Volume 9 Issue 2 - July/August 2003
by Melva Armstrong
I recently treated myself to a holiday in Ottawa and Toronto,
joyfully visiting old friends and getting to know new ones.
While away I was reading a book called,
and the truth
shall set you free by David Icke. His introduction is
titled, "We are what we think." Then shortly thereafter
he reminds us that "Knowledge is power!" These words
rang very strongly inside me. They are simple yet very profound.
After I read them I realized that I must have knowledge in
order to know myself. It reminded me that I must take the
time to listen to my inner knowledge (as well as acquiring
outer knowledge) and to keep my own counsel so that I am not
controlled and manipulated by external circumstances, both
locally and globally. I believe in the need to question everything
and not to take things for granted. Also not to believe everything
I hear or read, especially in the mainstream media. Otherwise
it seems I am doing myself a disservice and am underestimating
my own power, strength, and wisdom.
In Icke's book he talks a lot about the "darkness"
that exists on our planet and within the universe, which I
believe is important to know and understand, but he does say
that despite all the darkness, the "light" which
exists inside all of us can dispel the darkness. But the only
way we can each tap into our light is to know ourselves. When
each one of us on this planet taps into our light we will
have knowledge and thus a light-filled world, and there will
be no place for darkness to exist.
Icke's words were not news to me but they were an important
reminder, especially at this time in history when global war
and violence seem to be taking a stronghold on many levels
and creating a sense of disconnectedness and fear among human
beings everywhere, for me to keep my own counsel and to reconnect
with the light inside me, which ultimately is the universal
light that connects us all to each other. I urge everyone
who reads this and who thinks they don't have any power
to affect change on our planet to think again and to know
that each of us has all the power of the universe inside us
and we just need to tap into it. When the majority of us are
doing this then wars and violence will no longer exist. I
believe, amidst the darkness and chaos which appear to be
prevalent right now, there are many in our human family working
with the light and through them our world is being renewed
and rejuvenated even as I write these words. Have faith and
know there are many on this Earth working for, praying for,
and fostering world peace! At the same time they are patiently
waiting for everyone to recognize the universal light inside
themselves and to eventually join them in keeping the world
filled with light!
I feel blessed to be doing this work with WHOLifE Journal,
publishing and disseminating all kinds of knowledge about
the human body, mind, and spirit so we can be healthier human
beings, so we can become more aware of our light and thus
spread our kindness and love far and near. Our province has
a wealth of healers, wholistic practitioners, and people from
every walk of life teaching and learning how to be healthy,
happy, and at peace. Everyday more people are taking responsibility
for their health and wellness; may they know there will always
be someone there to help and guide them. Ask and you shall
receive! That's how it works. We live in the company
of good and caring friends in Saskatchewan and as you read
through the pages of this journal you will get to know many
of them, if you haven't already, and they are all there
to serve, for the highest good of all!
As WHOLifE begins the second issue of year nine I thank the
advertisers, contributing writers, and everyone who has helped
in any way over the years. Without all of you this journal
would not have existed. I encourage everyone to keep up your
good health, your good work, and your good spirit, and together
we will travel forward joyfully on this path of life.
I wish you all a delightful and fun-filled July and August.
May you enjoy the words of wisdom in the pages of this issue
and may the heat of the summer sunshine warm your soul and
nurture your spirit.
In love and light,
(I honour the Spirit in you!)