Holistic Intuition
Tapping Into the Gifts of Your Subconscious
by John Living
Have you ever felt “something is not right,” and,
forewarned, avoided a problem? Have you lost something and
then thought, “It is there!” (in an unexpected
place) and so looked and found it? Have you felt apprehensive
before eating something, eaten it, and had a stomach ache?
Sometimes when we meet a person we move forward in our body
(attraction) or bend backwards slightly to get away (something
undesirable). Usually we recognize our intuition only when
an especially important message is received, such as not
feeling “good” about a person or situation, or
we get an impulse to take a particular action.
There have been a number of well publicized cases when a
person has felt that a particular flight or journey was “not
good” and so cancelled or changed their reservation—and
avoided death or serious injury when their original plane
or train crashed. Mothers are well-known to have special “connections” to
a baby—automatically knowing if their child is in trouble
and racing to prevent a tragedy.
How Does Intuition Work? Some people are gifted by having
a natural ability to “see things” or “hear
messages.” Intuition also works by using our nervous-muscular
system and by manipulating our normal five senses—seeing,
hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. In most of us these
skills are dormant—but we all have the potential to
improve our abilities. This is easiest when we first identify
the intuitive method that suits us best.
When we ask our intuition for help on a particular subject,
we can also define that “all that we see” in
the next few minutes has a meaning relating to that subject.
We will still see the same views as would have otherwise
been seen. but our sight now may emphasize certain shapes,
colours, contrasts, or even objects. You can ask a question
and then check: How do I feel? What am I thinking now? What
taste is in my mouth? What am I smelling? What am I seeing
first when I close and then open my eyes? Write down the
first thing that comes to mind when you think of a place,
person, colour, time, town, river, food, weapon, fear, or
You may walk down the street and notice a particular colour,
shape, or object; perhaps certain flowers in a garden “call” to
you; or your attention may focus on something in a shop window.
Yes, all these things were there before but your intuition
is drawing your attention to them to “get a message
across.” Then we have to “make sense” of
these impressions. It helps to ask for further clarification,
and a thought may “pop” into your mind. Now,
that “first thought” is probably from your intuition
and should be taken seriously; any second thoughts are likely
to be from your logical mind and may best be disregarded.
When you get an unexpected letter hold it to your forehead
and then to your heart—notice how your senses change,
the impression that you get. You may learn much about the
writer, his or her current mood, and the contents of the
letter. When the telephone rings, “guess” who
it might be, and the reason for the call. As you practice
you will find that your “guessing” becomes more
accurate. You can even make others call you—if you “will” that
a person calls you, often the telephone will ring in a few
minutes and it is that person on the line.
Now, consider you are going to meet a person for the first
time. “Walk a mile in my moccasins” is a well-known
phrase that means, be like that person to better understand
him. So imagine that you are that person now! What do you
feel? Think? Want? Are there any strong emotions? Even imagine
what they look like. You will be fascinated by the accuracy
of your impressions.
Many therapists and medical professionals now test a person’s
arm strength to check if a particular part of a patient’s
body is operating correctly—this is called Kinesiology.
They are feeling the response given by the patient’s
nervous-muscular system as an aid to their diagnosis of a
patient’s problem. You do not need another person in
order to do this—you can train your own nervous-muscular
system to give you answers directly. This is a simple way
of accessing your intuition “On Demand” to get “Yes” or “No” answers.
Simply teach your Sub-Conscious Self the signals that you
want to use, and their meaning! Lean your body forward slightly
and explain, ‘“This (leaning forward) is a signal
for Yes”; now ask that “Yes” be indicated,
and your body should lean forward. If you do not succeed
the first time, repeat this lesson until you have success.
Now lean back slightly, explaining that, “This (leaning
back) is the signal for No,” and teach this signal
in the same way. Practice these by holding various items
in your hand and asking your Heart, “Is this good for
me to consume?”
If you have lost your glasses (purse, ring, etc.) then close
your eyes, ask your Heart, “Please show me where to
look in order to find my glasses, etc.,” and turn around
until you “get a sense” to open your eyes—and
look exactly where your eyes are focussed when you open them.
It helps when doing this to create a picture in your mind
of what you seek, so as to present a clear and precise image
of the item. If your glasses are lost, picture them as spectacles—otherwise
you may find your eyes focussed on drinking glasses! You
can reinforce this “tuning” by holding a sample
of it in your hand—such as a photograph, clothing,
or piece of hair from a missing person, or a lump of gold,
if you are prospecting!
Amplifying Our Intuitive Responses
If we consider our Mind-Brain-Heart-Body team to be like
a radio, the sound from an earphone is weak but when we attach
a loudspeaker we hear the message “loud and clear.” In
the same way we can train our own nervous-muscular system
to be like the wires connecting the radio (the intuitive part of our thinking team) to a loudspeaker (a tool that
magnifies the nervous-muscular signal so we can be more aware
of the signal given). Many ladies have used a needle on a
thread, like a pendulum, to check if the baby will be a boy
or a girl. Men tend to prefer using their “pipe-finding
tool” (the “L” rod) or a forked stick (historically
preferred for locating wells) as a tool for accessing their
intuition. The number of people who use tools to access their
intuition “On Demand” is far greater than those
who are skilled in clairvoyance or clairaudience! It is so
easy to learn!
John Living, P. Eng., is the Executive Secretary of the
Holistic Intuition Society, R. R. #1, S-9, C-6, Galiano Island,
BC V0N 1P0. Telephone (250) 539-5807 or toll free (Canada & USA)
1-866-369-7464, email: jliving@direct.ca, website: www.in2it.ca.
Also see the display ad on this page for the annual Power
of Thought Convention July 23-25. |