Volume 6 Issue 6 - March/April 2001
Melva Armstrong
You are reading the sixth issue of year six. I always marvel
at how quickly time passes. I have had many wonderful experiences
over the last six years and I am grateful for all the terrific
people I have met and the fun we have had together. I truly
love working for myself and appreciate the freedom it gives
me. My sincere interest in wanting to educate myself and
others about the value and importance of wholistic health
and wellness is what keeps me doing this work. I believe
knowledge is the key to good physical, emotional and spiritual
As I age and look around me at the state of health of the
elders in our community and know that time is moving on for
us all, I become more acutely aware of the importance of
honouring my body and soul, for the one is my vehicle on
this earth with which to communicate and the other is my
connection to everything in the Universe. They both need
to be maintained in a healthy state in order to be of service
in this world.
In looking at ways to maintain good health I believe we
need to focus on a more all-encompassing approach to our
wellness in the form of Integrative Medicine, which utilizes
a variety of healing modalities including Western medicine,
and has them working together. It is important to note that
many of the complementary forms of medicine being revived
have been around eons before Western medicine. What is happening
is a return to natural approaches to healing which were common
among our ancestors. The trend towards Integrative Medicine
is growing rapidly as more people are recognizing that healing
involves looking at the whole person and thus involves a
more wholistic approach to good health.
In this issue we are presenting an eclectic mix of old and
new ideasfrom the time-honoured healing concepts of Jewish
Science by Rabbi Steven Kaplan (p. 10) to Jacqueline
Gautiers explanation of a modern-day movement, known
as Business and Consciousness (p. 16), which is positively
changing the way people are approaching their workplaces.
Recognizing the importance of working for peace on earth,
Heather Prince has been inspired to organize the First
World Peace Spiral Walk (p. 24) to be held in Saskatoon
at Easter. This is an event in which every age group can
participate to help create world peace. It is an opportunity
for each individual to make a difference, so come and join
with others of like mind! And according to a quote by Wayne
Peterson in Diana Hollands article, Extraordinary
Times, Extraordinary Beings (p. 26), he believes, "that
we stand today on the very brink of a glorious new era, an
extraordinary time in which humanity will achieve its age-old
dream of world brotherhood, justice and peace." Never
doubt for a minute the power of your prayers, your thoughts
and your acts for peace on earththey all count!
As part of his practice, counsellor and mediator, Andrew
Smith, explains in Council - Help for Difficult Conversations (p.
14) how he incorporates the use of the ancient ritual of
council into his work and finds great success with it. Also
a counsellor, Cathy Fenwick, our regular writer has decided
to use some reverse psychology by changing her column title
to Cathy Asks and in this issue her question is: What
Can I Do To Make My World A Better Place? (p. 12). You
will want to read this one for sure and see the difference
it can make in your life.
Our other regular writer, Paulette Millis, has done extensive
research and blessed us with some valuable nutritional information
and scrumptious recipes in her All Purpose Ginger (p.
8) article.
We have also reprinted an article called, Magnetic Therapy:
The Invisible Force (p. 23), which briefly explains
how magnetism and magnets have been used for healing since
In honour of women and our Mother Earth, a group of women,
including myself, are presenting a Wise Woman Celebration June
29-30 in Saskatoon. It is an event for women of all ages
and you are invited to gather with us to honour and celebrate
the changes in our lives. It will include playshops, dancing,
singing, sacred ritual and lots of magical fun! Come prepared
to laugh and cry with joy! For further information and registration
please see our display ad on the back cover and watch for
more details in our May/June issue!
May you all be well and happy!
Namaste! (I honour the Spirit in you!)