Empowered Women as Leaders and Coaches
by Abe Brown

A report by the Credit Suisse Research Institute drew data from 2,360 companies worldwide with market value of at least $10 Billion USD, and examined their boards of directors. Their research uncovered that companies with women on their boards outperformed companies with all-male boards over a six-year period between 2005 and 2011.
The numbers are impressive. For companies with women on their boards, share prices outperformed companies with all-male boards by 26% over the past six years. Net income among companies with women on their boards has grown an average of 14% a year, versus 10% income growth for all-male boards.
Coincidence? The report, highlighted by Bloomberg News, and The Globe and Mail’s David Berman, suggests not.
“Multiple academic studies have concluded that diverse corporate boards exercise more diligent oversight,” said Michelle Lamb, the author of the study, according to Bloomberg. “They have better attendance records than homogeneous boards, and they invest more effort in auditing when the complexity of the business warrants heightened scrutiny.”
The report also noted that women are more risk-adverse—a characteristic that has paid off well during the uncertainty and turbulence that followed the financial crisis.
I share this because of the profound impact that empowered women can have as leaders and coaches, both in the corporate space, and in the personal space. As a matter of fact, many of the most effective leaders and coaches in the personal and professional worlds are empowered women, and here’s why:
Empowered Women Nurture. In the world of leadership and coaching, the quality of nurturing is critical. Nurturing provides direction when there is confusion, offers healing when there is pain, supplies hope when there is despair, and offers strength when there is weakness. There is no doubt that without nurturing, even the most gifted among us struggles to reach our full potential. Marvin J. Ashton said it like this: “Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.” Empowered women are amazing as leaders and coaches because they gift us with nurturing.
Empowered Women Navigate. In the world of leadership and coaching, the ability to navigate is key. There is something in the essence of empowered women that allows them to navigate, lead, and provide direction, in both personal and professional contexts. When women step into their power as leaders and coaches, they have an amazing ability to find a way when the way is not clear, plot a course when the path seems dimly lit, and steer the ship through waters that are turbulent and rough. Empowered women are amazing as leaders and coaches because they steer us with navigation.
Empowered Women Negotiate. In the world of leadership and coaching, the capacity to negotiate is vital. Empowered women add value to their surroundings by seeking middle ground in the midst of extremes, searching for respect in the place of difference, and delivering agreement in the sphere of conflict. With empowered women who lead and coach, it is not about winning and conquering, but partnership and collaboration. It is about facilitation, supporting, and building capacity. Empowered women are remarkable as leaders and coaches because they enable us with negotiation.
Empowered Women Notice. In the world of leadership and coaching, the skill of noticing often goes unnoticed. Qualities like attention to detail, 360-degree awareness, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and accountability are attributes which empowered women who act as leaders and coaches often exhibit naturally. I love this very true quote by Betty Spence, who is the President of the National Association of Female Executives: “If Lehman Brothers had been Lehman Brothers and Sisters, we probably wouldn’t have had our financial meltdown.” Ouch, for all the men! But, oh so true! Empowered women, who are leaders and coaches in either the personal or professional fields, often have developed a heightened level of awareness and noticing. This empowers them to hold others accountable, and deal with issues when they are small, before they can become large.
Eleanor Roosevelt famously said this: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” As the Credit Suisse Research Institute report discovered, there is never a reason for empowered women to feel inferior or inadequate. All of us, as either women or men, have the opportunity to grow as leaders and coaches, and as we do, to make a positive difference in the world around us. Hone your skills as a leader and a coach, and be empowered to do your best!
Abe Brown is a Certified Master Coach Trainer, and has been coaching and helping people and organizations for 15+ years. He also trains and certifies people and organizations in the coaching process. For more info, take a look at www.certifiedcoachesfederation.com, or email: abe@momentumcoach.ca, or call toll free
1-866-455-2155. |