are sustainable, healthy ways of moving.
Although Wal-Mart claims to be a community partner, it fails to meet these standards as it draws people away from local shopping and industry. Local business merchants can't compete with the low prices at Wal-Mart. In order to offer low prices, Wal-Mart exploits its employees both locally and internationally by refusing to allow unions and by paying low wages. In developing countries such as China, workers have terrible working conditions and are paid pennies a day for the clothing and other products they sew and assemble.
I could go on to explain how industrial organic farming (Wal-Mart's new marketing scheme) is an oxymoron and violates one of the principles (small scale farming) of the organic food trade, but instead I would like to focus on things we can do to support true green ways of thinking.
Check out your local farmer's market for fresh produce. Not only will you receive a superior product to what you receive in a supermarket, but you also get the chance to visit with the people who grow and care for your food, as well as enjoy the diverse community the market brings together. If living in or visiting Saskatoon, stroll down Broadway and pop into the local bookstore, Turning the Tide, to buy your next book, or to the clothing store, Outter Limits, to purchase clothing from companies with good trade and environmental practices. In the end, you save money because you are part of a community that supports you and local events, your purchases are lasting because they are of good quality, and you are able to walk more from place to place, thus improving your overall emotional and physical health. We must invest in our future. What costs less today, costs more tomorrow.
— Email from Tamra Knaus, U of S Student, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
A one-year subscription please. This is a very interesting and informative magazine. Thank you.
— G. Blumer, Dinsmore, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
You have a terrifically set up website.
— Email from S. Pitzel, St. Louis, SK
Volume 12
Issue 3 September/October 2006
Dear WHOLifE:
Great last issue [July/August'06] of WHOLifE! Namaste.
— J. M. Banks, Vernon, BC
Dear WHOLifE:
Just want to change my address. I trust all is well. Keep up the great work!
— Email from L. Leisle, Swift Current, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Thank You....Thank You....Thank You! What an awesome issue [July/August'06] this time around. The colours are great, the layout and of course our ad looks awesome. You sure did a great job, Melva. Thank you for everything. I have been picking up the issue and sharing it around. Happy day to you, precious one!
— Email from S. Barnes, Regina, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I thoroughly enjoyed your editorial in this issue [July/August'06] and look forward to reading the articles. Ah, at last, someone talking about prosperity consciousness! So Wall is getting Smart? [The Greening of Wal-Mart article.] Blessings,
— Email from S. Kane-Kennedy, Victoria, BC
Dear WHOLifE:
I shall pass through this world but once.
If, therefore there be any kindness I can show,
or any good that I can do,
Let me do it now;
Let me not defer or neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again.
Thank you Melva for your great magazine and may your summer also be filled with laughter, light, and love!
— A. Steel, Shellbrook, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I really, really like your website! That is great! I sent it to a couple of friends. I was wondering about a subscription [for a paper copy]?
— Email from S. Clayton, Kentucky, USA
Volume 12
Issue 2 July/August 2006
Dear WHOLifE:
Thanks for facilitating so many connections of great people.
— Email from J. Deugau, Langham, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Great new issue [March/April'06] BTW. Good article from Trent Deerhorn (Handfastings and Crossings, Traditional Ceremonies of Shamanism)! Take care.
— Email from B. Van Berkom, Saskatoon, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Best of luck with the magazine. Keep up the good work.
— Email from A. Lalonde, Richardson, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I really enjoyed the article, Want to Create Healthy and Sustainable Communities? - Welcome to the Regina EcoLiving Project, in your last issue [March/April 2006] I believe. Who doesn't want to protect our Earth?
— Email from A. Gaveronski, Regina, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
I did get your magazine [March/April 2006] in the mail, and I am impressed with the quality and integrity of your publication. I'm glad we're in it [Global Inspiration Conference]! Blessings.
— Email from J. Lowell [GIC organizer], Nelson, BC
Dear WHOLifE:
I am a new reader of your journal and enjoy its contents. Take care.
— Email from S. Robin, BC
Volume 11
Issue 4 Nov/Dec 2005
Dear WHOLifE:
I just
read the Sept/Oct'05
issue of WHOLifE – and I must
say I enjoyed every bit of it. I would like a one-year
subscription please. Thank you.
— S.
Helgason, Kindersley, SK
Dear WHOLifE: Love the Magazine.
—Email from J. Sollars, Cyberspace
Dear WHOLifE:
I really enjoyed your last issue [Sept/Oct'05].
The layout looks great, as well.
—A. Parks, Halifax, NS
Dear WHOLifE:
In the July/August
2005 issue of WHOLifE
I noted a review of Trevor Herriot's book, Jacob's Wound.
I would be remiss if I did not point out a damaging error
that Herriot has made in this volume – I do this by
way of sending you an email [I sent to Trevor Herriot] to
clarify matters. Many people suffering from schizophrenia
and other dis-eases have been helped tremendously by Orthomolecular
Medicine in general and by Dr. Hoffer in particular.
To: Trevor Herriot with c.c. to Dr.
Abram Hoffer
Re: Jacob's Wound – Shelter Ch. 10 - Pg. 119
Dear Trevor Herriot,
I was interested to see your information
about Huxley/Osmond/Hoffart (sic) in the above noted
chapter of Jacob's Wound. I would
be remiss if I did not point out that the spelling of
Dr. Abram Hoffer is incorrect and more importantly – Drs.
Hoffer and Osmond did not treat schizophrenics with LSD
or mescaline.
The following is a quote from one
of the obituaries written by Dr. Hoffer on
Dr. Osmond's passing: "Our policy was not to give these drugs (mescaline/LSD)
to patients. Schizophrenic patients have enough trouble with their illness and
we saw no need to make them worse."
It is out of respect for Dr. Hoffer
that I offer this information to you. I trust if there
is the
opportunity to put this right in future printings of Jacob's
Wound you will do so.
—Email from K. Keane, Saskatoon,
Volume 11
Issue 3 Sept/Oct
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who doeth all things well.
Reading your article [editorial,
July/Aug'05] in WHOLifE, referring to nature — the wonderful sunshine, the fuzzy little geese, and so on — made me think of the above [hymn]. Thank you. Namaste.
—A. Steel, Shellbrook, SK
Dear WHOLifE:
Congratulations on your 10th anniversary issue [May/June
2005]. That is a real milestone. Have a great summer.
—A. Parks, Halifax, NS
Dear WHOLifE:
This is a great magazine, and congratulations on a fine job!
—Email from L. Anderson, Cyberspace
Volume 11
Issue 2 July/Aug
Dear WHOLifE,
The journals [you sent] did arrive and I've put them in all the right places. You should be very proud of your publication. It is one of the best I've seen.
– Email from Dr. J. M. Banks, Vernon, BC
Volume 11 Issue 1 May/June
Dear WHOLifE,
Your magazine is wonderful, a real treat to read! Thanks
– Email from L. Stephen, Regina, SK
Thanks for creating the WHOLifE Journal. The magazine helps
to spread the work of yoga far and wide, leading towards
a more wholistic community and world. Be well!
– Email from P. Dewar, Saskatoon,
Payment is enclosed for another year subscription. Thanks
for a terrific publication.
– D. McLeod, Rocanville, SK
Happy New Year! I just finished reading the Jan/Feb
2005 edition of WHOLifE. It was great. Several very interesting articles. Best regards.
– Email from E. Meggs, Saskatoon,
I loved the look and feel of the Journal [March/April
2005]… it
is getting more vibrant all the time.
– Email from K. Keane, Saskatoon,
I've found this site unexpectedly. I have read the "Healthy
Vision Habits - Give Your Eyes A Break" [Nov/Dec
2004] by Elizabeth Abraham and I have decided to
change my diet and follow the advice that I have read about
- just to look after my priceless "diamonds" -
eyes. I am very, very thankful for the encouraging information
I have found on your website and certainly looking forward
to finding out more about the health and functions of the
human body as it is the responsibility of all of us! Just
really wanted to say a HUUUGE THANK YOU!!!!!!! for being
helpful through this website, beautiful!!!
– Email from Anni K., Cyberspace |