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Volume 8 Issue 4
November/December 2002

Celebrating Life!

A Wok on the Wild Side with Wild Rice!

Living My Passion!

Natural Reflections


Editorial Volume 8 Issue 4 - November/December 2002
by Melva Armstrong

Celebrating Life! What empowering words! That's what we are meant to do here on earth and yet many of us get caught up in our daily tasks and the busyness of work and we often forget to "make" time to celebrate life. With all the changes that are occurring in our world these days it is often hard to know how to cope with everything, so we've included a comforting and uplifting article called Celebrating Life (p. 16) by well-known author and educator, Tanis Helliwell. She says, "We are moving towards becoming conscious creators at the same time as the planet is moving increasingly towards consciousness." Because of what's happening to all of us in these rapidly changing times she suggests that "we must be able to rise to a celebration of life in all its various forms. So we need to cut down on the volume of work we are doing and return to our centre to nourish ourselves and others in a kind and gentle way, while trusting the universe to provide the time and opportunities that we need for growth." She feels it's "A call to deepen and do less." I totally agree with her and I think that's the direction in which a lot of us are moving, so I say, "Hallelujah!"

I am often struck by the large amount of violent and negative content we get in Canadian news reports about our American neighbours and how seldom we hear of positive activities going on in their country. So when I read the interview article, Dennis Kucinich: The Visionary US Congressman (p. 14), in a recent issue of a Los Angeles complementary health publication, I felt moved to share it with our readers so you are aware of some positive political and spiritual activities in the US. According to the interviewer, Paul Andrews, Congressman Kucinich "has high hopes for humanity, and is outspoken in a way that few others in Congress are." The part in the article that gave me the most hope for our planet is that Mr. Kucinich "is notable for his proposal to create a Department of Peace." This totally excited me, and not only that he is going to be making a number of appearances with well-known American author and spiritual teacher, Marianne Williamson, who is one of my beloved teachers. So I feel that the combination of these two positive forces working together in America for the good of all will have profound effects on the future of their country, which in turn will positively affect all countries and all people. I say, "Bravo!" to these two modern-day visionaries. May their work for humanity continue to grow and unfold in miraculous ways.

In Maureen Latta's Natural Reflections column (p. 30) she says, "We are more than ready for a leap in evolution." I believe this is true. She says we are at a time in humanity when we can either totally destroy ourselves and our planet or we can evolve to a higher level of consciousness. On the positive side she points out that "there are many people and organizations devoting themselves to closing this gap." She adds, this is called the "conscious evolution" and that "everyone can play a part because it involves the subtle but thrilling task of re-making the mind." I say, "Thank you and Blessed be!" to all the folks on the planet who are part of this conscious awakening.

If you've been following Cathy Fenwick's Pilgrim's Journal (p. 12), in this issue you'll find her sitting in a lovely English garden in London where she asks herself, "Where did all this begin?" She jots down the names of some creation stories she has learned in the past and then decides to write a creation story of her own. It is one I think you'll truly appreciate and enjoy.

In this issue Paulette Millis has decided to go for A Wok on the Wild Side with Wild Rice! (p. 8). Not only is this a wonderfully nutritious and delicious food, it is grown right here in Saskatchewan. I was surprised to learn that, "half a cup of cooked wild rice has only 65 calories!" Check it out, there are lots of great recipes to try.

December 21st will be a time to celebrate the return of the light – a time of en-light-enment, a time of peace, a time of joy, a time of singing and dancing, and a time to acknowledge what great love there is in everyone. May we all join together in love and light and gratitude!

(I honour the Divinity in you!)

Melva's signature

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