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Volume 10 Issue 3
September/October 2004

The Art of Reading Faces
Deepening Your Perceptions and Feelings of Others

The Sweetness of Corn Cookin’

The Good Fats are as Important to Our Health as Vitamins

Rolfing® Structural Integration Integrating Body Movement and Function for Healing

Quantum-Touch® The Power to Heal Through Running Energy



Volume 10 Issue 3 — September/October 2004

The Art of Reading Faces
Deepening Your Perceptions and Feelings of Others

by Carole Friesen

The Art of Reading Faces provides us with a good opportunity to make our life more interesting and exciting. Face reading is the most natural thing we do. We unconsciously feel an attraction or a caution when confronted by someone new. Why not learn to recognise people consciously? We can then be more precise and get the best out of every situation. Face reading is designed to recognize the basics first. You then flesh out the individual responses and build a full characteristic understanding of an individual. You will deepen your perceptions and feelings of others and awaken the depth of your own intuition.

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The Sweetness of Corn Cookin’
by Paulette Millis

Corn is a grass that was domesticated and cultivated in the American continents, likely in the Andes and then as part of the Maya and Aztec civilizations. Maize, the proper name for corn, is a word of Indian origin. For many Indian civilizations corn was their basic food, as well as having religious significance. In Central and South American corn belts it was also used as currency and the husks were wrapped around tobacco to make simple cigars. It was also used as jewellery, building material, fuel, and to decorate temples, homes, ceramics, and toys. Calling corn a vegetable is an exclusively American practice and came about as the early settlers saw maize flourish while their former staple crop, wheat, failed. Corn is actually a grain, and the settlers found it to be more versatile than wheat as they could eat it fresh as a vegetable and dry as a grain. It was also easy to harvest by hand. Johnny Cake, Corn Muffins, Hush Puppies, and Corn Pudding are all American dishes made with corn.

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The Good Fats are as Important to Our Health as Vitamins
by Leonard Pigott, BA, BSA

Nowadays we are ever more aware of how diet affects our health. Most people are already making changes to regain or maintain their health. Yet it is puzzling that despite these changes, we are still struggling with health issues such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, and others. One of the missing pieces may be the fact that fatty acids ("the good fats") are as important to our health as vitamins. Fatty acids are a group of compounds found in our diet which, like vitamins, are vital to our health. It is unfortunate they have been given the name, “fatty acids," because the word fat has become a negative word in our dietary vocabulary. In essence, it should not be. The fatty acids are: linoleic, omega-3, and omega-6. Linoleic fatty acid is found in most grasses, and the ruminants (cows, sheep, buffalo, goats, and deer) that eat these grasses have bacteria in their stomachs which converts linoleic acid into conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Scientists are just now finding out that CLA is a very important compound in our diets.

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Rolfing® Structural Integration
Integrating Body Movement and Function for Healing

by Lina Behie, BSc

Imagine a breath that resonates from your heart out to your head, fingers, and toes; one that massages your organs, releases tension, and finds the edges of who you are. What would it be like to start with this free breath and systematically become organized from the ground up. That is, to have your pelvis balanced and supported over your feet; your ribcage would find a new ease with its presence over your pelvis. With that, your arms would be free for self expression and your head weightlessly taking in the sensations of your world. This is a Rolfing Structural Integration experience.

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The Power to Heal Through Running Energy

by Kathy Wilson

What is Quantum-Touch (QT)? I believe it is accurate to say it is the simplest method of energy work on the planet. From toddlers to seniors anyone can do it! The beauty of QT lies in its simplicity. It follows the KISS Theory: "Keep It Straightforward and Simple." Novices given the basic instruction, with no previous experience, achieve immediate and positive results. Healing professionals can take it and blend it with their offerings for accelerated success. Wonderfully, it amplifies the effectiveness of a wide spectrum of healing modalities such as: CranioSacral Therapy, Esoteric Healing, Massage, Chiropractic, Reiki, and Therapeutic Touch. In this modality individuals learn how to “Run Energy." Running Energy is a process which can be defined as, “linking body awareness to breathing." As a novice, professional chiropractor, physical therapist, massage practitioner, health-care professional, or someone stressed from daily living, this “running of energy” is something that works by helping yourself as you help others – “Give a healing; get a healing.”

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by Melva Armstrong

Another two months have slipped by quickly and here we are with our fall issue. The summer season for this year is almost gone and people are now busy harvesting the fruits of their labours. It is the time when we gather the food from the crops and celebrate our thankfulness for the bounty of the land. It is my favourite season of the year as I especially enjoy the cool autumn wind that gently brushes my cheeks when I go for my nightly walk. For me September has the feeling of a new beginning, much like January but without the extremely cold temperatures and snow.

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Natural Health Expo 2004 - Regina
Mantra: Sacared Sound for Healing, Creativity, and Spiritual Well-Being
The Miraculous Neem (Part 2)
News of Note
From Our Readers


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