Reconnective Healing: A New Level of Healing
by Marilyn Osecap

Most people in our province probably have not heard of Reconnective Healing (RH)—even with over 100,000 practitioners worldwide, solid scientific research to back it, and VIPs like Deepak Chopra singing its praises—it’s still healthcare’s best-kept secret.
When trying to explain what Reconnective Healing is, somehow it’s easier to explain what it’s not. It’s not a modality nor a method, it’s not a treatment nor a therapy, it does not diagnose, and the practitioner’s hands have no need to physically touch the person.
“It is accessing a comprehensive spectrum of frequencies that live in a scientific field that we are all a part of. Keeping the practitioner free from his/her own preconceived notions and beliefs while facilitating a healing is key to how well Reconnective Healing works,” adds Dr. Eric Pearl, its founder. The benefits of RH are measurable and significant. Reports include healings from cancers, cerebral palsy, AIDS-related diseases, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, heart disease, anxiety, depression, autoimmune diseases, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
As the emerging field of energy healthcare continues to take shape, most will agree that Reconnective Healing is clearly in the forefront and a cut above the rest. So what exactly is Reconnective Healing and how does it work? Here are six things you need to know:
- It utilizes a spectrum of energy, light, and information frequencies. Science knows we are all made out of energy, and we are finally understanding how frequency and vibration are the way everything communicates at a quantum level. The practitioner works as a catalyst that allows the healing to take place, the universe and the client are experiencing what may seem like a sort of conversation at an invisible level—although most people do report feeling and seeing interesting energy effects and sensations.
- It effects positive changes to your DNA. In both lab experiments and in the field, human DNA exposed to Reconnective Healing repairs and restructures (reconnects) itself into a more harmonic state. How is this possible? To be honest, no one is really quite sure how. “What we do know is that it actually speeds up the restructuring of damaged DNA faster than any energy healing technique,” explains Dr. Pearl.
- It works just as well over long distances. Perhaps another example of how similar it behaves to what has been observed in the quantum energy field, a Reconnective Healing can take place miles or even continents away from where the practitioner is facilitating it! Typically, people receiving RH from a distance report that the energy they perceive is very strong, or even feel that the practitioner is standing in the room with them. “This may be an effect of entrainment—that’s when two particles start vibrating at the same rate. Being a multi-dimensional–based discipline, the frequencies that enable the healing to take place probably do not recognize time or space as constraints.”
- A single session may be all you need. RH can help bring about lasting, permanent change after just one session, and unlike prescription treatments and therapies, this type of energy healing allows the person receiving it to decide if and when they want to have another session. Follow-up visits are not mandated unless you want them. We suggest a maximum of three sessions, and then allowing yourself to become aware of anything different in your life, on any and all levels—mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, in relationships, at home, at work, at the grocery store, with pets, etc. The healing is continuing to unfold on its own.
- It’s different from traditional energy healing modalities. Reconnective Healing is different than the “techniques” of traditional energy healing because they access only a limited range of energy. In contrast, RH takes us beyond the techniques into the full spectrum of energy, light, and information. Instead of looking for a problem and trying to fix it with a “technique,” we can totally transcend the diagnosis. The gift of RH is that it tends to last for the lifetime of the person and is often fairly instantaneous.
- Being proven by science. The evidence is in the scientific studies showing the effects on heart waves, brain waves, and gamma waves. There is a transformation that takes place once you interact with this new, all-encompassing spectrum of healing frequencies. Something changes in the tissues and even in our DNA.
While science continues to explore how it works, RH has been confirmed and documented in more than a dozen international studies. When its frequencies entrain with our energy body, we emit and vibrate at a higher level of light. This has been shown to restructure our DNA, resulting in the emission of measurably higher levels of bio-photonic light. Stanford Professor Emeritus Dr. William Tiller says, “When information carried through the Reconnective Healing frequencies is introduced, it creates coherence and order. In other words, greater harmony and balance within us.”
I am a Cree woman from the Moosomin First Nation and a third generation healer. I originally began to explore holistic and natural healing in 2011 solely for my own health and well-being. I discovered that many of the beliefs and practices I found while studying holistic health and spirituality were similar to those found within my own culture. I was eager to learn more and began to practice some traditional energy healing modalities, but my intuition told me there had to be something more.
While on a spiritual tour in Peru, I came across information on Reconnective Healing, and upon my return home to Canada, began research. What I discovered, was exactly what I’d been searching for and immediately began to study it. I have since been very eager to share this healing with others.
Marilyn Osecap would be deeply honoured to support your personal empowerment and healing experience, either in-person or she is available for distance healings as well. Give her a call in Saskatoon to book your appointment at (306) 380-3299, email, and/or visit Also, see the Directory of Services ad on page 19 of the 22.6 March/April issue of the WHOLifE Journal. |