We’Moon 2015: Wild Card
by Mother Tongue Ink

I have been using your calendar for years and years!!! Thank you for the incredible work We’Moon is doing. The much-needed shift in consciousness toward a more woman-honouring world is inspiring in so many of us.”
—Alice Walker, author and activist
“Modern culture and the We’Moon calendar, as timely as ever. This is so much more than a calendar. It is a resource . . . a way of focusing the direction of your days on positive living. The poetry and art always inform, inspire, and profoundly impress.”
—Vision Magazine, November 2011
We’Moon: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn, the iconic feminist datebook, is a best-selling astrological moon calendar, earth-spirited handbook in natural rhythms, and visionary collection of women’s creative work, now in its 34th year of publication. We’Moon 2015: Wild Card celebrates the precious energies of sensuality, mirth, freedom, earthly matter, woman—the Wild.
Each year We’Moon features art and writing submitted by women from around the world in response to the theme announced in the Call for Contributions, and rooted in the archetypes of the Tarot’s major arcana. For We’Moon 2015, we daredevil a provocative and complex theme—Wild Card. We’Moon artists and writers explore woman’s free and feral spirit, endangered planetary life, the possibility of Change in every moment. They share reflections on hilarity as spiritual insight, on tragicomic dramas playing out on the world stage, on prayers offered and burdens released at the altar of Transformation.
The selected submissions are integrated into 13 Moon chapters exploring aspects of these central ideas, and shaped by the chosen work. Dedication to an interactive editorial process makes We’Moon a truly co-creative entity as well as an artful, focused exploration of women’s experience and perspectives. We’Moon 2015 gathers the creative offerings of over 150 gifted contributors, including writing by Ann Filemyr, Carolyn Meyers, Karen Ethelsdattar, Marna, Mia Howell, Rose Flint, Sherri Rose-Walker, and art by Anna Oneglia, Autumn Skye Morrison, Carolyn Hillyer, Cathy McClelland, Denise Kester, Dorrie Joy, Hrana Janto, Jeanette M. French, Lisa Noble, Sophia Rosenberg, and Toni Truesdale.
We’Moon accompanies us as we spin through solar, lunar, and astrological cycles, reminding us every year how we can use touchstones in the rhythms of nature as they arise—to connect with the natural world, our ancestors and descendants, and to ground, centre, honour and grow ourselves. Moon chapters this year include focus on animals as teachers, children as liberated beings, women as empowered activists and community builders, trickster allies and guides, earthlings at risk.
We’Moon presents a comprehensive introduction to astrology, Sun / Moon / Earth cycles, and seasonal Holy Days, exploring the 13 moons of a lunar year in a week-at-a-glance format, with daily astrological aspects, moon phases and signs, complete ephemerides, astrological insights for each sun sign, month-at-a-glance and year-at-a-glance calendars, and blank pages for notes. We’Moon Astrologers—Gretchen Lawlor, Heather Roan Robbins, Sandra Pastorius, Beate Metz, Susan Levitt, and Mooncat—offer clarifying summations of cosmic events and how they may affect our challenges and opportunities in the year ahead.
We’Moon also offers other items for 2015 including a wall calendar, greeting cards, cover poster, and canvas tote.
Mother Tongue Ink publishes creative work by women, celebrating earth-based spirituality and visions for a changing world. Since 1981, they have published We’Moon: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn, the iconic feminist datebook, best-selling astrological moon calendar, earth-spirited handbook in natural rhythms, and visionary collection of women’s creative work. First published in Europe in 1981 as a pocket sized astrological moon calendar hand-written in five languages, We’Moon has grown into an annual best-seller and cultural touchstone. Rich with word and image, each edition features the work of over 150 artists and writers. For more information, for full-colour examples of their products, and/or to order, visit www.wemoon.ws and/or email: weorder@wemoon.ws or call toll free 1-877-693-6666 (541-956-6052) or write: 4815 NE 47th Ave., Portland, OR 97218, USA. Also, check your local and online bookstores. |