Sask Walk for Health 2010 - May 10 to 18
An Opportunity to Keep Healthy While Raising Funds for Station 20 West
by Cliff Shockey

Cliff Shockey and his many health-conscious senior friends feel it is time for another Saskatchewan trek, after the very interesting, challenging, and successful one they organized in 2005 as a provincial Centennial Project. That one took place in March and started at the Northwest Territory border with people on cross-country skis and then as it progressed south they walked to the US border. The temperature was -33ºC when it started and it took them 22 days to complete. A number of people who were involved in that first trek have been wanting to have another one, so they have created Sask Walk for Health 2010, a non-profit organization. This time the walk will go across the province from the Manitoba border to Lloydminster at the Alberta border, following the Yellowhead highway. It is a distance of approximately 400 miles because of the leap-frog system they use, and will take about a week between May 10 and 18. Shockey says it may not be like a Sunday stroll in the park, but in May the weather should be fairly nice. Plans also include documenting the trek.
The Sask Walk for Health 2010 committee believes that this is a great opportunity for Saskatchewan citizens to give something back for the good life that people enjoy in this beautiful province. With this kind of event, they feel people can take a lead and set a very important example of a way to keep healthy, and at the same time have a lot of fun, which is all part of living a balanced life. All people are welcome to be part of this amazing experience.
The reason for the original trek was to create more awareness of the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, thus helping to prevent disease and hopefully cutting down on some of the healthcare costs. Prevention of disease is based on keeping physically active and mentally alert, as well as on personal responsibility and knowledge. The committee believes that more people would change unhealthy habits if they knew the consequences, and were made aware of the alternatives.
This year’s trek goal is two-fold—while it is primarily promoting a healthy lifestyle, it is also working with Station 20 West to raise money for their very important social and economic revitalization project in Saskatoon.
Station 20 West has been created to address the disparities in income and health services to the Core neighbourhoods of Saskatoon. It will be an integrated service centre that will also include The Good Food Junction, a locally-owned grocery co-operative. Fundraising for the $6 million development is well underway. Donations to this project are tax-deductible.
Information for Participants
Participants will be divided into 6 teams. All teams will start at the same time six kilometres apart along the highway. This covers 36 kilometres. This process will be repeated three times for a total of approximately 108 kilometres or 67 miles per day. You will be responsible for making your own arrangements for meals and lodging. A list of campgrounds, motels, and bed & breakfast establishments will be posted on by mid-April. Cliff Shockey and Roland Duquette will be presenting a seminar on how to best prepare for this trek and that date will also be posted on the website. For those wishing to participate as cyclists, you can contact the committee for alternate arrangements. To receive a registration form and for more information call Rosanna
Parry in Saskatoon at (306) 229-8289 or email: To contact Station 20 West call (306) 281-9378, or email:
Cliff Shockey, who lives near Saskatoon, is Chair of the Sask Walk for Health 2010 Committee. In the 2005 trek, he and Roland Duquette travelled a distance of 975 miles and soon afterwards Cliff wrote a book about this memorable journey called Walk the Talk.