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Volume 26 Issue 3
January/February 2021

Giti Caravan’s New Book will Boost Your Confidence to Embrace All That’s Possible

Bone Broth, a Warm Bowl of Goodness and Healing

New Book, Flat Out Delicious, a call to local food action

Shining Story of Local Resilience, Excellence, and Success!

The Miraculous Healing Benefits of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

End Weight Loss Struggles with Mindful Eating

Why You Should Be Taking Cold Showers This Winter


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 26 Issue 3 — January/February 2021
by Melva Armstrong

It has been quite the rollercoaster ride over the last two months. I trust you have all survived and have found gentle, soothing, and kind ways to navigate through the endless changes that have been thrust upon all of us each day. I am grateful to live in the country where it is peaceful and quiet, where I can commune with Mother Nature and all that lives upon her. After all, she is the great healer!

As I write this editorial, I can hear the strong winter winds whipping up the snow against the house. Looking outside, I see snow frantically swirling around and forming into various size mounds in all different places. It is quite a magical sight. We definitely know it is winter on the prairies.

I wonder how many of you watched the night skies on the winter solstice, December 21st? The sky wasn’t really clear here, but we could see the very bright moon and a few stars. I couldn’t make out the Star of Bethlehem and will continue to try for a few more days. The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn has produced some powerful changes to our planet and its inhabitants. I’m sure we will experience things unfolding differently throughout the new year and beyond. These are exciting times in which to be living, as the celestial energies and bodies in the sky are lining up in astrologically unique ways and are ushering in a new world for us. Isn’t that exciting? I am looking forward to these new ways. I feel positive that we are heading for more peace and harmony on the planet, where we all get along with each other. How wondrous will that be, and such a blessing! Imagine a time when we all love one another!

While putting this new year issue together, I’ve certainly felt lots of love from the folks who are part of it. We have had lots of fun, excitement, and deep learning experiences, as I worked together with contributors who are committed to sharing with the readers their finest knowledge and expertise on the subjects they know best.

There is a wide variety of topics and I hope you will read from cover to cover to benefit for it all. With the increase of interest in and importance of Tesla technology, we have included an article called The Miraculous Healing Benefits of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) (p. 16) by Robert W. Connolly. This Canadian author devoted himself to doing extensive research on the work of Nikola Tesla, after receiving a miraculous healing from chronic depression through Tesla’s magnetic field therapy. He went on to travel the world to produce a feature documentary called Tesla’s Medicine: Healing Fields. I highly recommend that everyone read this article and do more research on the fascinating work of Nikola Tesla. His work is slowly starting to be used around the world to heal people, and I would predict it is going to play a huge role in the new world we are now entering, as a way of healing people in safe and powerful ways.

I always like a wonderful local success story and we have a sweet one for you. Kira Judge’s article, Shining Story of Local Resilience, Excellence, and Success! (p. 22), introduces us to the SES Solar Co-op, which, according to Judge, is playing a significant role in the growing movement in Saskatchewan toward a renewable energy tipping point. They have had seven installations to date, including the latest at CNH Industrial plant in Saskatoon. They have extended their share offering until March 15, 2021 for anyone who would be interested in being part of this ambitious undertaking. It’s a good success story to read, especially for those of you who would like to know more about the direction that is being taken in the development of renewable energy in our province.

Another lovely bunch of local success stories are documented in Jenn Sharp’s, New Book, Flat Out Delicious, a Call to Local Food Action, article (p. 12). Jenn and photographer Richard Marjan travelled all over the province to meet, interview, and capture images of Saskatchewan’s food artisans, such as small-scale farmers and market gardeners, beekeepers and winemakers, ranchers, chefs, cheesemakers, and more. Her biggest hope for this book is that it will support your own journey home, to the food our ancestors were raised on. Let’s support local!

There is so much more to savour and absorb in these pages and I hope you will read from cover to cover. I guarantee it is definitely worth it.

(The spirit in me honours the spirit in you)

Melva's signature

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