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Volume 13 Issue 4
Nov 2007/Feb 2008

Is the Quantum World the Portal to Improve Your Life… Past, Present, and Future?

Rah! Rah! Raw Food!

Have the "Guts" to Be Healthy!

Beating Terminal Cancer: A Story of Profound Hope and Healing

Sonic Vibration Therapy

Mindfulness: The Key to Eliminating Stress and Creating Joy and Well-Being in Your Life

Glaciers: Our Vanishing Treasure


Sonic Vibration Therapy
Advanced Technology and New Dimension in Exercise & Health

by Kelly Lee Tavson
Sonic Vibration

Sonic Vibration is the Science of Sound

TurboSonic is a sophisticated exercise and therapeutic machine that uses patented Sonic Vibration technology based on decades of Russian research and development.

The whole body vibration theory originated from the concept that the earth’s gravity is always influencing the movement of individual organs in the human body. Gravity works in a vertical direction; therefore it is natural and more effective for the human body to exercise in a vertical direction. This theory was first developed in the Soviet Union to condition Soviet cosmonauts to withstand the effects of weightlessness in outer space for months at a time. The Soviets conducted rigourous scientific studies spanning several decades that confirmed the remarkable restorative powers and safety of whole body vibration.

The TurboSonic was carefully designed in collaboration with Qigong (chee-kung) Masters in Korea. Qigong is a traditional Chinese healing art that uses a series of gentle, focused exercises for mind and body. When these exercises are performed they raise your vital life energy, or “chi” as it is known in Chinese medicine. TurboSonic is used widely in Korea, Japan, and the United States by acupuncturists, physical therapists, chiropractors, orthopedic specialists, athletic trainers, senior’s centers, as well as top sports athletes and entertainers.

Through the gentle, vertical gravity motion, the cell is forced to function at a much more efficient level. Therefore, the new Sound Vibration Technology excites cells which: accelerates the body’s natural healing response; increases cellular oxygen uptake; enhances cellular nutrient uptake; stimulates cellular fluid movement; and facilitates cellular waste removal.

This therapeutic machine can be used by anyone regardless of age or sex. In particular, athletes, overweight people who experience difficulty exercising for extended periods of time, office workers with inadequate levels of physical activity, people who cannot find the time to exercise, and patients requiring rehabilitative therapy, all stand to benefit most from this breakthrough comprehensive exercise system.

How it Works

One stands upright on the vibrating platform. Each training session is 10 minutes. Standing relaxed on the Sonic Vibration machine for 10 minutes goes well beyond the experience of a one-hour workout in the gym, and no physical exertion is necessary. This is a remarkable fully body workout tool, as well as an anti-aging instrument that stimulates the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, hormonal responses, circulation, and lymphatic drainage. The exercising is done without undue stress to joints, ligaments, and tendons.

Research reports show improvements to such conditions as emphysema, MS/ALS, osteoporosis, arthritis/rheumatism, lower back pain, and pelvic instability. Other reports record an increase in growth hormones and serotonin (the happiness and well-being hormone), while it lowers cortisol and other stress-related hormones.


Improves: circulation, strength and performance, energy and endurance, balance and coordination, flexibility and agility, health and well-being.

Reduces: body fat, water retention, and dissolves cellulite.

Tones: tissue and tightens body and facial muscles.

Increases: bone density.

Contraindications for Use

If one of the following conditions applies to you, we strongly recommend that you consult your physician before using the TurboSonic Vibration Therapy: serious cardiovascular condition; pacemaker; pregnancy; recent surgery; hip, knee, or shoulder implants; epilepsy; severe diabetes; acute hernia, discopathy, spondylolysis; recent infections; tumour; recently placed IUDs, metal pins, or plates; herniated spinal disc.
TurboSonic is becoming a leading modality of strong interest to health-conscious consumers, as well as doctors and health professionals.


It feels like my muscles are being sculpted out of the flab. I’m more energetic and my fat is melting away. I never thought I could get toned so fast. It feels like a full body massage from the inside out. This is the space-age health benefit the world has been waiting for. —Anita O.

I have been using this therapeutic machine almost daily since the end of November, 2006. My body fat has decreased, especially in my torso area. Muscles in my legs have become stronger and my thighs have become more shapely. I notice an increase in my overall energy and a feeling of well-being every day that I use it. —Kaye Moore, Apr. 25 ‘07

What an amazing invention! My patients love the TurboSonic. With the detoxification, muscle-building, bone-building, fat-loss, circulation-enhancing, and HGH-releasing benefits, the anti-aging implications are astonishing. While the claims of many new devices are “too good to be true,” this therapeutic machine is literally “too good to miss.”

—Dan Johnson, MD, Founder and Medical Director, Desert Longevity Institute (Practice consisting of bio-identical hormone replacement, IV therapies, anti-aging medicine, and integrative medicine. Member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and American College for the Advancement of Medicine.)

Disclaimer: TurboSonic facts are for information only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. The benefits listed in this article are based on independent studies, which reference years of research into WBV (whole body vibration therapy and training). Those studies are independent of the TurboSonic technology and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Discuss all ailments and/or medical problems with your physician or healthcare professional prior to using the TurboSonic.
The information used to create the above article was provided by Maxam Nutraceutics.

Kelly Lee Tavson (nee Strykowski) is a Life Mission Development Coach with 16 years experience in the holistic field. She recently relocated to Saskatchewan and is happy to be in her home province. She says hello to old friends and clients and welcomes new clients. For more information on Sonic Vibration Therapy and her offerings call (306) 467-2202. Also see the colour display ad on page 15 of the 13.4 November/February issue of the WHOLifE Journal.


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