Gain Clarity
— Improve Healing
by Frank Jordan
Let's define clarity as a state of consciousness where all
levels of our system are free from interference, and function
at the highest level possible in our experience as Spiritual
My first experience of clarity came when I was snow bound
on the ranch, so I took the opportunity to explore meditation,
and my guides took the opportunity to fire up my Kundalini
energies; I spent days wracked with energy flows rippling
up my spine. The use of a dowsing tool the subconscious and
super-conscious mind channels. Inner knowing began to rise
into my conscious awareness. I knew, but had no matrix of
understanding, no way to relate to what I knew.
One day, out of shear frustration and confusion, I raised
my awareness up through the top of my head and asked "What
is going on? Why am I doing this?" My guides responded by
shutting off all the energy flows, and I felt a flow of deep
love and serenity. I became lighter and lighter, until it
felt like I could float up out of my chair. This was accompanied
by a high singing energy that flowed through my body like
light, radiating through every tissue, clearing, releasing
stored energy forms.
I had my eyes closed while all this was happening, and when
I opened them, I was shocked to see that everything in the
room had turned into radiating, vibrating, energy fields.
I could see vertical streams of various rainbow colours interacting
with horizontal energies, causing millions of tiny distortions.
The pieces of furniture were dancing energy fields that
flickered on and off at an incredible speed. I was prompted
to rise from my chair and stand in the center of the room.
I didn't feel like a dense physical body when I moved. I was
shifting patterns of light, scintillating rainbows.
I closed my eyes, and felt as though my physical body had
disappeared. I felt clear! There was no sensation of weight
except on the bottoms of my feet. I could feel every energy
system in my body functioning like a perfectly programmed
machine, automatically carrying out the processes of life.
I suddenly became aware that I could open my inner eyes, and
when I did, I could see clairvoyantly in any direction, internally
or externally.
The external world reappeared, and I moved my awareness
around cautiously. Like a blind child who has gained sight
for the first time, I wanted to see and experience everything
at once. Giddy, I sat down in my chair again, holding onto
my inner vision. Reaching out with my mind, I raced around
the ranch, seeing everything in perfect clarity, free of the
restrictions of my body.
I focused my awareness on my wife, felt a blur for an instant,
and then appeared in the Post Office a few miles away where
she worked. I watched her at her duties for a moment, and
then raced to the schools where my children were, then back
to my chair. Everything was incredibly bright and clear around
me. Every sense was active felt and tasted it.
Having once experienced clarity, I have been on an unrelenting
search for a way to regain and hold it. That one brief glimpse
of what reality really is has led me on an unending experiential
journey in this lifetime, where each experience adds a level
of learning and added to my knowledge of "How Things Work."
Each level of awareness was accomplished by exploring my inner
systems, responding to subtle nudges, experiencing intuitive
leaps of consciousness as I worked with clients, and applying
what I learned in helping and teaching others.
In 1983 I was dowsing for gold. Mac, my dowsing partner,
suffered a heat stroke and recognized he was at the point
of death. He demanded I "heal" him, and instructed me to "move
your hands around my head and pull out the heat." I'd never
seen or experienced healing before, but did as I was told.
In a few minutes he was back to normal, and I was a healer.
The powerful flows that came down through my head and out
of my hands had miraculous power, and I would never be the
same again. I became fascinated with healing, and explored
it with great passion.
The need to understand how healing worked led to the "Clearing
The Way" techniques, which gave me the insight to insure complete,
balanced healings in my clients by clearing the mental and
emotional cause of their problems. With that came the understanding
of how the mental/emotional levels of our Middle-Self worked
to hold reality in form, and how to progressively clear myself
of old patterns and programs holding me from experiencing
As I learned about the Chakra system, energy forms, and
the physics of metaphysics, I came to understand how reality
manifests, and consciousness works. Exploring the Low-Self
and our animal consciousness opened me up to understanding
family flows and genetic patterns. Next came working to clear
Low-Souls, entities, past lives, and the Universal Grid of
Consciousness that holds it all together.
I next turned my attention to the Upper Chakras, and the
indwelling High Soul. Years of meditation and exploration
of indwellers, cross-dimensional influences, and entities
gave me the ability to follow energy forms to their source,
and to clear them when appropriate. I use that knowledge to
tap into my clients' indwelling Souls and to follow them back
in time to clear family Karma, and create and move positive
experiences forward into the "now."
I went for months in a state of frustration, unable to write
because I knew I did not have the entire picture experienced
for myself. The "energy feedings" continued, intensifying
to the point where they were almost unbearable. High-Self
tried to get through to me the information I yearned for to
give to you now. Humanity has been controlled by ignorance
of the truth fears, and superstitions. We can blow away the
controllers by understanding Spirituality and "How Things
Work." You have already begun desire to understand Spirituality
for what it really is, and clear family, social, and personal
patterns installed generations ago.
If you are like most metaphysical people you need to know
more realistic way of making it all work for you. That is
what I sought, and found, for myself understanding, the easier
to Heal!
Frank Jordan will be giving a 6-hour
mini-workshop during the Holistic Intuition Society "Power
of Thought" Convention at Olds College, Alberta, July 25th
to 27th — followed by an in-depth workshop on Monday
28th and Tuesday 29th for those who seek even more guidance.
Call the Society at 1-866-369-7464 for more information and
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