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Volume 18 Issue 2
July/August 2012

The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health

Yogurt and Kefir: Ancient Cultured Products

Access Consciousness™: Empowering people to know that they know

A Smile From the Heart

Scientists of all disciplines not valued and viewed as obstructionists

Earthing: Nature’s Anti-inflammatory

Eat Raw, Eat Well: 400 Raw, Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes


Access Consciousness™
Empowering people to know that they know

by Kelly Lee Tavson
Kelly Lee Tavson

Choice creates awareness… Question creates possibilities…
Where awareness and possibilities intersect… a new reality is born. —Gary Douglas

Have you always known something else was possible? What if you just found that “something else”?

The experience of a couple of Core Access classes left me speechless (yes, me, speechless! Hee hee!) and in awe, recalling descriptive words like “Awesome,” “Wow,” “Wow,” and more “Wow.” It opened me up to a Knowing and shifted my world and it made sense to me. How does it get any better than that and what else is possible?

The Core Access tools allow YOU to BE in a space to generate and create the life you are willing to choose and RECEIVE.

I know that some of you are probably thinking, “Yeah, right, heard that before” or “Been there, done that and got the T-shirt!” Well, I am so happy that I didn’t let my 20-plus years of spiritual superiority get in the way of the biggest gift of my life — ME! It is all about me, and life is so much more fun and exciting operating as a magnificent infinite eternal being, empowered to get out of my own way. Many of you have heard the phrase, “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” and now you can BE.

I am so excited, that I am dancing on water to be bringing you some of these tools for your life, so you can begin to fly. Gift yourself and start clearing out the limitations, belief systems, judgments, conclusions, thoughts, feelings, and emotions that keep you imprisoned, locked into the limited you, without choice and possibilities.

The basic explanation of Access Consciousness is that it was founded by Gary Douglas 25 years ago and is truly shifting people’s lives all over the world. It is based on the “Question,” and everything we do is about asking you questions so that each one of you can know what you know. There is no one on the planet that knows what you know! You are unique, and there is no one on the planet with your talents, gifts, and abilities. You are your own key to consciousness and a gift to the world.

Asking the questions allows you to unfold “Who you came to BE” and allows you to be your own spiritual authority.

What if every thought, feeling, belief, judgment, or everything we decided or concluded was just an interesting point of view? Our cognitive mind wants to conclude and limit us, where our innate being knows. If our cognitive mind could figure things out, wouldn’t we all have things figured out by now? So, if you are stuck in the mind and you think you have most things figured out, how is that working for you?

What if 98% of those thoughts, feelings, beliefs, judgments, and points-of-view were not yours to begin with? What if you are just the receiving antennae of the broadcast satellites of others and interpret it as yours? So, how can you change something that was not yours? Would you then generate and create a life filled with fun, excitement, passion, ease, joy, and glory? Where have you been making yourself wrong for not being ok with you? What if there is nothing wrong with you? What if you stopped changing yourself to just fit in?

Consciousness includes everything without judgment. The invitation of Access is to guide you to acknowledge you as the infinite being you truly are, and to allow you to generate, create, and maintain a life beyond the you that you think you are. It works… because you work!

The Access Consciousness processes are intricate questions specifically designed to go beyond your cognitive/logical mind to access the energy that you locked in place in the past that is creating the limitation today. Then we run what we call “The Clearing Statement” to unlock and unravel the limitations and change the energy.

The mantra of Access is “All of life comes to me with ease, joy, and glory!”

Ah, and what if truth makes you feel lighter and a lie will always make you feel heavier? We align/agree, resist/react, have positive/negative charges with people, things, beliefs, judgments, etc. and allow that into our systems/bodies which limit us and create tensions and even illness. What if all we had to do was to perceive, know, receive, and be?

Here are some questions for you to start to use in your daily life when anything shows up positive or negative, or when you choose to create more ease, joy, and glory. Start shifting into greater possibilities for You. What if asking the Questions makes the change to creating awareness, possibilities, and receiving?

Ask, “How does it get any better than this?™
What happens is it just gets better.
Ask, “What else is possible?”™
What happens is it opens the doorways of possibilities.
Ask, “Who does this belong to?” for every thought, feeling and emotion. Use this question for three days and you literally have a totally conscious experience of peace and space in your head.

The first class in Access is called Access Bars™. An easy technique that you learn in one day that has the ability to release all the accumulated limiting beliefs, feelings, and attitudes you’ve collected over the years. It offers you a tool kit to change anything. It is like deleting the old files from your computer or as simple as flushing a toilet. Having your Bars run regularly allows you to receive the benefits for your body and your life in a fast, profound way, and is a remarkable gift to you.

The Bars are 32 Bars of energy that run through and around your head. You touch the points gently and bars of energy are created. Some benefits of having the Bars run regularly are increase in energy, receiving, money, less mind chatter and stress, weight loss, more youthful appearance, faster recovery of injuries, more awareness of your abilities… and an expanding life. Getting my bars run gives me a sense of peace, spaciousness, more freedom and flexibility in my body, and an awesome energy high.

The technique can be used in conjunction with other modalities and in all areas of your life. No previous experience required.

Warning: May cause elevated joy, laughter, ease, and peace!
Now, how does it get any better than that?

Call or email Kelly Lee Tavson to have your Bars run or “What else is possible?,” and/or have an Access Bars class come to a location near you! Phone (306) 467-2301 or email: kltavson@gmail.com. Please see the display ad on this page to find Bars Practitioners in Saskatchewan. Check out www.accessconsciousness.com for the Clearing Statement, free gifts, and more information.


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