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Volume 10 Issue 2
July/August 2004

Yum! Yum! Yum! Strawberries!

Raindrop Technique™
Powerful Healing with Essential Oils

Self Regulation Therapy©
A Mind-Body Approach to Healing Symptoms of Trauma and Stress
An Interview with Dr. Lynne Zettl

Oil-free Travel
Why Not Start Now?

Holistic Intuition
Tapping Into the Gifts of Your Subconscious


Volume 10 Issue 2 — July/August 2004
Melva Armstrong by Melva Armstrong

Welcome to our July-August 2004 issue! Once again the journal is packed full of fantastic articles and incredible advertising. I had a friend tell me recently that she reads all the advertising, as well as all the articles because she feels that everything inside the journal is interesting. She added, “And I don’t believe there are any other newspapers or magazines about which I feel the same.” I think her comments speak volumes for the fine quality of material that is published in WHOLifE and, in that respect, I would like to direct her praise to all those, not merely myself, who contribute to the journal in every aspect of it because it is the sum total of every individual’s contribution that makes the journal what it is. My part is simply to gather the material together and make sure everything gets done so that you have the wonderful finished product to read and benefit from every two months. I see it as a communal endeavour. I must also tell you that my experience of working on each issue is rather intriguing—it is as though there is something that guides the whole process and magically makes it all unfold in the perfect right order. I don’t always recognize this in the midst of the process but, in hindsight, I usually see that each issue is all perfectly coordinated.

Sometimes I feel like a broken record when I tell you in almost every editorial how very blessed I feel doing this work, and the truth is I am very blessed doing this work. I want you to know that and that’s why I keep saying it. I meet the most wonderful folks and I truly enjoy my interactions with all of them. Like me they are individuals who love what they do so we can relate to each other’s work ethic and, most importantly, we have the same common philosophy—to love ourselves and others, and to help the world be a better place. This is everyone’s gift to life!

I especially find it a real joy to meet people who are just starting their new careers in this wellness field. It is heartwarming and priceless to watch them grow and evolve with excitement in their voices and joy on their faces. It is like watching a young child who is finally able to ride a two-wheel bike without training wheels—they are thrilled and excited about their great accomplishment at finally doing it on their own and they can’t wait to do more. It is the thrill of standing next to people who are in their joy, because they are doing things they love and that excite them, that is so precious and beautiful, and so contagious. That’s what life is meant to be and that’s the kind of people I meet through WHOLifE Journal, so it is no accident that I enjoy my work.

I have observed over the years that the quality and quantity of work that is being done in the wholistic health field is growing with every new day, and it seems to me that the people who are involved in any natural healing and health care business are usually thinking along the same lines. In that sense I believe these like-minded folks are creating a positive and necessary effect on how our world and the people in it are unfolding. I also believe this joining of like minds is of vital importance at this time in history, as the world is undergoing great upheaval and evolutionary changes and it needs the combined positive life-energy force of all those who believe in “the good of all” to provide that necessary balancing energy. I am sure that is why so many more individuals are being guided to take up new careers in the world of wholistic health and wellness, for as the chaos and upheaval increases there is a need for an equal and opposite calming and healing force, and they are the ones providing that balance. Thank God!

In creating this issue I would especially like to thank Debra Boyle, President and Founder of Pro Organics (www.proorganics.com), and photographer Stephen Edgar (www.stephenjedgar.com), for their kind generosity, as well as their time and energy, in making it possible to have the attractive front cover photo of Debra holding freshly picked certified organic strawberries from the fields of the Welsh Family Farms in Scotland, Ontario. Your gifts are gratefully appreciated. Pro Organics has been Canada’s leading distributor of organic fresh food for 14 years, representing over 500 certified organic farms world-wide.

May your summer days be filled with love and light!

(I honour the Spirit in you!)

Melva's signature

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