Volume 19 Issue 4 November/December 2013
Antioxidant-rich Medicinal Food
by Sandra Brandt
Special dates on the calendar, such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Halloween, are often celebrated with chocolate treats. In fact, chocolate and red wine are among the most common gifts given on special occasions. Coincidentally, both are also noted for their antioxidant-rich health benefits. Chocolate, originally recognized for its therapeutic properties, has become a guilty pleasure in modern times, but is now once again coming into its own as a highly regarded medicinal food.
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Breakthrough Power
How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World
by Jeane Manning and Joel Garbon
Back to the people
Both authors have been told—by insider sources in a number of countries—that a minority of officials scattered throughout governments, industry, the military, and academia know that revolutionary energy inventions exist but are not wanted by those who control world finances because they would disrupt today’s corporate and geopolitical power structures. Wall Street benefits from financing costly electrical utilities. Oil and gas drilling and coal mining create personal fortunes. Governments get fuel tax revenues. Even dealing with radioactive waste has become a vested-interest industry. And the oil-war industry has vast sums of money for lobbying politicians.
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BodyTalk: Health on All Levels
by Sarah Vermette
BodyTalk is a young modality, less than twenty years old, and although there are many practitioners around the world, it is still relatively unknown to the general public. It is so unlike anything that is currently offered that as a new practitioner, I struggle with how to concisely describe it to people in a way that will resonate with the Western mindset, as there is nothing to compare it to.
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Decisions About Man and Land
by Kelsey Timmerman
—Excerpt from Where Am I Eating? My Adventure Through the Global Food Economy
It’s amazing how often a discussion of food leads to a discussion of family. Annie and I used our family as an excuse to justify the way we’ve always eaten: We have two young kids and don’t have enough time so we need something quick. We need to save money so we can save for the kids’ college. I’ve come to realize that we shouldn’t use our family as an excuse to justify eating poorly, but as a reason for eating healthier and more justly. How we eat impacts the futures of our children and the futures of farmers’ children around the world. That’s why we eat organic when possible. It’s good for us and it’s better for the farm workers. That’s why we’re trying to eat food that respects the land and people equally. I love my kids as much as Michael in Ivory Coast loves his, and because I know this, and because not eating chocolate is not an option, I need to find ways to support cocoa farmers like Michael with my purchases.
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No Age Limit for Learning
by Virginia Dakiniewich
Many brain experts believe that active learning helps maintain brain health by preventing loss of brain function and cognitive skills such as memory, reasoning, and judgment. For a rapidly aging population, Lifelong Learning (LLL) may be the key to maintain quality of life into the senior years. “Lifelong Learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout a person’s lifetime.” (Wikipedia) You don’t have to sit in a classroom to be a lifelong learner. Whether you travel, volunteer, read a book, chat with a friend, or browse the web, there are opportunities to learn everywhere you go.
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Fiction to Function: Stories That Heal
by Catherine Milos
Our lives are filled with challenges, changes, and problems to be solved. These difficulties can become great crucibles, when we get stuck thinking or feeling. Perhaps, like me, you are faced with an event so traumatic that your mind and body relive it in the attempt to process and solve and prevent. When you are thinking and feeling and reliving, sometimes you get caught in an unhealthy cycle too close to the issue and can’t move forward.
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Feng Shui and Dowsing for Geopathic Stress
Understanding the Secret Messages of Your Space
by Bridget Saraka
Geo-pathic translates to “earth dis-ease” caused by stress, therefore geopathic stress is believed to have the potential to cause disease of chi. Chi is energy, otherwise known as the Universal Life Force Energy that resides in all things. Geopathic Stress Lines are underwater currents, either man-made or natural, that flow under the earth and cross and create an electrical charge which may have the potential to be harmful to humans, animals, and plant life.
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by Melva Armstrong
Hello and welcome back! It’s good to be with you again. This is the time of year when we have the opportunity to slow down and become more inward focused. I appreciate this change of season with its cooler temperatures and longer nights (and no bugs). After the busy spring cleaning and planting, then the very active summer, followed by harvesting the bounty of what was sown, it only makes sense to have a gentler, quieter time to get in touch with that still small voice inside – a time to be grateful and to reflect, to write poetry, to read some books, to play fun board games, to invent something, to draw or paint, to explore, and to do so much more.
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Asea – Hope in a Bottle
There is a Dolphin in Distress
Thorium: A Personal Point of View
The Miraculous Chapel of Hathor at Dendara and the Five-Sun Cycle
The Paramount Goal Must Be Compassionate Results, Not Compassionate Intentions
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