Volume 7 Issue 5 - March/April 2002
Melva Armstrong
As the light increases with each new day, we begin our journey
again towards spring; towards new growth and new beginnings.
We will soon start to see the hidden landscape slowly emerging
from underneath the snow. It wont be long and buds
will be forming on the trees and our environment will undergo
its annual transformation from winter to spring.
As I look back over the last year, it seems to me theres
been a strong growth in the Saskatchewan wholistic health
movement, especially in the last six months. It feels like
there are more natural health activities happeningmore
practitioners, more therapies, more products! At WHOLifE,
weve been getting an increase in the number of people
contacting us for both our print journal and our website.
Its wonderful to know there are so many choices now
for people, like us, who are taking responsibility for their
health and well-being. I feel that we, in Saskatchewan, are
truly blessed with a vibrant and dynamic natural health community,
made up of many generous, kind, talented, and loving folks
committed to supporting and helping each other. I am honoured
to be part of it. Moreover, Im convinced it will keep
getting better and better. We are living in exciting times,
so lets enjoy it and celebrate!
On a more serious side, I believe that in order to keep
ourselves and our environment healthy, clean, and safe, we
need to be vigilant of what is going on with us and around
us. We particularly need to pay attention to what is happening
to our air and our land, and to our food supplies; to our
Mother Earth. I believe it is clearer to more people now
than at any other time in history that lots of changes are
going on everywhere in our world, and many of them are not
happening for the "good of all." Because of that
, I believe we each need to take responsibility for our part
in helping to re-balance the earths energies, if we
are to have a safe and healthy planet in which to live.
Weve all heard of Greenpeace and we know their work
and dedication to preserving our planetary environment has
been vital and active for many years. They are an example
of people standing up for the right of every living thing
on this earth to flourish naturally. Its obvious, however,
that not everyone thinks that way. As the worlds political
manoeuvrings and imbalances of power continue to escalate,
causing serious human and environmental destruction, it seems
that many more people and organizations, like Greenpeace,
are forming and taking greater steps to fight for preserving
our natural environment.
One such group is our Saskatchewan organic farmers. On January
10th in Saskatoon, two certified organic farmers sought a
class action law suit on behalf of all certified organic
grain farmers in Saskatchewan against the companies of Monsanto
and Aventis, seeking compensation for damages caused by their
genetically engineered (GE) canola, and to get an injunction
to prevent Monsanto from introducing GE wheat in Saskatchewan.
All I can say is, "Way to go!" You can read more
about this on pages 14 and 15, along with contact information
and a website address.
When I hear of such groups as the organic farmers (or Greenpeace)
forming and taking action to help preserve our natural inheritanceour
land and our food suppliesit reminds me of the words
spoken years ago by a wise elder named Chief Seattle: "This
we know. The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to
the earth. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of
earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood
which unites one family. All things are connected." The
earth is our inheritance, we are all connected. Can we remember
this, and help others do the same? I hope so.
In honouring the earth, Id like to remind women about
the second annual Wise Woman Celebration being held in Saskatoon,
June 28-29. This years theme is Mother Earth, Nature,
and Gaia. We know this year will be more fun than last, so
come prepared to celebrate our connection with the Great
Mother. For more information, check out the colour display
ad on the back cover and watch the May/June02 issue
for more details.
I also want to advise our advertisers that we will be changing
our advertising deadline dates. So for the May/June02
issue it will be April 10 rather than April 12.
As we merry meet, please bless our Mother Earth! Blessed
Namaste! (I honour the Spirit in you!)