the Creator of Your Life!
by Patricia Barclay
Upon my journey into life I came knowing that life could
be miraculous. I came knowing that something big was going
to happen in my lifetime. I came knowing a supreme Creator
exists in the Universe, and I came knowing that I could be
a creator. My challenge was finding someone who could teach
me how to be that Creator. At a subconscious level this longing
for knowing the Creator in myself had left me sad, lonely,
depressed, angry, and at times sick.
In 1995, my life took a unique turn of events that led me
to experience and understand more completely the magnificent
beings that we are. It was in a time of personal crisis, through
the deteriorating state of health in my body, that I began
to experience the metaphysical side of life. These experiences
brought great healing in my body, mind, and spirit, and a
greater understanding of how life works. It became apparent
to me that self-healing, dominion over life and the external
events that bombard our attention, can easily be lived with
once we understand our greater potential as Creators. This
concept of being a "creator" is one I would like to share
in this article.
Being a Creator is how we are wired. It is our inherent
blueprint coded into our very being. The mystics of past and
present have always known this truth as they are aware of
the creative living energy that is within them. They are able
to know personally the subtle power of it and how to use it
for transformation, change, and the evolution of individual
consciousness. Living energy is distinct within our being
if we attune to it. This living energy is what I experienced
and I call it Divine intelligence.
Divine intelligence cannot be taught become unified with
it. This is true self-realization. It is not an intellectual
realization but a realization that agrees with the mental,
emotional, physical, and spiritual levels of one's being.
You understand what being larger than life really is. The
body has its own "ah-ha," as the perception of self remembers:
"This is who I really am. This is how life works." A shift
moves you from feeling powerless to realizing you have the
lead role to play in creating your life.
A Creator becomes an observer of life experiences. Rather
than resisting or judging situations with positive or negative
emotion, a Creator will flow with them. "Go with the flow"
is a popular phrase we intuitively use as one way to deal
with life situations. It does not mean we deny experiences,
but we look at personal feelings and thoughts honestly without
enslaving anyone else in the process.
As a Creator you realize you are responsible for the circumstances
of your life. My own metaphysical experiences showed me how
I was creating the cancer in my body, affecting the health
of certain organs, causing the miscarriages, colds, and flu.
I believe I was creating it all to experience who I wanted
to become. That was a big "ah-ha" and a big step in owning
all of myself. Blaming no one, but accepting I have created
it all.
We all come to our own "point of realization" in a way that
is perfect for each of us. Often we reject the choice to cross
over into knowing and understanding that we are creating it
all, and thus we have to experience similar events over and
over again until we let go of the deception. It requires courage
to embrace a new perspective of this life as a Creator. Perhaps
that is the meaning behind, "The meek shall inherit the earth."
The meek have courage, humbleness, and a willingness to understand
the "more." They are not locked into dogma, creed, institutionalized
rules and conduct. They are open, trusting, and innocent.
Being a Creator requires these talents.
What is unique about becoming a Creator is the realization
that there is always enough, always another way to achieve
a desire, and always a loving intelligence within that guides
you. With these understandings, a person will begin to eliminate
the fears and anger they are holding. Thoughts such as: There
isn't enough; They are out to get me; I have to get what I
need at all costs; I have to exploit here to succeed there;
I can't have what I want; or I am a sinner, become obsolete.
The imprint of the past, of statistics, laws, and averages
means little to the present moment. One by one, the fears
that keep us closed, keep our living energy slowed down causing
disease or lack in our life, cease. Instead we experience
renewed vitality, healing of disease, youthful exuberance,
strength in our constitution, a peace that passes all understanding,
and endless joy. These are the signs of becoming a Creator
as one lives in the preciousness of each moment, deliberately
choosing thoughts and feelings that align with one's highest
A Creator is no longer imprisoned by the negative comments
from others, statistics, or logic that says, "Impossible!"
or "That is the way it is!" A Creator knows how to make life
happen for his/herself, how to move disease out of the body,
and how to walk through all circumstances with a heart of
compassion, grace, and love.
Creating is a natural response to living. That is what transformation
and evolution are about.
My wisdom of Divine intelligence comes from my own experiences
throughout my life. I have learned that it is this intelligence
that creates the synchronicities and miracles in my life.
It is this intelligence that removes the negativity I have
woven into my surroundings, body, mind, and spirit. It is
this intelligence that heals what I allow it to heal and it
is this intelligence that makes all things possible.
I have understood that Divine intelligence is not meant
to be intellectualized, but at the same time it is a powerful
healing consciousness given to us to use. As we integrate
this consciousness the mind affirms the truth of it and the
body responds by demonstrating itself as healthy or not. Divine
intelligence, when allowed to integrate itself with the body
and mind, produces new understandings that birth into new
abilities, creating new experiences.
Knowing then becomes
the wisdom of Divine intelligence that fills our being. When
it speaks and we hear accurately we rejoice, and accurate
discernment is ours. Doubt, fear, and worry fall by the wayside
because we have remembered how to "know." This is the place
in which we are meant to live always.
I believe this is the next step of evolution which humanity
is embarking upon. This is the something "big" I have felt
all my life. As we remember that we are creators, how exciting
life becomes! The chaos exists but we are not affected by
it. I call the application of awareness of knowing, the integration
of understanding, and the use of Divine intelligence (or mastery
of wisdom), Life Savvy.
Experience has shown me that inner consciousness, outer
surroundings. and life experiences are all connected and we
are creating them all. These are three ways to look at ourselves.
The gifts of body, mind, and spirit allow us to navigate this
world with incredible joy, grace, and success. To master Life
Savvy, we must attune ourselves to each aspect of our being
and align them by living in harmony with the Divine intelligence
that is woven within us.
A powerful human being is one who is aware of how they are
being. Cause is not outside ourselves but comes from within.
Until we own this truth we will continue to misalign and miscreate,
only to be the creators of the sadness, fear, discord, anger,
and emptiness that we so often experience. But there is another
reality happening despite this.
The challenge of self-mastery requires a leap of faith to
cross the chasm to another reality. That is the age in which
we are living. We can deny it and continue on in suffering
or we can embrace it and inherit the Earth.
Particia Barclay is the Creator
of Sacred Space Consulting®, the Living Energy Alignment
Process™ and Life Savvy™ Retreats. She enjoys
inspiring others to become the Creators of their living and
working spaces as well as their lives. For further information
on services and upcoming retreats visit
or call (306) 343-1710. |