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Volume 13 Issue 3
September/Oct 2007

Balancing the Whole You

Tomatoes: Nature's Bounty!

Lebed and Lymphedema: A Recovery Program Focusing on Healing Through Gentle Movement

Low Intensity Laser Therapy: From Science Fiction to Reality

ThetaHealing™—A Way to Help Improve Your Well-Being

We Create Our Own Health

Bees are Vanishing: Is This Another Wake Up Call?


We Create Our Own Health
by Ron Garner
Ron Garner

Conscious health means choosing health. It means choosing health with understanding, awareness, intention, and vision. Conscious health is the active and deliberate creation of a vital body, mind, and spirit, with full knowledge, understanding, and belief. We create our lives, and we have the power to re-create them. When we are fully conscious, we can take responsibility for our own health. We can make the necessary choices and decisions. We can determine our health destiny.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This old adage speaks a powerful truth, and its meaning implies that before anything can be accomplished, one must first initiate some kind of action. But if it is to lead to success, what gives an action its power? How can we know that our first step will lead to success?

To walk a thousand miles we must intend to do it, believe that we can accomplish it, make the determined decision to do it, and then take action to implement our decision. Only the person who is doing it can create the desired outcome for his or her own benefit. Someone else can’t do it for them. This is how the universe operates.

We live in a universe of creation that has nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with the spirit of belief. And that is what is exciting about it. When we think we can, to the point of believing it, we create the life we want, which includes a healthy body, mind and spirit. We are mini-creators. We create our own lives. We create our bodies. The thoughts that constantly circulate in our heads are reflections of our beliefs, and our beliefs do the creating.

Cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton discovered through his research with living cells that belief or perception creates our reality. What we believe at the subconscious level actually instructs our cells how, and in what form, to reproduce.

You’ve heard it said when someone finds themselves in an uncomfortable situation in their life, “You’ve made your own bed, now lie in it!” In other words, you took certain actions that got you to where you are now; you made decisions that led to your situation; you produced it yourself.

Whether we realize it or not, we are doing it! Every moment, we are creating our own reality, including our state of health or disease. We create one or the other by how conscious and honoring we are of our bodies. Our bodies reflect our subconscious or core beliefs. They reflect our knowledge of how they build themselves and how we choose to act on that knowledge. They reflect our wisdom or our ignorance. They reflect our caring or our apathy.

The self-creating process works from our subconscious core beliefs. We are unconscious of this process to the extent that we are unaware of our core beliefs. The creation and self-direction of our life becomes magic when we are conscious of the underlying beliefs that generate our reality.

There is a legal maxim that states, “Ignorance is not a defense of the law,” meaning that lack of knowledge is not a valid excuse for breaking the law and will not save us from the consequences. So it is with our bodies. They were created to function under natural law. They have requirements that must be met to be healthy. Ignorance of any of these needs, be they nutritional, energetic, or attitudinal, does not nullify the natural consequence of degenerating health as we grow older.

The purpose of this book is to help you become consciously aware that you have the power to create the health and happiness you choose. Five transformational tools are presented to empower you to take responsibility for your own health. Healthcare practitioners and caregivers are encouraged to use the information they find here, which may not have been part of their training.

This book presents a complementary and evolutionary paradigm of healthcare. It brings together knowledge and understanding that can become shared and applied. Although the information is not new, the widespread application of it and the approach to “self-health” is.

Presently, diseases of all description appear to be beyond our control, and they are increasing. While medical science has made advances, “natural” approaches are achieving cures in areas previously thought to be incurable. Energy or vibrational medicine, practiced in the East for hundreds of years, is now being embraced in the West and advanced by discoveries in technology. But almost totally ignored is the potential of the creative or spiritual aspect within all of us to be our most powerful ally for health.

It is time for a marriage of everything that works for health, in a spirit of open-mindedness and love. It is time to consciously incorporate the best of science, nature, and spirit to build the bodies and lives we were designed to create from the very beginning.

The above is an excerpt from Ron Garner’s new book, Conscious Health, Choosing Natural Solutions for Optimum Health and Lifelong Vitality (2006), co-published by Namaste Publishing Inc., Vancouver, BC, and Beaufort Books, New York, NY. Ron Garner is a health researcher, educator, author, and speaker who lives in British Columbia. His own search for health solutions has convinced him that the human body is a miraculous self-healer—if it is given the support it requires to build and maintain health. For further information visit www.namastepublishing.com, email: namaste@telus.net, or phone (604) 261-3137, and ask at your local bookstore for copies.


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