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Volume 17 Issue 5
January/February 2012

The Occupy Movement: Right on Time!

Sweet Choices

Environmentally-conscious Youth Group Makes Garlic Self-Sufficiency Their Goal

Help for Your Children’s Vision

Trust Your Path

Restorative Justice Using Peacemaking Circles

Engaging the Sound of Forever


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 17 Issue 5 — January/February 2012
by Melva Armstrong

I am enjoying the new adventures of living on an acreage. It is a winter wonderland out here with lots of snow and tree branches hanging low with the extra weight on them. The sunsets and sunrises are fabulous as we can see for miles across the Assiniboine valley. The temperatures have been mild which allows for enjoyable walks in the woods and on the trails. The dogs especially love their walks as they dart from smell to smell checking everything out and then marking it. The quiet is what I cherish the most, as it allows me to connect with the nature spirits that soothe my soul and bring me closer to the oneness of all. There is also a wood-burning stove, so I have been chopping and carrying wood for it. As well, it has been fun learning how to use a snowblower and plough out a variety of walking paths through the deep snow. The wildlife is plentiful with lots of blue jays, evening and pine grossbeaks, chickadees, grackles, a couple of woodpeckers and other birds I haven’t identified yet at the feeder. I saw a cute little red fox walking through the yard one day and some white-tailed deer on another. I can hear the coyotes howling mostly at night, and have seen a couple of them during the day. I’m looking forward to seeing some moose and elk in January and February grazing on the pastures. I understand from the locals that there are bears and cougars in this area as well, so lots of adventures with wildlife. There are plenty of trees and woods here, as well as open fields, so a nice mix of scenery.

When I first arrived, there was a problem getting my older computer to work wirelessly but after much perseverance, it is now going strong using a smart-phone device. This modern technology is truly amazing—seven or eight computers can work off that one device at the same time.

Working on this issue was as easy as working from the city, but a lot quieter. It has been the usual fun connecting with all those who have contributed to this issue. We have lots of great information packed into these pages, so you can start your new-year reading by checking out the array of wholistic services and articles offered on these pages.

2011 was quite the year! Lots of unusual upheavals around the world and locally, as the planet undergoes the energetic shifts and changes that have been predicated for these times by the ancients and mystics. Last year saw a mass global consciousness played out in the Occupy Wall Street Movement, which morphed into a global Occupy Movement in numerous cities and towns around the planet, including many locations right here in Saskatchewan. In order to bring our readers a perspective from one involved in the Saskatoon movement, we have included Patti Gera’s article called The Occupy Movement: Right On Time! (p. 24). According to Gera, “The uprisings of 2011 are Creation’s resounding call for all of humanity to awaken to a new level of existence—one where we work together to co-create a world that works for all life.” I agree with her on this point. I trust that 2012 will unfold in miraculous ways and we will begin to live together in ways that will see the planet on a path to positive changes for many for years to come.

This issue’s articles cover a wide range of topics from Sweet Choices by Sandra Brandt (p.12), to Bridget Saraka’s Moving from Sad to Glad (p. 16) article, with feng shui tips for coping with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), to Help for Your Children’s Vision (p. 22) by Elizabeth Abraham, and then discovering that Forgiveness is An Inside Job (p. 38) by Barbara Ashley Phillips. Adding to these is Wendy Hiltz’s article Engaging the Sound of Forever (p. 40) where you can discover the healing powers of her ancient brass singing bowls, and to the question in Abe Brown’s article, In a Generally Selfish, Me-oriented Culture, Does Consistent Kindness Still Make Sense? (p. 42). Read about bringing organic farmers and chefs together in Dining with the Stars (p. 14) by Marion McBride and how an environmentally conscious Saskatoon youth group is growing garlic sustainably in Colour It Green! (p. 20). Plus, much more!

May you all have a bright and blessed new year, filled with peace, joy, love, laughter, good health, and abundance in all things!

Love to you all!

(The Spirit in me honours the Spirit in you)

Melva's signature

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