Breakthrough Power
How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World
by Jeane Manning and Joel Garbon
Back to the people
Both authors have been told—by insider sources in a number of countries—that a minority of officials scattered throughout governments, industry, the military, and academia know that revolutionary energy inventions exist but are not wanted by those who control world finances because they would disrupt today’s corporate and geopolitical power structures. Wall Street benefits from financing costly electrical utilities. Oil and gas drilling and coal mining create personal fortunes. Governments get fuel tax revenues. Even dealing with radioactive waste has become a vested-interest industry. And the oil-war industry has vast sums of money for lobbying politicians.
No politician was voicing a viewpoint such as: “. . . but the human spirit is capable of figuring out how to reinvent those socio-economic structures. Let’s free the energy of human ingenuity!”
The world changed
Not waiting for politicians, an international subculture of researchers with those goals has been interconnecting for decades, even before the growth explosion called the Worldwide Web.
The following anecdote gives voice to some issues which create need for this book. Building a grassroots movement requires acknowledging that different mindsets are firmly set in place and don’t change easily.
Sharing Worldviews
An enthusiastic researcher, “Jason,” while bicycling in London, England, tried to explain the concept of New Energy to a young woman who is a reclaim-the-streets crusader.
People in the activist’s neighborhood had staked claim to an abandoned lot and transformed it into an oasis of natural greenery. She was weeding the community garden when Jason casually started a conversation. It quickly turned into agreement about the need to reclaim stewardship of the “commons”—such as the common air breathed by all life forms on Earth. She was passionate about cleaning up the pollution in the atmosphere.
Jason asked if she had heard about “free energy” inventions.
She began to edge away. “My father’s an engineer and he always says, ‘There’s no free lunch.’”
Jason quickly added, “Well, ‘free’ isn’t the best word because the devices themselves won’t be given away. But the source of power for radical energy inventions is free, just like sunlight and wind. There’s a whole variety of revolutionary alternatives most people haven’t heard about. ‘New Energy’ is a better way to say it . . . “
She stopped edging away. “My friends drive a Veggie Car; they fill up the tank with used vegetable oil . . . “
Jason wondered how to tactfully say that burning “biofuels” still uses up oxygen from the air. Corn, canola, or other biomass substances are carbon-based like coal and oil but just not as dirty, he wanted to say. And corn should be grown to feed humans, not Hummers.
“That’s better than gasoline . . . “ he said lamely.
“Or are you talking about hydrogen fuel cells?” she asked, apparently puzzled by his lack of enthusiasm for biofuels.
“No, not the ‘Hydrogen Era’ as plotted by corporate dudes. Their plan includes thousands of nuke-power plants to make electricity to electrolyze hydrogen out from water. Nuke plants mean more radioactive junk on this planet. Or else they get hydrogen out of fossil fuels. That’s not the answer. The New Energy version on the other hand is innovative ‘advanced hydrogen’ systems.”
“Such as . . . ?”
“Basically, getting hydrogen from water at point-of-use, as in a car. One version is called the Water Fuel Cell. Or there’s Dr. Randell Mills’ chemical process of releasing the latent energy of the hydrogen atom. . . .”
Although Jason sensed that his intensity for the topic was not appreciated, he rushed ahead.
“ . . . And plasma physics holds some answers. There’s a physicist in Russia, Dr. Kanarev; he’s getting ten times as much hydrogen out of his setup as standard electrolysis and he says the device taps into energy-from-space. . . “
“I hate technology!”
Another man would have changed the subject, but not Jason. To connect with her honestly, he figured, he’d have to bridge between their worldviews. “You don’t like the result of technologies, I guess. Such as polluting the atmosphere?”
“Right, global warming. Seems like everything we do heats up our poor planet.”
“We don’t have to. Some types of outside-the-box energy systems actually cool their surroundings while they put out more power than the measured input!”
“Tell that to my dad.”
Jason was now the one who wanted to end the conversation, remembering frustrating encounters with know-it-alls; her father might be one.
Then he heard the young woman say softly, “Maybe there are ways to give us plenty of clean cheap power without depleting anything. But everything powerful gets turned into weapons for killing people.” Her expression revealed heartfelt pain.
“That’s the way it’s been so far,” he agreed. “And if we close our eyes and ignore all the good new energy inventions popping up around the world, the weapon-makers keep on taking control. They’ll continue to buy inventors’ cooperation and continue to grab patent rights and continue to claim that a revolutionary advancement is a ‘disruptive technology’—meaning a threat to oil-company profits—and therefore a matter of so-called ‘national security.’”
Speaking slowly for emphasis he added, “We’re coming up to a big change in thinking in science, but the people don’t get told about it. The change will be toward working in harmony with nature, understanding how a hidden background energy spirals through the universe and in everything on Earth and how to tap into that abundant energy.”
Her expression showed she was listening, so Jason continued. “At the same time, citizens’ groups are forming all over the planet and trying to figure out how to create a more enlightened civilization. What if they added a powerful new energy breakthrough or two, to their collection of tools for change? What if the people got involved in deciding what energy technology their government will support. . .?”
“I get it!” she said. “You want to reclaim science!”
This excerpt from Breakthrough Power is being reprinted with permission of the authors Jeane Manning and Joel Garbon, and Amber Bridge Books. To learn more about the book
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