Fluid Isometrics: What is It? What Can It Do for Me?
by Susan Livingstone and Fluid Isometrics

The following article has been put together by Susan Livingstone, Certified Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy Instructor. Much of it has been authored by Fluid Isometrics and is reprinted with permission.
It was summer and I was looking for something new and interesting. I found an article about Fluid Isometrics in a local paper and I knew I had to try it. Posture is so important and without good posture, many things go wrong in the body. Aches and pains start, they get worse, and eventually they interfere in a major way. Although not terrible, I knew my posture could be a lot better, so my journey began.
Within a very short time I could feel the changes happening. It was exciting and addicting, enough so that I decided to take the instructor’s course so I could share it with others. More than a year has gone by. Now certified, let me tell you what Fluid Isometrics and Block Therapy are about. I will also tell you about Deanna Hansen, the founder of this marvellous therapy.
Introducing Fluid Isometrics
Fluid Isometrics is a body work practice that utilizes either the practitioner’s hands or a therapeutic tool made of cedar called the Block Buddy to bring heat into an area and melt frozen fascia, releasing it from the area and thereby promoting increased blood and oxygen flow—both of which are critical to health and healing. Over time, our fascia compresses layer over layer. If we allow this compression to develop, eventually fat can build up, disease settles in, and aches and pains become chronic. Block Therapy is a way to personally harness the power of Fluid Isometrics. You can view the promotional video at http://youtu.be/OllEKbQIeg0.
About Block Therapy
Block Therapy is a self-care version of Fluid Isometrics. The individual lies on a therapeutic tool made of cedar called the Block Buddy for a minimum of three minutes in various positions throughout the body. Wood is used as the therapeutic tool because, unlike artificial materials such as foam or plastic, it shares similar density to bone. With gravity and body weight, the Block Buddy is able to sink deeply into the tissue, all the way to the bone. This pressure brings increased blood and oxygen into the area, thereby warming the connective tissue and “melting” the powerful seal between layers that creates unhealthy restrictions. The student is taught to use diaphragmatic breathing to bring into the body up to 600 per cent more oxygen. This combination of increased oxygen, proper posture and alignment, and the freeing of adhesions form the basis of the Fluid Isometrics system. The end result for you is better overall health and wellness. To see a sample class go to http://youtu.be/6RErSHn7bQE.
Some Key Benefits That Many Have Experienced
Weight loss, reduced cellulite and varicose veins, healthier skin and hair, reduced stress and anxiety, increased energy, natural facelift, improved posture, improved digestion and elimination, improved range of motion, flexibility and strength, pain relief, released toxins, accelerated healing, relief from carpal tunnel syndrome, relief from arthritis, and relief from asthma and allergies.
There are many testimonials from students. To view them, please visit The Fluid Isometrics website at www.fluidisometrics.com.
About the Founder, Deanna Hansen
She is Certified Athletic Therapist and founder of Fluid Isometrics and Block Therapy, a bodywork practice that includes meditation, exercise, and therapy all in one. She began her practice as an Athletic Therapist in 1995, always focusing on deep tissue work. She built up a thriving practice but unfortunately her physical health and mental wellbeing were eluding her.
In 2000, she experienced a major breakthrough. While experiencing the worst of a series of anxiety attacks, she intuitively pushed her hand into her abdomen and at that moment began a path of self-discovery. Her body began to change. Her weight was dropping, the chronic pain and issues were improving and her depression and anxiety were lifting. She immediately began applying this to her existing patients and the results were immediate and outstanding.
For almost fourteen more years, Deanna owned clinics where she practised. In 2006, as word was spreading of the benefits of this modality, she began teaching other therapists. It has been a combination of transforming her own body and life and working with others that gives her such a rich understanding of the connective tissue called fascia.
Deanna’s journey working with individuals was incredibly rewarding yet her true passion is to teach people how to self-care. Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy became the solution. She took what she did in the treatment room and translated it into a self-help practice using a handcrafted cedar wooden block, called the Block Buddy. This simple, efficient, inexpensive approach is gaining credibility as people around the world are experiencing the benefits and sharing it with others.
Today, it is Deanna’s goal to certify as many Block Therapy Instructors as possible. She has developed an on-line teacher-training program so people around the world can teach Fluid Isometrics to their communities and empower others to become their own health advocates. To view Deanna’s story, go to http://youtu.be/ZiyyZrWOlLM.
Are you interested in learning this self care approach to health and wellness? If you live in the Saskatoon area, keep an eye on the fluidisometrics.com website and watch for posters in and around Saskatoon as I will be starting classes soon. If you live outside Saskatoon and would like me to come to your community for a weekend workshop, please get in touch.
Susan Livingstone is a retired Elementary Teacher (B Ed), a Certified SPRA Aqua Fitness Instructor, and a Certified Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy Instructor. Living and working in Saskatoon, she believes that fitness and health are achievable and attainable from youth well into the senior years. She takes a proactive approach to maintaining good health and enjoys taking others along on her journey. For more information and to contact Susan, call 306-477-0123 or email livingstone@sasktel.net. Also, see the colour display ad on page 15 of the 21.4 November/December issue of the WHOLifE Journal.