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Volume 13 Issue 4
Nov 2007/Feb 2008

Is the Quantum World the Portal to Improve Your Life… Past, Present, and Future?

Rah! Rah! Raw Food!

Have the "Guts" to Be Healthy!

Beating Terminal Cancer: A Story of Profound Hope and Healing

Sonic Vibration Therapy

Mindfulness: The Key to Eliminating Stress and Creating Joy and Well-Being in Your Life

Glaciers: Our Vanishing Treasure


Rah! Rah! Raw Food!
by Paulette Millis
Paulette Millis

Cooking dates back five hundred to one thousand generations and is prevalent in virtually every culture on earth. (Schenck) Many authors cite our survival through eons from eating raw foods before “cooking” became commonplace. This article is to introduce you to the concept of increasing your raw food intake and hopefully to spur your interest in reading further.

It is not likely that a total raw food diet will be popular anytime soon. Unfortunately, not much profit comes from selling anything related to uncooked food—raw, organic produce, for example. Restaurant chains would lose profits, all of those appliances designed for cooking foods would no longer be necessary, and all of the processed food industries and the pharmaceutical industry would stand to lose.

When you decide to increase the raw food in your diet, the trick is to make it more appealling than cooked food. In my experience helping people change their diet, I have found taste is the first priority for most, and short preparation time is the second. Many people who say they dislike cooking will regularly make some recipe they love, provided it is easy to make and not too time consuming. In short, they all want yummy-tasting healthy food that is ready in minutes! Hence my search for nutrient dense, easy-to-make snacks and meals. It follows then, if we wish to heal our bodies or maintain a good level of health, to find and make RAW food as snacks and entrees that are tasty and easy to make, as often as possible.


There is much evidence stating raw alkalinizing foods are the best defense against illness and disease. Raw plant-based foods foster an alkaline environment. They help neutralize acid in our diet to promote a healthy pH balance. Acidity causes calcium and other alkaline materials to be leached from the bones in order to neutralize it. (Schenck)

It is common knowledge among alternative health practitioners that a raw food diet detoxes the body. It is important to have the support of a qualified professional before embarking on a diet that may result in a healing crisis, or herxheimer reaction, and also to ensure a balanced diet of nutrients. One needs to use sprouted legumes, among other things, to ensure amino acid (protein) content.

Cooking destroys numerous essential nutrients. Ann Wigmore determined that 83% of a raw food’s nutrients are lost. Vitamins lose varying amounts, for example, 50% of B vitamins, 70–80% of vitamin C. Cooking also renders minerals inactive, according to Jan Dries, who works at the Hippocrates Institute.

Raw foods contain live enzymes, protein molecules that help to digest food, aid in tissue regeneration, detoxify the body, and more. They are the catalysts of life; they enable fruit to ripen, seeds to sprout and grow, and without enzymes earthly life would be impossible.

We are born with a limited enzyme potential, and the more cooked food we eat, the sooner we deplete our supply. As we age our enzyme potential lessens causing digestive difficulties. When we eat cooked food we force the pancreas to crank out more digestive enzymes than it was designed to, and this is a major reason for increasing tiredness with age. Clearly, the more raw food we consume, the fewer pancreatic and intestinal digestive enzymes will be used.

Digestion takes a tremendous amount of our energy, 40–60%, according to some sources. Remember all of the “naps” after large meals? Reserve your energy and preserve your enzyme savings account by eating raw food as often as possible.

Raw foods contain phytochemicals such as resveratol, flavonoids, lycopene, and quercetin, which stimulate the immune system, serve as antioxidants, block carcinogenic substances from the cells, calm the nervous system, reduce cholesterol levels, and protect us from pollution, radiation, and disease.

Water is purified by being filtered through the roots of plants, and electrified, making it superior to drinking water. Raw fruit contains the best water, according to Schenck. Eating more raw foods therefore decreases the amount of water we need to drink.

Dr. William Richardson says, “Heat processing reduces the oxygen found in fresh food—oxygen we need to resist disease.” As some diseases thrive on low oxygen, raw foods are helpful as they contain small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, which provides oxygen. Wheatgrass is a good source of oxygen.

Eating more raw seeds, nuts, and fish increases our supply of essential fatty acids, often destroyed by cooking. Raw seafood, such as oysters on the half-shell, sushi, and sashimi are consumed regularly throughout the world. If you suffer from diseases, for example liver disease, diabetes, cancer, or where the immune system is compromised, avoid raw fish and seafood as the body may not be able to fight bacteria as well as do the immune systems of healthy individuals.

Meat is a primary source of Co-Q10, needed to produce ATP, a unit of energy that provides energy for the heart. Dr. W. Gifford-Jones states eating steak rare is best, as well done meat has had the Co-Q10 destroyed.

German studies show raw food has therapeutic effects that include antibiotic, antiallergic, tumour-protective, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory.

Dr. Edmond Szelely, in The Chemistry of Youth, claims the undiminished vitality of the Hunzas from Central Asia who lived productive lives to age 100–120 years, maintained this vitality from their high consumption of sprouted seeds. Sprouting increases enzyme content by 6–20 times, and increases vitamin and mineral content as well, according to Dr. Edward Howell (Food Enzymes for Health). In The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program, Ann Wigmore says vitamin B6 can be increased up to 500%, B2 up to 1,300%, and folic acid by 600%.

The Journal of Nutrition reports that a raw vegan diet causes a decrease in bacterial enzymes and certain toxic products that are implicated in colon cancer risk, and that patients with rheumatoid arthritis benefitted as well.

Raw vegan food increased carotenoids and vitamin C and E, and lowered cholesterol; arthritis patients reported lessening of pain, stiffness, and swelling of joints; fibromyalgia patients lost weight; and all worsened when they resumed their normal diet, in a study done by the Department of Physiology at the University of Kuopio.

Raw food teacher Victoria Boutenko (university professor) experimented with a group and found IQ was raised by 40% after eating raw for two days only!

Animal studies by Professor Kollath, University of Rostock in Germany, showed that using vitamin supplements did not reverse chronic degeneration in his test animals but fresh raw food composed of many vegetables did.

Raw foods increase cellular respiration and efficiency and therefore help improve reflex speed, flexibility, and stamina in athletes, according to experiments by Professor Karl Eimer of the Medical Clinic at the University of Vienna.

According to Dr. John Douglass, MD, PhD, of Los Angeles, common addictions, such as to alcohol and nicotine, lose their addictive power on raw food diets, and sunflower seeds, in particular, were effective in fighting the cravings.

Dr. Arthur Robinson, President and Research Director of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, studied the effects of live foods and cancer in laboratory mice, and he concluded that live raw fruits and vegetables best slowed down cancer growth, and that even raw nuts and seeds and supplemental Vitamin C did not, unless taken in high doses.

The British Medical Journal found when they “fed calves their mother’s milk after it had been pasteurized, the calves died in nine out of ten cases, proving the harmful effects of cooked milk, even for creatures designed to drink cow’s milk.”

Dr. Max Gerson’s study concludes that “even advanced stages of cancer respond to treatment with raw fruits, vegetables, and raw liver-derived, active, oxidizing enzymes” as part of his treatments.

A study published in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (1999 Vol. 43, Issue 2) concluded that raw diets are associated with high loss of weight and amenorrhea (cessation of menses) and did not recommend a raw food diet for the long term. Raw fooders believe menstrual bleeding is a sign of toxicity and/or vitamin C deficiency, and that the statement reflects a cultural bias about underweight being unhealthy. (Schenck)

The Journal of Nutrition states raw fooders must take B12, or they may accumulate excess homocysteine, a risk factor in heart disease and a marker for B12 deficiency.

Studies prove you CAN gradually regenerate your body. Although we have polluted our bodies, we can reverse much of the destruction with raw food diets, and fasting helps speed up the detox process. (Schenck) In The Live Food Factor Schenck states there are fifty studies illustrating the dangers of cooked food.

It is important to eat what makes you feel best. You need to find this balance yourself, as no one else can tell you what feels good or creates health for you individually.


Buy the freshest produce—fruit and veggies—possible and use as soon as possible. For more information check the supermarket’s produce display; they often have a booklet advising optimum storage and times. Check past issues of WHOLifE Journal for in-depth articles on individual foods, from produce to nuts and grains. Raw nuts and seeds need to be purchased from a fridge and stored in the fridge or freezer.

Eating raw food is not difficult but giving up cooked food is. A good way to begin increasing raw foods is to ensure each meal has some raw food. If you choose to further increase your raw food intake, you may slowly transition, or you may wish to eliminate certain foods such as all processed foods, or you may begin to reduce your cooking temperatures. Some people, after educating themselves, have gone “cold turkey” into a completely raw diet.

Preparing food raw is easier when you have proper equipment. Purchase sharp peelers and knives, graters that perform several functions—fine and coarse grating, as well as julienne blenders (small e.g. Magic Bullet and industrial strength), nut and seed grinder (coffee bean grinder works), food processor, dehydrator (preferably one with many trays), juicer, and stove top equipment like a double boiler and a thermometer to help you keep the food temperature below 110°F.

Warm soups and cereals (do the finger test) on colder days. Soak all nuts and seeds overnight to remove any enzyme inhibitors, soften for easier chewing, and higher nutrition as this begins the sprouting process. Soak seeds such as sunflower and pumpkin and all nuts 8–12 hours, and rinse before use; flax seeds 2–4 hours, and rinsing is unnecessary; grains 8–12 hours, rinse, or 12–24 hours for sprouted grain, and rinse.

Farmers’ markets generally have the freshest food available, after picking fresh from your own garden, of course. Buy organic food as often as possible for best nutrition, and store all whole foods (grains, legumes) in glass jars, preferably in a dark cool place, or the fridge or freezer in the case of raw nuts and seeds. Get into the habit of having soaked nuts, seeds, and grains handy, as this enables you to produce fast raw entrees. If produce begins to deteriorate then juice it, dehydrate it, or freeze it.

No matter what ideas you choose from the above information, remember raw food is ideal for healing, so make it a goal to increase your raw food intake!

Breakfast Ideas: Blender veggie drink (see recipe below); Fresh fruit; Tomato wedges; Avocado halves; Smoothie.

Lunch and Dinner Ideas: Raw soup (see recipes); Veggies and spinach dip (see recipe); Raw salad, vary the veggies; Raw nuts and seeds on raw veggies, and/or on cooked veggies.

Snack Ideas: Fresh fruit; Dried fruit; Fresh coconut; Blender drink—veggie and/or fruit; Soaked dehydrated nut snacks; Raw nuts and seeds; Veggie slices sprinkled with sesame seeds.



1 head of romaine lettuce, chopped fine
1 head of cauliflower, chopped fine
1 chopped small red onion
1 can chopped water chestnuts
optional: 1 lb organic firm tofu, cut in small cubes and marinate in a bit of tamari

Layer this in order so it does not become soggy.

Mix together: 1 tbsp liquid honey
2/3 cup parmesan cheese (rice parmesan for lactose-free)
1-1/4 cups coconut mayonnaise or homemade healthy mayo

Spread this over the top of the salad and refrigerate for 8 hours. Mix and serve. Serves 10 or more.

—From Nutrition, Cooking and Healing, P. Millis


3 medium size tomatoes
1/2 small onion
1 cup shredded white diakon radish
hemp or olive oil to taste
celtic sea salt to taste
balsamic vinegar to taste

Cut up the above and place in a bowl. Add oil, vinegar, and salt to taste. Mix well and serve.

—From Eat Away Illness, P. Millis

(this is a quick way to add raw veggies to breakfast or lunch, although the Vedge juice is likely cooked)

1 cup Vedge juice (by Bolthouse) or fresh squeezed carrot juice
few lettuce leaves
1/2 fresh cucumber
optional: 1 tbsp hemp oil, small raw garlic clove

Blend well and drink with your meal.


4 cloves garlic
1/3 cup brazil nuts
1/3 cup sunflower seeds
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
2 cups packed cilantro
2/3 cup hemp, flax, or Udo’s oil
4 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp dulse powder
celtic sea salt to taste

Process the cilantro and oil in a food processor until chopped. Add the garlic, nuts, seeds, dulse, and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended, or to desired consistency. Add a pinch of salt to taste and process briefly. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase cilantro in season and fill enough jars to last through the year.

—From Eat Away Illness, P. Millis


3 cups fresh squeezed orange juice
1-1/2 cup raw cashews
1 pint raspberries
1 orange, sliced

Blend the orange juice and cashews, and add half the raspberries last. Place in a fancy bowl and float the remainder of the raspberries and the orange slices on top of the soup.

—From Living with Green Star, E. Markowitz

Delicious cool summer drink.

1 frozen banana
1 cup blueberries, or berries of your choice
juice from 1 or 2 oranges or fresh watermelon (blend first)

Blend and serve.

—Paulette Millis


1 bunch celery (about 8 stalks)
1 bunch cilantro
1 bunch fresh dill
1 cup unpasteurized olive oil
1/2 cup raw almond butter or raw tahini
3 cloves garlic
1–4 tbsp nama shoyu (or Braggs Vegetable Seasoning)
1/4 cup lemon juice or raw apple
cider vinegar
6–8 cups pure water

Blend in a K-Tec or Vita-Mix, adding a little of the ingredients at a time until creamy. Add more celery stalks or almond butter to make it a bit creamier, if desired.

—From The Live Food Factor, S. Schenck


Handful frozen strawberries or blueberries
1 frozen banana
juice from 1 orange
8–10 grapes, frozen or fresh

Blend in food processor with the “S” blade until creamy. Store any leftovers in the freezer, but it will get very hard, so best to use it fresh.

—From The Live Food Factor, S. Schenck


4 cups corn kernels
1 avocado
1 cucumber
3/4 cup almonds, soaked 6–12 hours, rinsed and drained
1 bunch cilantro
3 tbsp dulse flakes
1 tbsp celtic sea salt
4 cloves garlic
3 cups pure water (or more or less to desired consistency)

Blend in K-Tec or Vita-Mix with water, adding ingredients a little at a time, using only enough water to blend. Add water to bring consistency to thick and creamy.

—From The Live Food Factor, S. Schenck


1/2 lb spinach (about 5–6 cups)
1/2 red onion
3 cloves garlic
3/4 cup raw tahini
1/2 bunch cilantro
3–4 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp celtic sea salt

Blend in food processor with the “S” blade, adding spinach a little at a time. Mix until creamy. Great vegetable dip.

—From The Live Food Factor, S. Schenck


4 cups steel cut organic oats
1 cup chopped dried fruit (unsulfured and unsweetened). Papaya, cranberries, or your choice.
1 cup raw nuts of choice (hazelnuts are my favourite)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup shredded unsweetened coconut

Combine and store in a glass jar in the fridge. Serve with nut milk.

—Paulette Millis


2 roma tomatoes or 1/2 cup other tomatoes
2 large avocados
1/2 bunch cilantro
juice from 1/2 small lemon
1 tsp jalapeno, chopped
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp celtic sea salt
1/2 red bell pepper

Blend in food processor using the “S” blade. For a chunky texture, cut the pieces first into small chunks; then blend for only about 3 seconds to get slightly smaller chunks. For a creamy texture, blend longer.

—From The Live Food Factor, S. Schenck

References: Living With Green Star, Elysa Markowitz; The Live Food Factor, Susan Schenck; Alive Magazine, June, 2007 (p. 29); Dr. W. Gifford-Jones, Saskatoon Star Phoenix.

Resources for further reading: Conscious Eating, Spiritual Nutrition, and Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine, Dr. Gabriel Cousens; Enzyme Nutrition, Dr. Edward Howell; Raw Energy, Sir Robert McCarrison; Nature’s First Law, O. Stiner; British Medical Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 10, 1960; Max Gerson, MD, Physiol. Chem. Phys. (1978, Vol 10, Issue 5, pp.449-464); Green for Life, Victoria Boutenko; www.living-foods.com/articles/scientificliterature.html; The Chemistry of Youth, Dr. Edmond Szekely; The Journal of Nutrition, 1992, Vol 122, Issue 4; British Journal of Rheumatology, Mar. 1998, Vol. 37, Issue 3.

The above information regarding nutritious food is not intended to replace any instruction from medical or health professionals.

Paulette Millis is a speaker, author, and nutritional consultant. To contract her for speaking engagements call (306) 244-8890 in Saskatoon, or email eatingforhealth@sasktel.net. Website: www.healingwithnutrition.ca. Her books, Eat Away Illness and Nutrition, Cooking and Healing, are available at health food stores and at McNally Robinson Booksellers.


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