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Volume 19 Issue 5
January/February 2014

A Handful of Edible Remedies

Medicine of the Future

Chair Yoga

12 is Your Number for 2014

Social Media Savvy Can Increase Your Business Success

What is Spirit Medicine?

Soul Art: Spiritual Wisdom + Physical Embodiment = Powerful Transformation!


Social Media Savvy Can Increase Your Business Success
by Clara Penner
Clara Penner

When it comes to social media for business, just having a page up on Facebook or an account on Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest will not help you and your business if you do not know how to use them correctly. If you don’t have a plan or platform for your social media, you will not have success on them. Social media does not have to be hard to learn but you need the right tools and teacher. There is a lot to learn, but I want to assure you that even if you feel overwhelmed with it all, it can be very successful. Social media is worth your time—Facebook has one billion monthly active users, Twitter has 300 million—that is one heck of a tradeshow. You can clearly see that these are amazing tools with which to build your business locally and/or worldwide.

When you are building your social media platform, you should be building a community, so become consistent and interact with your online community. This is the number one thing that is done ineffectively when using social media for business and is essential to making a successful platform.

When you think of why people use social media, it is for entertainment, relaxation, and socialization. Knowing this is why users log into their accounts, it makes sense to provide content to attract the potential clients with what they are looking for. Eighty-three percent of your time on social media should be creating a content-rich community and 17% should be sharing your product or service. This is where so many people go wrong. Setting up your accounts should be like setting up your store front, only online, but still as important. What message are you sending out and what feeling do you want to have your potential client have when visiting your page? Are you building trust with your potential client? Your social media reflects who you are as a business owner and what your core values are as a company. It does not matter what kind of business you have created, I feel social media is a must nowadays. Your potential client will interview you by checking out your online information, so make sure when they do, you will get the job.

I have learned the hard way. I wrote and published my first book four years ago. When it was released, I had a whole social media presence set up for me. Great hey? Well, not so much… I had no idea how to use these different tools. As I travelled across Canada doing book events, I would look at my social media and all I could see was how I was failing my online followers. My social media was not representing what my passion was, or what my book was about, and not adding value into my client’s life, such as things I was saying in my speaking engagements. I hired many gurus to help and not only was it costly but I ended up with the same results. Not knowing what to do, I chose to take many social media programs and learn this myself. That was the best thing I ever did. Who is the best person to represent my company but me. Things changed when I created an amazing platform, suddenly it all made sense and was easy.

My passion is to help entrepreneurs achieve ultimate success, so I set out to share with as many business owners as I could this social media method, so every person could create an amazing social media platform. I am offering a powerful and complete two-day workshop that will teach people how to create a clear message, an amazing social media and online marketing platform ready for you to implement by the end of the workshop. You will be ready to increase clients and cash flow into your business! No matter where your social media is at the moment, this workshop will help every business and every level of social media understanding. These workshops are available live and online. If you are interested in purchasing the online social media program, or attending or hosting a social media workshop, please contact me.

I will leave you with this thought—if someone came across your social media platform, what would it say about your business? Would they feel encouraged and inspired? Would they feel a sense of community and hope? Would they feel like you just want their money?

Clara Penner is an author, speaker, EFT expert, business success coach, and social media success coach. Her passion is to help entrepreneurs achieve ultimate success. She lives in Medicine Hat, Alberta, with her husband, two children, and two dogs. To contact her, email: clara@clarapenner.ca, phone 403-594-3148, and/or visit www.thebigdream.ca.


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