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Volume 7 Issue 5
Mar/Apr 2002

LaStone Therapy

Complementary Health Care Services

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LaStone Therapy
A Truly Unique Form of Massage

author photoby Tillie Dyck Derow

LaStone Therapy, a relatively new massage technique, has become a much-welcomed therapy for the body, mind, and spirit. It was brought to North America by a woman healer named Mary Hannigan who lives in the United States. She was guided to share this healing method with others and she now teaches people all over the world.

The stones that Hannigan was guided to use in this treatment are called Basalt Stones. Basalt is a third stage lava rock found in rivers and oceans. Testing of these rocks has revealed that the mineral and crystal makeup is the same as that found within the muscle and bone of the human body. Perhaps this explains why these stones are able to balance the human body, much like the concept of "like healing like."

In a quote from Patricia Cota-Robles’ book, What On Earth Is Going On?, she describes more concretely the connection that exists between physical matter and the elemental kingdom:

"Every electron of the physical plane is comprised of elemental substances: earth, air, water, fire, and ether. There is no way we can transform physical matter without the cooperation of the elemental kingdom. There are pre-encoded memories contained within the RNA—DNA patterns of all living things. These memories reflect the original Divine Intent of all manifest forms in the third dimensional plane, which is limitless physical perfection. This healing means that we are in a position to work in cooperation with the intelligence of all manifest form, all physical matter, all earthly substances, including our physical bodies, and our physical realities. If we will only grasp the magnitude of that, we will realize Limitless Physical Perfection is available to each and every one of us here and now."

In the LaStone treatment there are three different stone types that are used. The first is basalt rock. These stones are the heat conduits used to help relax the body. The second is marble which has naturally cold properties that can bring balance to the feminine energy body. The therapeutic benefit of the cold can reduce inflammation and stimulate the flow of blood to aid in the flushing of the lymphatic system. The treatment ends with the use of the third rock, a Chinese Fluorite stone. The overall benefit of this treatment usually leaves the muscles noticeably more relaxed for weeks.

If you were to embark on this truly unique therapy, you would be ushered into a peaceful and calming environment where a bed of stones would have been prepared in a spinal layout pattern. The two-hour treatment would begin with a prayer, after which your body would be gently stretched and relaxed.

As the journey to wellness continued, stones would be placed upon the front of your body aligned with the energy centres, also known as the chakras. It is here the stones would work like magnets slowly pulling from your body all that is no longer serving you and thus gently guiding you to return to a more whole state of being.

The LaStone therapist, at that time, would further assist the journey by opening the sacred spiral of your energy body until it is fully opened and aligned with your intention. Then you would be ready for the heated stones to work with the muscles in a full body massage. The stones, guided by the therapist’s hands, would travel up the left side of the body–the receptive side–and down the right side in order to let go and clear.

At that point you would turn over to lay on your stomach. A large stone would then be placed under the third chakra, known as the power centre, for revitalization and renewed strength. The massage would continue in the circular motion up the left side of your body and down the right.

During the treatment the therapist may tap the rocks together on the body. Even the most gentle of tapping will send a vibration throughout the body and bone causing what is known as the physo-electric effect.

The treatment would end with the therapist gently working the Chinese Fluorite stone on both sides of the spine following the pathway of the spinal nerves, clearing the stress from the body memory and inviting the body to establish the renewed feeling.

The author of Stone People Medicine, Manny Twofeathers, has the following to say about the healing properties of stones: "Stones have been helping people through the ages, and they continue to do so today. As a person receiving the help and knowledge, you must make an effort to receive by being open and believing that they will help you."

References: Brailsford, Barry: Song of the Circle, Hamilton, New Zealand, Stoneprint Press, 1996; Cota-Robles, Patricia: What On Earth Is Going On?, Tucson, Arizona, New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose Inc, 1997; Twofeathers, Manny: Stone People Medicine, Navato, California, New World Library, 2001.

Stone is the ancestor of all.
It is of the beginning
And the timeless spirit
That joins star to star
And age to age
Out of stone comes life.

We are of the stone
And the stone is of us.
Hold it close. Feel its power.
Hear its song and prepare
To enter the realms known
But long forgotten.

Journey well.
May the good go with you.

–Barry Brailsford, Song of the Circle

Tillie Dyck Derow received her training in the LaStone technique in 1999. She lives in Saskatoon and is one of a very few certified LaStone therapists in Canada. She also offers Intuitive Massage and Raindrop Therapy and can tailor her therapies to meet your needs. For information and inquiries contact Stress Experts (306) 244-1700 in Saskatoon or visit: www.stress-experts.com.

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