Volume 11 Issue 4—November/December
by Melva Armstrong
I know you are all very healthy individuals, however we
occasionally succumb to cold and flu germs, and particularly
so at this time of year. Because there are many natural ways
to help ease the pain and speed up the recovery process,
we have included Klaus Ferlow’s Cold & Flu Busters:
The Natural Approach article (p. 12) which offers a wide
variety of natural healing remedies based on many of his
own personal experiences. He emphasizes that one’s
diet is the most crucial aspect in keeping healthy and, no
surprise, he recommends avoiding “junk food”.
Instead he suggests trying such things as rose hip tea, garlic,
chicken noodle soup, and raw fruit and vegetable juices.
This article is absolutely chalk full of tips on how to get
healthy and stay healthy—a must read for all!
In light of the continuous rise of cancer, and in particular
breast cancer, in our world, we felt it extremely important
to include an excellent article titled, Getting
Pro-Active on Breast Health (p. 10), by Dr. Jacqui
Fleury, a naturopathic doctor in Saskatoon who has been active
for many years in
helping educate folks on how to be healthy, with particular
emphasis on breast health. In her article she provides some
guidelines to help maintain a healthy body and healthy breasts,
from dietary changes to breast self-examination to how to
practice self-nurturance. Dr. Fleury is also an advocate
of breast thermography, a non-invasive method of screening
changes in breast tissue, in women and men, using a digital
infrared camera and a sophisticated computer program. In
November, Dr. Fleury will be hosting some breast thermography
clinics in Saskatchewan, so if you are interested please
see the display ad on page 11 for details.
Keeping our bodies healthy is also dependent on maintaining
a healthy environment—in particular the air, the water,
and the soil in which our food grows. These are three natural
resources that need to be sound in order to keep all of us
healthy and, as we hear every day from various studies and
reports, they are rapidly deteriorating. With great concern
for our declining environmental situation, farmer and rancher
Leonard Pigott has been busy looking for solutions to restore
our resources to their natural state and he has discovered
a “wholistic” approach to which he introduces
us in his article, Holistic
Management—Restoring Vitality
to Our Natural Resources (p. 16). After reading Leonard’s
article I couldn’t help but get a delightful zen-like
impression of holistic management, because it seems to encourage
individuals to be mindful about who we are and how we are
all interconnected with each other and with the environment,
and that we are all better served when we become aware of
our oneness with the whole. Furthermore, Leonard is a registered
HM educator and is available to share his knowledge and expertise.
With the use of natural health care resources on the rise
in Canada, it is a good time to bring to your attention the
importance of our federal government’s Bill C-420,
as described by Dr. Heather Fox in her article, Personal
Health Choice for Canadian Consumers (p. 14). This bill is
recommending the establishment of a third class—not
food, not drugs—of regulatory products that would include
natural health products and would provide assurance that
these products would not disappear and would therefore offer
Canadians a greater freedom of choice in personal health
care. If you wish to learn more and/or to have your voice
heard on this matter there is contact information at the
end of the article.
Regular columnist and nutritional consultant Paulette Millis
has provided another information-packed article titled, Beets!
Beets! Beets! (p. 8). Although the redness of the beet often
limits its versatility, it is nevertheless filled with lots
of great nutrients and should be included in your meal plans
on a regular basis. I guarantee this won’t be a problem
when you see all the great recipes that Paulette has included.
Professional astrologer Samantha Kane-Kennedy has written
a new article titled, Everything
That Happens in Life Has a Purpose (p. 24), in which she gently reminds us there is
a reason for everything in our lives, whether we like it
or not. And you may or may not agree with Donald Sutherland’s
article, Is Mankind on the
Edge of the Cliff? (p. 30), but
he does give us food for thought on what is happening with
the human activity on our planet.
May love and laughter fill every day of your life to the
fullest and may you have a happy and blessed holiday season!
(I honour the Spirit in you!)