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Volume 11 Issue 4
Nov/December 2005

Holistic Management
Restoring Vitality to Our Natural Resources

Beets! Beets! Beets!

Getting Pro-Active on Breast Health

Cold & Flu Busters: The Natural Approach

Everything That Happens In Life Has a Purpose



Volume 11 Issue 4—November/December 2005

The current issue Holistic Management
Restoring Vitality to Our Natural Resources

by Leonard Pigott

In a nutshell, Holistic Management is concerned about the deterioration of our resources (air, soil, and water). We cannot eat the fish out of many of our lakes and rivers; we have to be cautious of our exposure to the sun's rays as a result of our damaged air; the worst of all is the deterioration of our soil from water and wind erosion due to farming methods. Holistic Management offers a solution to restore vitality to our resources.

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Beets! Beets! Beets!
by Paulette Millis

Beets are a member of the same family as Swiss chard and spinach. They have been cultivated since the 3rd or 4th Century, BC, and were used only for medicinal purposes. The edible beet root we know today was unknown. In 1810 the beet began to be cultivated for sugar in France and Germany, and it was known that one variety was grown in the US in 1806. Sugar beets are yellowish-white and are widely cultivated in Canada. The garden beet ranges from purplish-red to bright vermilion to white but most common is red. This red is so penetrating that we have come to use the term "red as a beet". Of course this redness also limits the use of the beet, despite its pleasant sweet taste and firm texture, because everything it touches turns red! For example, ordinary “Hash“ becomes “Red Flannel Hash“ when beets are added. It really is too bad that beets can’t keep their colour to themselves as they would be so much more versatile.

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Getting Pro-Active on Breast Health
Dr. Jacqui Fleury, ND, Naturopathic Doctor

It seems we have all been touched by breast cancer – either a friend, a relative, or personally. Breast cancer awareness is on the minds of many of us especially at this time of year, when extra attention is drawn to the current recommendations of breast self-exam, physical exam from a skilled physician, and screening mammography as a means of early detection, since statistics show better outcomes when cancer is detected early. However, early detection is only one piece of the complex puzzle of cancer. Breast cancer incidence is on the rise, and everywhere we turn we see evidence of this, either in the media or in our personal lives. In addition to early detection, it is worth exploring prevention strategies that help to empower women and reconnect them to their bodies and breasts.

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Cold & Flu Busters: The Natural Approach
by Klaus Ferlow

There are as many theories of how people get colds and flu as there are treatments. When our immune systems are compromised it is a challenge to fight these dreadful illnesses. Colds cause clogged and runny noses, sneezing, sore throats, and often dry coughs. They will cause a variety of symptoms in different people, even if infected with the same virus. Flu symptoms are much more severe and will cause high fever and chills, a feeling of exhaustion, and the whole body may ache. This includes headaches, backaches, and sore muscles. Flu viruses are stronger, more infectious, and more harmful than colds. But whichever one you may be plagued with there are natural alternatives to prevent and manage them. One of the key considerations is to strengthen your immune system. The following suggestions will help to give you an overview of the natural supports that are available without any harmful and negative side effects.

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Everything That Happens In Life Has a Purpose
by Samantha Kane-Kennedy

My spiritual quest dates back farther than my astrological and tarot experience. For over forty years I have, like Abraxas, sought the truth in many of its various forms and formats. Having the privilege to interpret people’s life charts I have charted the experience of thousands of charts. I have explored these, weaving the tapestries of past lives and soul development into present day purpose. But it is through my own personal experience, taking the inward investigation to its maximum, that I have discovered the liberating fact that no matter what has come into your life, it has happened for a reason. I remember gasping when I was first introduced to this concept; it sounded like a harsh punishment. I was sensitive to what this may have meant, especially with my freshly stirred memories of a sexually abusive and negligent childhood. But let me assure you, the reader, that sometimes the reason that something happens is “because of someone else“ who reacts to who you are.

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by Melva Armstrong

I know you are all very healthy individuals, however we occasionally succumb to cold and flu germs, and particularly so at this time of year. Because there are many natural ways to help ease the pain and speed up the recovery process, we have included Klaus Ferlow's Cold & Flu Busters: The Natural Approach article (p. 12) which offers a wide variety of natural healing remedies based on many of his own personal experiences. He emphasizes that one's diet is the most crucial aspect in keeping healthy and, no surprise, he recommends avoiding "junk food". Instead he suggests trying such things as rose hip tea, garlic, chicken noodle soup, and raw fruit and vegetable juices. This article is absolutely chalk full of tips on how to get healthy and stay healthy – a must read for all!

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Personal Health Choice for Canadian Consumers: The Importance of Bill C-420
Natural Reflections: Is Mankind on the Edge of the Cliff?
News of Note
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