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Volume 30 Issue 5
January/February 2025

Labyrinth Walk for Peace


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 30 Issue 5— January/February 2025
by Melva Armstrong

Another new year has arrived and I’m convinced it’s going to be an exciting one. I’m looking forward to it, and I hope you are too. This past year has been quite a wild ride with lots of ups and downs. Especially with the weather that has been acting like a yo-yo, going from one extreme to another. It’s been a challenge to make plans for travelling anywhere, with such uncertainty in the forecasts. All in all, the year just past has been a very interesting one, with lots of shifts and changes in the world consciousness, as well as with individual consciousness. I think more people are waking up and realizing the extreme importance of taking care of oneself, if we want our lives to be more balanced and whole. 

This issue we feature another series of articles that will hopefully provide much valuable information to help you in many positive ways on your life journey. It’s always an absolutely divine experience and pleasure working with the people who grace the pages of this, and each issue. I’ll start with Pam Fichtner’s article, Labyrinth Walk for Peace (p. 14), because I believe our world is in great need of finding as many ways as possible to help bring peace to the planet. As Pam explains, “According to The Labyrinth Society, they [labyrinths] are thought to enhance right brain activity, including problem solving and conflict resolution. Speaking to this, I am organizing a Labyrinth Walk for Peace as I feel we are all called to personally take actions at this time, given the societal and global conflicts happening worldwide. I invite you to come walk with me, in the Spirit of Peace.” She goes on to say, “It is a heartfelt testament to the inner contentment and joy, growth, and inspiration that can come from taking the time to walk carefully and with a quiet purpose, to just be in the moment, alone or with others.” I have walked a labyrinth several times, and I have much gratitude for the benefit they provided, so I know the labyrinth can be a powerful doorway through which to meditate and to find inner peace. 

While helping ourselves and the world be more peaceful, we also need to look at what we eat, and how we move our body in daily life, to keep whole and healthy. This issue, Judith Graile, in her Mindful Eating column, helps us keep a healthy life with her article, Understanding the Complex World of Carbohydrates (p. 8). I know there are some carbs that are better to eat than others, and Judith breaks that all down with lots of details. She mentions the impact of carbs on our microbiome, making smart carb choices, and alternate flours for healthier baking. Plus she includes a couple of tasty recipes.

Giti Caravan’s article, The Hidden Hunger: Unpacking the Mystery of Emotional Eating (p. 16), explains how to rewire your eating habits to prevent emotional eating. Giti writes, “Breaking free from emotional eating is a journey of self-discovery.” She adds, “It’s about equipping yourself with tools to respond to life’s challenges without turning to food for solace.” 

Lorrel Elian has spent hours in her lifetime seeking out ways to keep her body feeling well, and it has taken her on quite a diverse journey. It’s only recently that she’s finally fit the pieces of the puzzle together to understand what really works best for her body’s health. She provides details of her many experiences and what she has finally discovered in her article, Conscious Movement: The Key to Health and Body Alignment (p.12). “With each step you take you can either be contributing to empowering your body’s infrastructure, or working against yourself. Either way, you play a powerful role,” writes Lorrel.

Crystal healing practitioner, Maritza Cano, writes about crystals and their amazing properties in her article, Crystals: The Secrets of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration (p. 10). “These versatile companions can enhance meditation practices or create a peaceful atmosphere in our homes. Their true magic lies not only in their physical form, but also in how we choose to engage with them, presenting a world of possibilities to explore and enjoy,” writes Maritza. So crystals, too, can be helpful in creating peace on earth.

There’s lots more great information in these pages, so I encourage you to read this issue from cover to cover, because you don’t want to miss those hidden gems that may just be the perfect information you needed to make your life much better.

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy new year! May it be filled with peace, joy, love, laughter, good health, and abundance in all things! 

With much love,

(The spirit in me honours the spirit in you)

Melva's signature


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