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Volume 13 Issue 3
September/Oct 2007

Balancing the Whole You

Tomatoes: Nature's Bounty!

Lebed and Lymphedema: A Recovery Program Focusing on Healing Through Gentle Movement

Low Intensity Laser Therapy: From Science Fiction to Reality

ThetaHealing™—A Way to Help Improve Your Well-Being

We Create Our Own Health

Bees are Vanishing: Is This Another Wake Up Call?


A Way to Help Improve Your Well-Being

by Jennifer Watson
Jennifer Watson

Imagine if you could change aspects of your life, heal a fractured bone, or create wealth and prosperity instantly. Sound too good to be true? I thought so too until I discovered ThetaHealing.

What is ThetaHealing?

It is a technique founded by Vianna Stibal, owner of Vianna’s Nature’s Path in Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA. This powerful, yet simple healing technique brings about physical, psychological, and spiritual healings. It is through prayer and connecting with God, the “Creator of All That Is”, that these healings and changes occur.

Theta is one of five brainwave states. Being in theta is very relaxing as your brainwaves are slowed to a frequency of 4 to 7 cycles per second. This relaxed state allows you to tap into the power of the universe, where instant manifestation is possible. If you have seen the movies, What the Bleep Do We Know and/or The Secret, you may be familiar with this concept.

A ThetaHealing Session

This can be done in person or over the telephone. During an in-person session the practitioner and client sit across from one another with their hands touching so that once the practitioner enters Theta, the client may also. While connected to the energy of “All That Is”, the practitioner makes specific commands for the client’s healing and then witnesses the healing through visualization. This can take the form of physical healing such as repairing a fracture or an emotional healing like changing a belief of unworthiness to being worthy and loved. Please note that this work can be done long distance as well, the clients just need to be free of distraction and then they too can enter the Theta state with their practitioner. Always remember, God/Creator is the Healer and the practitioner is the witness.

A Personal Example

While I was in Idaho Falls taking the ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy course, one of my daughters fractured her ankle during a volleyball tournament. That night she called me and requested we do Theta over the telephone. I told her she needed to deny that the injury even occurred so as to not give it any energy, while I proceeded to command the fracture gone, as if it never happened. Approximately three weeks later, a second x-ray was taken to see how the ankle was healing; it showed no evidence of the fracture that appeared in her first x-ray. The doctor indicated it must have been just a bad sprain, as he did not see the original x-ray with the fractured bone on it. Volleyball was over for the season, however my daughter was still able to compete in track with her track club. She won first in a relay, all before the 6 to 8 week usual recovery time had passed. This even amazed her physiotherapist (who encouraged a lot of taping around the ankle after this).

Belief Work

There are endless opportunities for improving your own personal well being, on all levels, when using this practice. Identifying and changing limiting beliefs is one of the most important aspects. Belief work can be done where a person may find they feel trapped or stuck in a certain life situation or they may even feel afraid to proceed with something. In some instances we may have carried forward the beliefs of our ancestors or from a previous life and even from our parents at the time of conception. We do what is called “digging”, investigating, to find the root or true cause of the person’s illness, addiction, or fear. This is done by asking questions to uncover the true source or issue of the situation. We check for specific beliefs using muscle testing so the client can see that, in fact, they do or do not hold a specific belief or understand how something truly feels. Then by going back into Theta, making the appropriate changes, muscle testing once again to show the client their belief has changed for the positive and their highest good. This allows the client to be in charge of their own journey to well being.

Anyone is capable of practicing or receiving ThetaHealing. The only requirement is that you have a belief in God, the Creator—the Divine Source, or use the name you feel comfortable with that is the Higher Force that sustains the Universe. It is not a religion and you do not have to be a specific age, sex, race, or religion to do this work or be a client of this technique. You may choose to learn it for your own personal healing and growth, to help your family and friends, or maybe this is something you want to add to your healing practice.

I have been able to incorporate ThetaHealing with the other modalities I offer to give my clients very personalized sessions. If you would like to know more about my background and training please visit my website at www.divine-therapies.com.

This article has been approved by Vianna’s Nature’s Path (www.thetahealing.com).

Jennifer Watson is a ThetaHealing practitioner and instructor of the Basic DNA and Advanced DNA classes, as well as Vianna’s Abundance and Manifesting class in ThetaHealing. Upcoming ThetaHealing courses are available in Saskatoon: Basic DNA Sept. 28–30 & Advanced DNA Nov. 9–11. Please call Jennifer at (306) 979-HEAL(4325) for more info and see the Calendar of Events on page 5 of the 13.3 September/October issue of the WHOLifE Journal as well as the Directory of Services ad on page 23.


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