Volume 9 Issue 4 — November/December
by Melva Armstrong
After reading Paulette Millis’s article, Why
Choose ORGANIC Poultry? (p. 8), I shuddered at remembering
the many times I’ve eaten non-organic poultry, not to
mention my upset at the inhumane treatment of the birds. The
facts she presents about commercially-raised chickens are
downright scary and deplorable: they are fed antibiotics,
artificial growth hormones, and GE foods such as soy; reports
show that salmonella contamination is on the increase due
to the way chickens are raised, the crowding, and the stress;
“fecal soup” is created when thousands of dirty
chickens are bathed together in a chill tank which spreads
contamination from bird to bird; in many instances the chickens
are kept in wire cages where each bird has 64 square inches,
and de-beaking practices are used for maximum production;
and what about the pollution of groundwater where large poultry
operations exist? Are you convinced yet to switch to organic?
When you read the article it will make you think twice. As
usual, Paulette provides tips about buying, cooking, and storing
organic poultry along with her usual nutritional and medicinal
information and some fabulous recipes.
Wanting to live a healthy lifestyle is not an easy task.
One has to be vigilant about everything one does and be willing
to read lots and become very educated – I don’t
mean academically, I mean practically. This all takes time
and effort but what is time for, if not to be used for our
betterment? Are we not all here on this earth to become better
human beings? Unfortunately a great portion of our society
has bought into the “quick fix” mentality for
everything from health, to nourishment, to aging. I don’t
believe life was meant to be sped up or “fixed-up”
quickly; I believe it was meant to be naturally flowing and
graceful. The good news is that it is never too late to learn
and change, and the tough news is that it is not as simple
as saying or thinking these words. It is a matter of living
each moment of each day in awareness and applying what we’ve
learned. If our goal is good health, peace, prosperity, and
happiness, then it takes discipline and dedication to achieve
these things. They don’t happen magically, they are
Fortunately for all of us living in Saskatchewan we are
surrounded by a wealth of knowledgeable and like-minded folks
who believe in helping each other become the best we can be.
One of the greatest gifts I receive from doing this work is
meeting and keeping in touch with plenty of these folks every
day, so I know first-hand how blessed we are in this province.
We have fabulous communities of people in every square mile
of Saskatchewan who are ready, willing, and able to help others
and themselves grow and prosper in a whole and balanced way.
My dream is that every individual will continue to gently
grow and evolve, each on her and his own path of enlightenment,
and as we do so we will positively affect all those around
us in a most wonderfully contagious way. There are no accidents
who we meet on our paths, so look around yourself and know
that at every moment there are mighty companions by your side
who are there to support you on your life’s journey.
Just ask and “Ye shall receive.”
You may have noticed that WHOLifE Journal has some new folks
putting the design of it together. We are blessed to have
Cheryl McDougall and Perry Van Dongen from St. Solo Computer
Graphics Inc. doing our print design and website design respectively.
Perry started with our Sept/Oct’03 issue and Cheryl
with the Nov/Dec’03. We would like to wholeheartedly
thank Ed Pas of Spiral Dragon Art and Design for three awesome
years of work as WHOLifE’s print and website designer.
Ed and his wife, Lia Pas, and their son left Canada last July
and have embarked upon some new world-wide adventures. We
trust they will find great joy and fulfillment along the way.
We also want to thank Cheryl Zamora for her design work on
our Sept/Oct’03 print journal.
I would like to wish you all a Christmas holiday season
full of joy, peace, love, and a heart connection with all
beings on the Earth. For me this is a special time to remember
the birth and, in essence, the life of a famous human being,
Jesus of Nazareth, who, in his lifetime, truly learned the
meaning of love and who gave humanity the gift of forgiveness.
May we always be forgiving.
From my heart,
(I honour the Spirit in you!)