Volume 11 Issue 2— July/August 2005
by Melva Armstrong

I am slowly getting settled into my new living space and
thoroughly enjoying the immense natural light and sunlight
that comes in from the east and south exposures, especially
after living in a north-facing apartment for over six years
with no direct sunlight, where my view from the main window
was the back concrete wall of a small three-story strip mall.
I find sunlight so very important for keeping up my spirit
and providing my body with natural nourishment in order to
feel healthy and peaceful, so moving to this new location
feels wonderful.
Because I am now blessed with living next to the South
Saskatchewan river I have been taking a daily morning walk
where I first slowly and carefully make my way
down a very steep hill that leads to a gravel pathway at the bottom. Then I
begin my brisk walk along the path, always savouring that
first sight of the occasionally
still yet swift-flowing river and inhaling the intoxicating smells of the wild
roses that I pass along the way. Everyone I meet who is walking, riding, or
jogging along this special part of nature seems to be full
of joy and happiness so I
can only conclude that there are special powers at work on this riverbank that
uplift folks so fully. I know that I certainly feel more energized and connected
to a higher power when I am there.
One day in early April I saw seventeen yellowy-brown fuzzy
goslings up on the edge of the bank with six parents next
to them, teaching them the ropes of
how to nourish and clean themselves and how to survive. Now, several weeks
those same little goslings have lost their yellow fuzz, their feathers have
turned to brown, and they are almost as big as their parents. I find it amazing
quickly they grow and I feel blessed to be able to watch this process. And
just today, in mid-June, I saw six teeny-weeny little ducklings, all in a
row, quickly
swimming behind their mother as she hurriedly lead them to shelter in some
reeds. As I watched them I remembered a time in grade five when I received
the gift
of a tiny duckling from a class-mate named Michael Sullivan. I loved that
furry little duckling, especially feeling its soft feathers
on my hands. Ah, the
beauty and joys of nature are so very important to our well-being and good
health! I
hope all of you manage each day to find time in your busy schedules to go
outdoors where you can feel, touch, and smell the gifts we
have all around us in our
gorgeous natural world. I can guarantee that your spirit will be lifted.
With the summer solstice, we have reached the pinnacle
of longer light per day. Throughout the summer I like to
savour those long, light nights for
they feel
very magical and blissful, where the afternoon seems to go on forever.
Then there are a few hours of darkness and it is back to
the light. I find the
cycles of
our planet forever fascinating and I believe learning to live in synch
with them is the great challenge for all human beings.
I feel honoured and privileged to feature in this issue,
Dr. Louise Gagné’s
article, Integrative Medicine: Where
Conventional Meets Alternative for Truly Wholistic Medicine (p. 16). Dr. Gagné is a Saskatoon family physician
who has recently completed a two-year fellowship in the University of Arizona’s
Integrative Medicine Program, which is directed by world-renowned physician and
author, Dr. Andrew Weil. (His picture is on the front cover along with Dr. Gagné and
Dr. Maizes.) I truly believe in a wholistic approach to medicine because it encompasses
and addresses all aspects of the human being—body, mind, and spirit—which,
in my way of thinking, is only common sense. My hope and prayer is that
many more doctors and health professionals, locally and throughout our
world today,
will seriously look more closely at expanding their minds and their practices
to include a more integrative approach in their work. It is about using
the best of both worlds to keep people healthy and therefore, happy.
Along with our feature article, we are blessed with a full
line-up of other well-written and informative articles that,
together, address the
of looking at
ourselves as “whole” human beings—body, mind, and spirit—in
order to maintain that balance required for daily good health and well-being.
May you bask in the summer sunshine, discover new places
and new friends, and laugh daily like you’ve never laughed before. Until we meet again, keep
well and happy! Namaste!
(I honour the Spirit in you!)