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Volume 8 Issue 3
September/October 2002

Transformational Travel
The Ultimate Teacher

Let's Eat Flax!

Applied Ecopsychology

Bringing Spiritual Healing into the Realm of Political Violence


Volume 8 Issue 3 - September/October 2002
by Melva Armstrong

Mother Nature certainly showed us her power and diversity on the prairies during the summer. First there was no rain causing draught and then there was lots of rain causing floods, then heat waves occurred followed by snow and several frosty nights. Could these crazy weather patterns be warnings for us? We have all heard about global warming and the greenhouse effects that are caused by pollutants and toxins emitted into our environment, so could these unusual weather patterns be another sign for us to pay attention to how we treat ourselves and our planet?

I heard an environmental scientist on the news tonight telling us that no country in the world is immune from what is going on in other parts of our planet. If there is pollution being emitted into the air in Asia, for example, then the effects of that will eventually reach Canada and the rest of the world. We are a global family and when anyone allows toxins and pollutants to spew out into the air, which is required to sustain life, then those people are committing a crime against humanity. It is also the law of karma - what you put out you get back. I believe that’s what happening on our earth today. The people of our world have been pouring all sorts of toxins into our air and our water ways for years and the polluting effects of our choices are now coming back to haunt us. It’s inevitable.

On the brighter side there are many folks in our world working for global change — for cleaner, healthier air and water, for preserving our natural habitats, for world peace, and for a more conscious way of thinking so we realize we are all one on this planet. Bravo to all you dear souls who are of this caring consciousness! We are grateful to you and we honour your work and your courage in helping maintain the beauty of our planet and all life upon it.

I encourage everyone in our world to truly take steps to help preserve and maintain the natural beauty of our world and to help us all learn to live in harmony with Mother Nature and with each other. I truly appreciate the way Jan Kindred, in her Applied Ecopsychology article (p. 24), so accurately describes our connection to nature and our dependence on it for our survival: "… [The] Earth is a living system and human beings are interconnected to ALL life on the planet. This interconnection suggests that Earth’s problems and humanity’s problems cannot be resolved unless we acknowledge this connection and seek to establish a healthy relationship between the two." Let us aim for this!

Maureen Latta, who has a similar earth-care viewpoint to that of Kindred, writes in her Natural Reflections article (p. 30) of how the cycle of destruction on earth is perpetuated from generation to generation and she points out, "Until people begin to deal with the cycle of political violence in new ways, the ravaging of the environment that always accompanies war will continue." On an encouraging note she adds, "When we bring our understanding of spiritual healing into the political realm, we will see and respond to political challenges from a different place, a place of wisdom." I pray for this!

If you love our planet and appreciate and honour its beauty and power then you will likely want to travel and explore it. Before you make your plans be sure to read Karyn Alexander’s Transformational Travel article (p. 16). It will have you looking at travel from many new perspectives - a heroic quest, setting an intention, exploring sacred sites, experiencing the spirit of retreat, and respecting the earth and its inhabitants through responsible travel. Check out the Credo of the Peaceful Traveller (p. 17) — it is very heart-warming. Cathy Fenwick, in Cathy Asks (p. 12), has been writing a series of articles based on her pilgrimage in 2000 to England and Europe. In this issue she writes about her visit to Avebury, a 6000 year old sacred site in Britain. Cathy’s journal writings are educational, uplifting, and inspiring — a true testament to Karyn Alexander’s point that, "Travel has been called the ultimate teacher." Having done much travelling myself I totally agree.

I trust you will all have a delicious and joyful September and October soaking up the energy and warmth of the last days of summer and finding delight in the magical transformation of one season turning into the next.

Blessed be!

(I honour the Spirit in you!)

Melva's signature

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