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Volume 12 Issue 1
May/June 2006

How a Doula Supports the Transformational Experience of Childbirth

Fibre and Transit Time !

Focus on the Basics Brings Success to Good Spirit Farm

Seeing is Knowing

What's Happening to Our Boreal Forest and Its Birds?


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 12 Issue 1—May/June 2006
by Melva Armstrong

What a gorgeous Spring we are having! Not only do I feel like I am coming alive again after our latest winter, but I feel like I'm coming alive after the last seven years of my life. I feel like I have been in the hibernating and dormant stage of winter for a long time. That's why this Spring seems exceptionally glorious, vibrant, and rejuvenating for me. It also helped that this winter was one of the mildest on record and I was able to get that important balance component in my life each day by walking in Mother Nature. She is a powerful healer for my soul.

I am glad for the change of seasons, each one giving us its unique flavours, textures, smells, and sensations. In countries like Australia and England the seasons are not nearly as distinct as they are here in Canada, and the prairie seasons are again distinct from the rest of our country. I think our world, with its magnificent array of changes, is a fascinating place. In fact, we and our planet are experiencing changes today at a pace like never before. Everyone I talk to is saying the same thing – they are too busy, they have so many things going on they can't keep up with it all, there are not enough hours in the day, their lives feel like they are on fast-forward, and they don't have time for the things they used to do. Have you heard these kinds of statements or expressed them yourself? If so, you are part of the human race which is experiencing a celestial speedup. These are exciting times of change and evolution so I hope everyone is getting on board and enjoying the journey.

With the rebirth of Spring comes the birth of little ones of all species on our planet. Therefore, I thought this Spring issue would be a fitting time to include an article by Jacquie Moore titled, How a Doula Supports the Transformational Experience of Childbirth (p. 16). According to Moore, "With more parents-to-be actively planning the birth of their children and wanting to create an ideal birth plan, many of them are accessing the services of a doula ... referring to a woman experienced in childbirth who assists other women during their pregnancy." Moore's article is based on her interview with a Saskatoon doula who has been practicing for seventeen years and is totally dedicated to this work. This article is a wonderful read for everyone, not just those planning a family.

Paulette Millis has again written an excellent nutritional article called Fibre and Transit Time! (p. 8). I am sure that many of us wonder if we are getting enough fibre in our daily diet. There will be no excuse for not knowing if you are, after you read her article which contains a chart of foods and their fibre content, as well as information on why we need to eat a healthy amount of fibre each day. As usual she has included some more of her delicious recipes for you to try.

We have included an interesting Saskatchewan success story by Kathy Ponath called Focus on the Basics Brings Success to Good Spirit Farm (p. 10). For those who like bread this will be an appealing article. Peyton Leavitt and Jonathon Lee own Good Spirit Farm near Lac Vert and are increasingly becoming known for their unique artisan breads, especially at the Saskatoon Farmers' Market. Artisan breads are hand-fashioned with thought and care from quality (often organic) ingredients and each loaf is baked in a wicker basket inside a clay lined oven. You will be fascinated to learn why and how they got started in this business and their philosophy behind doing what they love.

Who would have known that belly dance would get you in touch with your mind and spirit, as well as your body? Well, it does, according to Susan Lee's article, The Benefits of Belly Dance (p. 12). Lee is a belly dance student who decided to interview some of the other students and the teacher, so she could present a collection of personal thoughts and feelings on their experiences of belly dancing. After reading it you will see how the mind-body-spirit connection works.

Be sure to check out the other great articles: How a Creation Box Can Work For You (p. 14), Every Breath is a Prayer (p. 23), Seeing is Knowing - Developing Inner Vision (p. 24), and What's Happening to Our Boreal Forest? (p. 30).

May the sights, sounds, and breath of Spring fill your heart with love.

(I honour the Spirit in you!)

Melva's signature

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