Your Inner Compass That Could, An Empowering Children’s Book
by Kristin Pierce

When I became a mother, I was very interested in finding children’s books with strong and empowering learning messages. I wanted to teach my children just how much wisdom, power, and potential resides within them. In my search, I found a few good books, but it required some real digging. Through this discovery, I realized that I had a message I could share to empower other parents and their children.
After a cosmic hammer experience with cancer at the age of 21, I began to realize there was a big piece I had been missing and ignoring within myself. Embarking upon a new road of consciousness-based healthcare, through an inward journey of deep introspection and inner evolution, I discovered a profound message that needed to be shared.
I began teaching MindScape in 2015, which led me to realize the untapped potential of the mind within each of us. In having my own children and working with child clients, I realized the importance of nurturing these intuitive gifts. Children are imaginative, intuitive, magical little beings that need to be encouraged to trust their knowing and their inner gifts. There are few books that teach children that they are wise beyond measure. As adults, we have to work hard to uncover our natural childhood gifts of intuition, curiosity, and imagination, which have been covered up by numerous beliefs that limit all kinds of wonderful possibilities. We believe “our minds can’t operate that way,” or “that’s not how the world works,” or “people who are creative or intuitive are ‘out there.’” “BUT,” I thought to myself, “what if these gifts were better understood by adults so they could be taught, encouraged, and nurtured in children during their childhood?” Just imagine that for a moment…
Introducing… Your Inner Compass That Could
Inspiring, whimsical, and brightly illustrated, Your Inner Compass That Could is a wise, empowering tale that provides a fresh perspective on navigating the magical journey of life. Rhyming verse encourages readers of all ages to connect within to let their inner wisdom lead the way to true fulfillment, while imparting messages of self-empowerment, self-growth, and self-confidence.
It is a book for anyone who has ever had a gut feeling, a strong knowing, or felt a spark of passion deep inside. It is a story that will inspire and encourage you to welcome the profound wisdom from your Inner Compass into your life. It is never too early for children or too late for adults to realize they are truly magnificent beings with unlimited potential and are equipped with a unique internal compass to help guide their way!
This book is for children of all ages. It is complete with Integration Questions for Reflection and Discussion at the back of the book, along with a FREE Online Parent and Teacher Resource to help parents, children, teachers, and students welcome and understand the messages from their own Inner Compass.
Your Inner Compass That Could is now available for purchase on many online retailers such as Amazon, Chapters, Indigo, and Barnes & Noble. Visit to find out more and to order your very own copy TODAY!
Kristin Pierce is a consciousness and self-awareness educator who specializes in belief system resolution to unleash the incredible potential within. She owns and operates Inner Compass Academy and Inner Compass Books, based in Warman, SK, where she is inspired to share her empowering message of connecting with one’s Inner Compass to allow it to lead you to your True North in all aspects of life. She is a MindScape Instructor, an Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, a BodyTalk Access Instructor, and a Registered Massage Therapist. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Sport Medicine from Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pennsylvania. Visit or to learn more. |