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Volume 9 Issue 3
Sept/Oct 2003

Dance With Horses and Feel Good!

Nutty About Nuts!

Feeling Good in One Space & Unsettled in Another?
Check the Energy Flow With Feng Shui

Answering the Cosmic "CALL" Takes a Leap of Faith

Natural Reflections:
True Success Nurtures Our Soul, Our Culture, and Our Evolution


Volume 9 Issue 3 — September/October 2003
by Melva Armstrong

Many local, national, and world events these days seem to be keeping the world population scared out of their wits. Mad Cow (BSE), SARS, West Nile virus, mass electrical blackouts, wars, bombings, hijacked planes, serial killings, falling stock markets, and terrorist attacks are just some of the many things that our mainstream media keeps pumping out, sometimes ad nauseum. No wonder people are full of fear with news like this continuously blasting their eardrums and horrific images flashing before their eyes. What hope can people have for the future when the world is painted so negatively?

It is not healthy for human beings to continuously be bombarded with fear-generating news. That is why I find the best thing for my health is to lessen or stop watching and listening to the mainstream news and any violent programs or films. If I want to find out what's happening in the world I go to the internet and look up websites that carry alternative information to the mainstream sources. In this way I get a variety of views that are often less scary, more palpable, and particularly helpful in seeing the bigger picture of what's going on. By doing this I see there is more good happening in the world than the over-reported violence and destruction. Having the broader picture helps me keep the perspective that mankind is inherently kind and good. This gives me a feeling of peacefulness which I believe is the basis of good health. In this same respect I also like to find a variety of websites, newspapers, books, and magazines where I can learn more about people and organizations who are doing good things on our planet. Knowing who these people are I thus have many options into which I can put my support and energy to help make the planet a better place (which, I believe, is our sole purpose for being here).

Not everyone has the internet resource so I would suggest to those folks to go to your libraries and bookstores and find alternative newspapers, books, and magazines to read, as well as community radio and television. I also highly recommend searching out others of like-mind for camaraderie, new ideas, and directions. You will be amazed at the wealth of positive people and information out there. It is just a matter of searching for and finding those genuine sources with whom you resonate and who are working for the betterment of our communities, our country, and the world.

I believe our world will overcome all the destruction and violence that has plagued our planet for eons when the majority of us are in accord with each other and have found ways to get along and live peacefully together. This is the task that lies before all of us on this earth. I also believe this time of unprecedented world upheaval is a part of our reawakening and healing process. I believe what is taking place now will continue as we move through the beginning years of this new millennium. I am also convinced there are many others working for the good of all and there will be a change for the better in the not-too-distant future.

Many of you will note that I am often saying how grateful I am to be doing this work and again I have to reiterate that. I am truly blessed because I get to meet many wonderful and inspiring people, all of whom are genuinely concerned about their health, the health of our planet, and all living things. They are people dedicated to making our world and its communities happier and healthier places for future generations. I can't think of any other job that would be more rewarding.

As I was writing this editorial the following inspirational words came to me from the 1944 song, Ac-cent-tchu-ate The Positive by Johnny Mercer and Harold Arlen, and I thought it would be fun to give you their lyrical thoughts on a healthy way to face the world:

You've got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, and don't mess with Mister In-Between.

Reading this issue will inspire you, uplift you, and bring a smile to your face. You will Dance With Horses, feel Energy Flow With Feng Shui, go Nutty About Nuts, travel to Ireland, hone Your Communication Style, read A Dialogue with Bear Hawk, discover True Success, and find out why Answering the Cosmic "CALL" Takes a Leap of Faith.

May your days be full to overflowing with inspiration and love!

(I honour the Spirit in you!)

Melva's signature

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