Medically Verifiable Spiritual Healings
Dr. W. Vogelsberger to lecture in Saskatchewan about a natural path to health that began in Germany and is now spreading worldwide
by Robert White

A medical doctor from Germany is dedicated to teaching Canadians about how to tap the vast potential of spiritual healing. In October, 2015, Dr. Vogelsberger is planning his fourth lecture tour of Canada to share documented reports of people who have experienced healing from severe, chronic, and reportedly incurable diseases. In his medical lectures in Saskatoon, Regina, and five other cities, he will also detail a simple, freely available way of spiritual healing that has spread from Germany to over one-hundred and twenty countries.
“During the lectures you will have the opportunity to experience how to absorb the healing power for yourself,” said Vogelsberger, a chronic pain specialist in southern Germany. “You can utilize it for your own health and for those you love. Healed persons will also report on their healings.”
Taking in the “Healing Stream”
Vogelsberger’s lectures are based on the teachings of Bruno Groening (1906-1959) who became very well known in Germany in 1949 for extraordinary healing successes, and newsreels brought worldwide publicity. Groening taught that a divine force, which he called “Heilstrom” or “healing stream,” is available to everyone. He showed people how to take in this power and trust the healing process and he believed this knowledge should be available to all without charge.
The latter goal is the central purpose of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends (BGCoF). Grete Häusler, initially totally skeptical about Bruno Groening, had an encounter with him in which she received healings from incurable diseases. This turned her into an associate. Through her dogged determination, she developed the organization in Germany and then brought it to Canada and many other countries beginning in the 1990s.
Medical Professionals Play a Key Role
Vogelsberger is an active member of the BGCoF Medical and Scientific Group, which includes over 6,000 medical professionals from around the world.
“We give these free public lectures in our leisure time out of gratitude for the help and healing we have experienced,” said Dr. Vogelsberger. “I began doing these medical lectures due to my own experience of healing. I had an accident on a tennis court. A specialist ordered an operation but three weeks later I could play tennis again free of pain, without any medical treatment.”
Vogelsberger also reported that he saw more persons healed during fifteen years in the Circle of Friends than during twenty-five years as a regular medical doctor.
A Simple Healing Path That is Open to All
It is important to note that Bruno Groening never claimed any ownership of the healing process he described, nor did he consider it new or miraculous. Moreover, Groening never treated anyone. The healings took place as he helped people consciously choose to establish their own connection with a higher power. In his lectures, he explained how self-responsibility, thought, intention, sensitivity to inner feelings, and openness all play a role in healing. “Trust and believe, the divine power helps and heals,” he said again and again. He also encouraged people to investigate this spiritual reality for themselves, and thereby re-discover the integration of body and soul and what he called “their true human instinct” for perceiving spiritual help.
Groening attributed all healing to God and did not personally claim any religious status or intention; what he taught provides spiritual enrichment that is being applied by people of all faiths and cultures. In this regard, the Circle of Friends was awarded a Peace Pole Award at the UN in 2013 for altruistic service and uniting diverse peoples in peaceful co-operation.
Documentation of Groening‘s life shows that even as a child he was aware of a deep spiritual connection that allowed him to have a beneficial effect on animals, people, and circumstances. He came to wide attention only after a grateful father publicized that his son had been healed through Groening’s help. Later that same year, on a large farm near Munich, an estimated 30,000 people came to hear him speak. Healings happened throughout the crowd and thereafter his life was lived out under intense scrutiny by the press and authorities. More of that story will be shared at the lectures.
Thousands of people introduced to the practice of absorbing the heilstrom have reported healings ranging from dramatic reversals of severe situations to gradual recoveries from illness or addictions. In all cases, healings are carefully documented and published by medical doctors; the other major role of the Medical and Scientific Group.
Everyone involved, at all levels of the Circle of Friends, volunteer their time and all activities are financed through the freewill donations of participants. This has allowed the extension into countries with few health resources.
Free public lectures
“Everyone interested in the topic, including medical professionals, and especially everyone searching for help and healing are warmly invited,” adds Vogelsberger. “I am looking forward to connecting with people I met previously and meeting many more people who can benefit from this simple teaching.”
Saskatoon: Tuesday, October 6, 7.00 pm, Multi-Purpose Room, McClure United Church, 4025 Taylor St. E. – sponsored by the Circle of Friends, not the church. The Regina lecture is the evening of Wednesday, October 7 at 7:00 pm, Education Bldg, Rm 191, U of R. Follow-up screenings of a documentary film are also planned. All BGCoF events are free, but voluntary donations accepted. For more information: Saskatoon, (306) 664-3331 or; Regina, (306) 591-2139 or
General information:
Robert White is the community leader of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends in Saskatoon. He is an ecologist by training and has worked in government, private, and non-profit sectors. His focus is on fostering healthy, sustainable community, and can be reached as shown above for Saskatoon.