Volume 11 Issue 1— May/June
by Melva Armstrong

Welcome to the Tenth Anniversary issue of WHOLifE Journal!
I find it hard to believe that ten years have passed since
I started this publication. These years have been filled
with many unique and diverse experiences, all of which have
made me a much stronger and more confident individual. Starting
one’s own business is not like eating a piece of cake,
as many who have undertaken such a task will know, and I
would say it was mostly my naïveté that allowed
me to begin such a project and to continue with it, especially
in the early years. I mean naïveté in a very
positive sense, for it was my total innocence and trust in
my inner voice that gave me the confidence to begin the journal
and the desire to keep doing it from issue to issue.
At the beginning of this undertaking I had known, through
my spiritual education, that when we ask questions we always
get answers, and every time I asked for help (guidance) it
would always come, and thus I felt I must be moving in an
appropriate direction, as there were no roadblocks. That
is how I approached things at the start and how I continue
to approach this work. At the beginning I believed, and I
still believe, that this journal had been created to serve
the people of Saskatchewan by providing information on the
abundant choices that are available in order for each individual
to fulfill a healthy and whole lifestyle. I also believe
there is a need to maintain a connecting link among all those
who have a common goal of good health and well-being, and
most importantly I believe that communication is a vital
element in our community’s growth and development.
For all these reasons, and more, I continue to do this work
and, in so-doing, I feel grateful and blessed.
Since 1995 I have noticed many positive changes in our Saskatchewan
wholistic community. Every day there seem to be more folks
waking up to the importance of taking responsibility for
their health and wellness and many of them are recognizing
the need to have balance in body, mind, and spirit. It is
exciting to see so many more people searching for natural
ways to keep themselves healthy and fit. It is also exciting
to see so many folks being educated in the various healing
fields and becoming practitioners in communities throughout
the province. Today there are massage therapists in nearly
every small town, as well as in the cities. There are health
foods stores in many small communities and a growing number
of dedicated organic farmers who are joyfully providing the
best food on the planet for us to eat. Thank you to all the
many folks who are part of our wholistic community and who
are helping to make our part of the world a healthier and
happier place.
I am grateful to all the advertisers who have supported WHOLifE
over the ten years. Without your contributions the journal
could not be published, so I thank you all from the bottom
of my heart. I also thank those who have contributed articles
and other editorial material that provide the journal’s
important educational element. My gratitude also goes to
the current and previous proofreaders, for their work is
vital to the high quality of all the material in the journal.
Thanks to those who deliver and distribute the journal, for
without this part of the process, they wouldn’t reach
you, the readers. I am blessed with talented print and website
designers who are part of an awesome design company. Working
with these folks fills my world with great joy. I also want
to thank the staff at the printers for their excellent work
in providing such a fine-quality finished product and thanks
to our fabulous accountant. Coordinating the process of each
issue is like putting the pieces of a jig-saw puzzle together.
When the last piece is in place I stand back and admire the
wonderful product and I feel extremely joyful.
We start our eleventh year with another
fine line-up of articles and advertisers. Our feature article, A
Traditional Knowledge
Keeper Awakens Spirit Through Stories by
Naomi Lepage, speaks of the healing power of traditional
where laughter is an important and vital part of awakening
the spirit within. What better way to start our new year
than with the precious gifts of stories and laughter!
May you enjoy all the gifts that are part of this issue
and may you share these gifts with all those you meet.
We enjoy
hearing from you so please remember to contact
us with
your thoughts and feelings about anything you
see in WHOLifE. We value your opinions and feedback.
May the blossoms of spring bring joy to your heart! Namaste!
(I honour the Spirit in you!)