Heart Disease: Our Modern Plague Resolved
by Dr. Gerry Bohemier

In the last hundred years, our society has had to endure an ever-increasing plague affecting the lives of millions. Cardio vascular disease, which is also known as atherosclerosis or plaquing of the arteries, is affecting younger and younger people with each generation. The disorder leads to the majority of heart attacks, strokes, and the spiralling costs of healthcare. It is the leading cause of death by disease in the developed world.
Medical treatment continues to be cholesterol-lowering drugs (statin drugs). Add to this the prescriptions for chest pains, high blood pressure, blood thinners, calcium beta-blockers, and triglyceride-lowering medications and you have a toxic cocktail taken by millions of Canadians. And the results offer only a poor prognosis to show for their efforts.
What can we do?
World-renowned biochemist Linus Pauling, PhD, (1901 to 1994), two-time Nobel Prize Laureate and recipient of over 40 honourary degrees, is regarded by many of his peers as one of the world’s greatest scientific minds of the 20th century. In his last interview in 1992 with the British Journal of the Institute of Optimum Nutrition he spoke these prophetic words:
“I think I know what the answer is... We can get almost complete control of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes by the proper use of this therapy, and even cure it.”
The “therapy” he spoke about was formulated by him after decades of scientific and clinical research and introduced following issues of his patents (1990 and 1991) for the reversal of cardiovascular disease. In 1989, he also created a Unified Theory of heart disease which included other therapeutic measures. Combined, his procedures can effectively eliminate the majority of suffering caused by this major scourge of our times.
Mainstream medicine and big Pharma continue to remain silent toward Pauling’s discoveries and we may be inclined to believe that their focus on profits might be the motive for their suppressing his research. Heart disease is big business.
How does Pauling’s formula work? It’s quite simply about nutrition. It starts with the scientific fact that cardiovascular disease is predominantly caused by a vitamin C deficiency. Also lacking are a couple of key natural amino acids (parts of protein) called L-lysine and L-proline. Add to these the supportive vitamins D and E, minerals including magnesium and selenium, the antioxidant Co-Q10 (Ubiquinol), and plenty of omega-3 essential fats and you have his formula. These nutrients when taken therapeutically, can stop, reverse, and help the body heal the majority of cases of cardiovascular disease.
Following other scientists’ discoveries from the 1980s, Pauling re-confirmed that all plaque in the arteries is laid down as temporary repair material for damaged blood vessels. This sticky cholesterol plaque, which the body uses to seal up the cracks and fissures, is a “special” kind of cholesterol made in our livers and not the cholesterol we ingest from fatty foods. LP(a) cholesterol plaque is produced as a necessary emergency “secondary response tissue” to deal with the damaged blood vessels. This happens only when the body is malnourished. The most important healing tissue for blood vessels is collagen. Collagen needs high levels of vitamin C and amino acids such as lysine and proline to be properly and adequately made.
There is hope for those who suffer with this chronic degenerative disease. The results of using the Pauling protocol are predictable and measurable. Start by getting a full blood profile test for heart disease risk factors. Then adopt a healthier diet and a regular exercise routine, and consider taking these nutrients or a quality “Pauling formula.” You will start to notice a difference in your well-being within a few weeks, and it will put you on track for a lifetime free of heart disease.
Check regularly with your doctor to determine the continued need for your prescription drugs. Within 6 to 18 months, many patients are off most heart drugs and will have reduced by 80 to 90 percent all risk factors identified in their blood tests.
Dr. Gerry Bohemier is a retired chiropractor who devotes his professional time to writing and lecturing on nutritional protocols for heart and other health issues. This year he will be lecturing in major cities across Canada. Contact by e-mail: drgerryb@gmail.com. (Journal references on request.) Also, see the display ad on page 15 of the 18.5 January/February issue of the WHOLifE Journal. |