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Volume 15 Issue 3
September/Oct 2009

A Journey Toward Conscious Eating
Acknowledging the Remarkable Capacities of the Animals We Eat

Fermenting Foods for Flavour, Fun, and Nutrition!

Are There Safe Alternatives to Antidepressant Drugs?

Homeopathy Successfully Used for Leptospirosis Epidemic in Cuba: Why Not Consider Homeopathy for H1N1 Virus?

Eurowave – Muscle Toning and Strengthening

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The Healing Power of Crystals and Crystal Bowls


Eurowave – Muscle Toning and Strengthening
by Brenda Renz
Brenda Renz

How fabulous would it be if there was some way to re-build your core and in doing so get rid of back pain, increase bladder control, increase energy, and just overall feel better—all within 3 weeks?

The 18-minute abdominal session is completely effortless, painless, and is equivalent to 200 perfect sit-ups!

The Eurowave utilizes Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology, first developed in the early 1970s to reshape and tone the muscles of astronauts returning from space. Basically, EMS is an extensive fitness therapy utilizing a pulsating faradic wave which contracts and relaxes the chosen muscle group, working the same as an isometric exercise. The 18-minute abdominal session is completely effortless, painless, and is equivalent to 200 perfect sit-ups!

This technology can be applied to any muscle group in the body and besides firming muscles, electro-muscle stimulation also increases metabolism, fluid circulation, and oxygenation of a treated area. If you were to ask me which muscle group in your entire body you could work to get the greatest benefits in the shortest amount of time, I would tell you without hesitation, the core.

It has become widely accepted that core strength is very important to our overall body health. You use your core in everything you do. Most common core exercises work only the superficial muscle, whereas Eurowave penetrates the deepest part of your muscle which enables you to get a full muscle contraction, not just a superficial one. Almost everyone could benefit from increased core strength, regardless of their physical limitations. As you lie there completely relaxed, your muscles are worked correctly and quickly so that you get fast, effective results within three weeks, giving you the motivation and strength you need to begin or continue exercising on your own.

Our most popular treatment, the core, is the one area of the body that will always give you a great return on your investment. Here are some examples.

Back Pain—weak core muscles contribute to all kinds of problems in the body, the most prevalent of which is lower back pain. By strengthening the muscles that help support the spine and improve posture you can dramatically decrease the symptoms of lower back pain.

Testimonial: “After 20 Eurowave treatments my back feels better now than it did when I was 20. After many years of decline in my back mobility these treatments made me feel like I never had a loss of mobility in my back. It’s such a pleasure to get in and out of a car or step off a curb without bracing for pain—it has given me and my wife a new lease on life.”—Larry

Bladder Control—Eurowave treatments have been proven to be effective at maximizing core strength, and at the same time they are strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.

Approximately 1 in 4 women experience some degree of bladder control loss and most women who live with bladder control difficulties never receive care for this highly treatable condition. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles will stimulate the pelvic muscle to contract. Muscle contraction from electrical stimulation is a useful addition to pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) in the rehabilitation of weakened pelvic muscles. In addition to pelvic floor-specific exercises, it is important for women with weak pelvic floor muscles to address any deficits in core stability. Back, hip, and upper and lower abdominal muscle weakness should be targeted. The abdominals, in particular, play a role in supporting the pelvic organs and aid in preventing organ prolapse.

Post-Pregnancy—any woman who has been pregnant knows the trauma a pregnancy causes to her core muscles. This trauma is exaggerated with every additional pregnancy, and finding time to exercise can be a difficulty. Whether you had your baby two months ago, two years ago, or twenty years ago, this technique will help you tone and strengthen your core trunk muscles, activate muscles to flatten your stomach, and return you to your pre-pregnancy activities.

Testimonial: “It changed my life. I had no core strength or energy, my back hurt, and it didn’t matter how much exercising I did, I couldn’t get rid of my mommy tummy.”—Mother of 3 with 2 C-sections

Avoid Injury—as we get older we need to be less concerned with sculpting our body and more concerned about improving our stability and balance. Core training keeps your spine and body stable (using the muscles in your trunk, hips, abdomen, and pelvis), which helps to reduce the number of falls and injuries as you get older, plus it improves your posture, balance, coordination, strength, and flexibility to boot.

This is not weight loss, or a replacement for exercise, but it is a starting point for people who are aware, or have been told, they need to strengthen their core but don’t know where or how to start. The intensity of the treatment means you will feel results very quickly, which is a very good motivation. It is also good for people who are unable to exercise for one reason or another. This is a fantastic treatment for everyone—both men and women of all ages can benefit. We want to help people because your body operates better and you feel better with increased muscle tone.

Open since the summer of 2007, Eurowave is located at J. Marquis Hair Salons, #7-405 Circle Dr. East. Although it is relatively new to Saskatoon, this technology has been proven with more than 25 years of operation in Europe. It is completely safe and approved by the CSA and the British Medical Association. Focusing on the health benefits of increased muscle tone and strength, and not to be compared with the “at-home” versions of ab belts, the Eurowave does work. Our goal is to assist in changing lifestyles, one client at a time. For more information and to contact Brenda Renz see the display ad on this page.


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