Volume 6 Issue 5 - January/February 2001
Melva Armstrong
busy year has passed and hopefully we are all wiser, happier,
healthier and more prosperous. I feel that I am and I trust
you are, too. Throughout it we had lots of encouragement from
many readers who indicated they are grateful to have the journal
in Saskatchewan, which means it is fulfilling its purpose.
I am grateful for this. I believe it is important to have a
publication that addresses the issues of wholistic health in
our community. During the six years I have been doing this
work I have watched many people develop their businesses, their
talents and their skills in this burgeoning field of complementary
health care. It is exciting to see the changes and to see more
and more people taking responsibility for their health and
well-being. Keep it going, my friends! There is still lots
to do and more people to reach.
With each issue we have done our best to keep you informed
about the various aspects of wholistic health care, and there
are many. People continually contact us with their various
ideas and information and we follow through by disseminating
it to you in the form of articles and advertising. Our feedback
indicates that you are appreciative of it so we shall continue
to provide this service.
In order for the journal to be distributed free of charge
we can all thank our many advertisers, several of whom have
been with us continuously since our first issue in May/June
1995. Thank you, dear advertisers! We wish you continued
success in your businesses in this new year, knowing that
as you succeed, we all succeed.
I am excited to announce that January 1, 2001 is the launch
of our completely re-designed websitewww.wholife.comby
our Webmaster, Ed Pas. He has done a terrific job of it so
be sure to check it out. As a grand opening gift to our patrons
a large portion of this issue is included on the site, such
as the Calendar of Events, Classifieds, Directory of Services
and excerpts from several articles. Also included is some
information from the November/December 2000 issue. Like our
print version, the website is available for our advertisers
to place their ads with us for a nominal fee. Now you have
a chance to get your wholistic health message out to the
entire world! Contact us today to get more information about
our website advertising rates!
In planning this issue's editorial content, I felt it would
be helpful to learn about Voluntary Simplicity (p.
16) by author, Bruce Elkin. Since we live in a fast-paced
world that is becoming more complex every day, I feel that
knowing how to create a simpler life ought to lead to a healthier
one. Elkin believes we suffer from a dichotomy of desires
and says, "...we'd do best to see ourselves as creators,
architects of our own futures. That way we can best ensure
that the simplicity we create will satisfy our deepest life
urges (desires)." For those wanting further information on
this topic the name of Elkin's forthcoming book is listed
at the end of his article.
To help you start your year off on a positive note at work
Cathy Fenwick's column, A Healthy Workplace Is A More
Productive Workplace (p. 12), is an important article
to read, as is Realigning Your Focus In Your Life And
Work (p. 14) by Tanis Helliwell, author of Taking
Your Soul To Work.
If you are lamenting about those post-festive-season pounds
you've gained, you will be pleased to read how you can Eat
Your Way To Weight Loss (p. 8) by Paulette Millis, which
includes some excellent recipes. For anyone who managed to
pick up some "bugs" over the holidays, Kahlee Keane, Root
Woman shares the many medicinal benefits of Coltsfoot:
Large Leaf Medicine (p. 10).
The Refinery (p. 24), according Lia Pas, is the
space inside a Saskatoon community church hall which "aims
to open its doors to people from all spiritual traditions
and artistic media in order to bring together people from
the community and the world, to give everyone who enters
the doors the feeling of being welcomed and needed." A dynamic
new concept for this new millennium and the front cover shows
an example of one of the activitiesthe soundbodyheld
As we go forth, may your year be full of all the goodness
and light you truly deserve, each and every one! I look forward
to another year of growth, joy and sharing with you all!
(I honour the Spirit in you!)
