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Volume 10 Issue 3
September/October 2004

The Art of Reading Faces
Deepening Your Perceptions and Feelings of Others

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The Art of Reading Faces
Deepening Your Perceptions and Feelings of Others

by Carole Friesen
Carole Friesen

The Art of Reading Faces provides us with a good opportunity to make our life more interesting and exciting. Face reading is the most natural thing we do. We unconsciously feel an attraction or a caution when confronted by someone new. Why not learn to recognise people consciously? We can then be more precise and get the best out of every situation.

Face reading is designed to recognize the basics first. You then flesh out the individual responses and build a full characteristic understanding of an individual. You will deepen your perceptions and feelings of others and awaken the depth of your own intuition. The tangible proof of what you notice becomes undeniable and the reality of life unfolds in front of you. You will experience your loved ones, friends, those at work, people in the movies or on TV, the news, and those on the street, in a fascinating way you may never have noticed before. Your world will never be the same.

Face reading gives you the factual tools to be very accurate in your assessment of the individual in front of you. The potential of the personality is clearly etched in the face. The art of reading the potential characteristics of a personality is an exact science. The simplicity in the application of these principles gives the trained person the capacity to quickly assess a vast amount of information about the characteristics of the person observed. The Art of Reading a personality’s potential is an essential tool in this new millennium of communication and efficiency. The sensitivity for a deep understanding of each other brings a great deal of peace, co-operation, and success to all that we do in every area of our life.

The first impression we get of a person we’ve never met before is the most important. It’s like picking up the Sunday newspaper and looking at the headlines. It catches our interest and then we read the rest of the news in smaller print, one paragraph at a time, to get the details until the whole story unfolds. The overall shape of the head and face and the most prominent feature that jumps out and catches our attention first impresses us. The overall structure supports the rest of the characteristics. The face shape may be square and practical, oval (sensitive and flexible), rectangular (steadfast and ambitious), or round (easygoing and willing to please). A person’s most prominent feature may be their warm, large brown eyes, a prominent nose that may be a bit nosy, or thin, tight lips that find life tastes very bitter.

After taking note of these headlines, we start to study each paragraph of the news items. We look at the subject’s frame of mind indicated by the height and width of the forehead to note how broad and open-minded the person is. In profile and front-on, we notice the proportion and priorities the subject has on observation, memory, and imagination. We notice the shape, placement, and quality of the eyebrows to assess the degree of communication between their mental and emotional interaction. Their thickness, angle, and setting all have messages. Then we experience the special privilege of looking into the eyes, the windows to the heart of our existence. Their size, shape, angle, depth, and colour, all indicate our point of view and how we express or repress our inner world and interaction with the outer environment. The nose knows and shows how we have learned to project our personal identity. Stable and steadfast, sharp and exacting, or prominent and outgoing, the nose points to honesty, dependability, self-confidence, or strength. The degree of creativity, intuition, and sexual appeal is shown in the top lip; vocal expression is shown in the bottom lip. The width and depth of the jaw and chin shows the stability, vitality, determination, and capacity to carry through and support the expression of the above traits. Then we have the tell-tale lines etched into the face that tell us about the deeper feelings and habitual characteristics in the first few minutes as we come face to face.

The Art of Reading Faces gives one a wealth of information that is invaluable to a relationship, whether it is business or friendship. This first meeting can make all the difference in our interactions. Most situations in life do not give us the opportunity for written psychological tests. This opportunity is too important to be lost. We learn to make friends and understand our relationships better by the unspoken language of facing each other. As we improve our sense of discernment of a sales person, client, friend, or even ourselves, we have greater success in our interactions and transactions with others.

Rather than being driven by opinions and past experiences, utilize the tangible facts by reading what is staring you in the face and giving you all the information you need about the people in your life. Utilize this information to the fullest. The Art of Reading Faces puts you on the cutting edge of human communication and makes a difference in all that you do in your personal and professional life.

Carole Friesen is a Master Practitioner of Psychosomatic Therapy and Body Mind Analysis. She will be reading faces at the Body, Soul & Spirit Expo in Calgary, AB, on Sept. 17–19 and in Regina at the Natural Health Expo on Oct. 22–24. This fall Carole will be teaching “The Art of Reading Faces” Workshop in Regina, Lethbridge, Calgary, and Las Vegas. For details visit www.threeheartscompany.com.


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