Be Your Own Guru
by Joanne Boutiere

What if I told you that there was another possibility right here, right now? What if things could be different in your life in all kinds of ways?
So, what is it when I say, “Be your own guru?” Well, quite a few years ago, I received a channelling and what was said in that session was for me to be my own guru. Say what?
I kind of knew what that meant and I’ve always said that we know so much more that we think we do and that we are so much greater than we realize and I didn’t really acknowledge that, or even know exactly how to know, or BE that.
What I have now found out is that yeah, we really do know stuff and that we have never been taught to follow our awareness, follow our knowingness. How many times have you done something and you knew that it wasn’t the best idea and you did not listen to your gut or instead listened to someone else’s idea about what you should do and the outcome was not what was desired. Then, you said, “I knew I shouldn’t have done that!” You knew all along and you ignored your knowing. How cute we can be!
The tool that I have started to use everyday is a tool from Access Consciousness and it’s called the heavy and light tool. How this works is that what’s light for you will be true for you and what is heavy for you will be a lie for you.
This tool has created a lot of magic in my life and I continue to use it even when the lightness or my knowingness is perceived in ways I never expected. At times, my head will automatically say yes to something and then I will stop and ask truth… is this choice heavy or light? Mmm… surprise surprise… what I thought was the choice I wanted to make is actually heavy. So, in that moment I will choose what is light, and when I do that, that’s when cool things are created. For me, so far, it has opened up more expansive and greater possibilities in unexpected ways. I love that!
We all perceive the energy of heavy and light. Some feel it in their body and others in different unique ways. When we get what the heavy and light is for us, we actually can make choices that will create more possibilities and more magic. That’s from where I prefer to function. Who doesn’t like magic?
What would it take for all of us to follow the lightness, follow the energy, and create so much more in our lives? What would it be like to have so much more ease and less upset if we follow our knowingness, to know that we know, to be our own GURU?
So, how many ways can we start being our own guru?
What if, when making a choice, you asked some of these questions:
- Will this be fun? I don’t know about you, but I really like to have fun and make it one of my priorities.
- Will this be a contribution? Will this choice contribute to my life, my business, my future, etc.
- Will something greater be created here? Will this choice add to my life and living?
- Will this choice ripple out to create changes for the planet?
- Will this be easy?
Asking questions like this will give you the awareness of what is light for you. And if it is really expansive and lights you up, that just might be a choice you will want.
If it gets heavy and makes you sigh and drag your feet just thinking about it, what other choice can you make? What else would be possible? And if you know from the heaviness, that that choice is really not going to create change for you, choose what’s lighter.
For me, that is what being your own GURU is. What will being your own guru be like for you?
How does it get any better than that, and what else is possible?
Using this tool is what has lead me to teach one of the foundational classes of Access Consciousness™ called the Bars. I followed what was expansive and exciting, sure that it has stretched me out of my comfort zone. I keep choosing the lightness and know that the universe has my back and that this is creating and contributing to me, my family, my businesses, the planet, and consciousness.
The Bars is an easy, dynamic, and energetic body process that is creating a lot of change for a whole lot of people across the planet. Thoughts, feelings, emotions, considerations, and belief systems that you have held onto and are no longer contributing to you are erased, allowing you to move forward in new dynamic ways. It’s like deleting files in your computer, letting go of limitations, and choosing greater for you.
With this change in you, others are also affected, so we are basically changing the world when we change us.
What’s possible when we all start to function from the greatness that we can BE? How much more consciousness will be created? What change can we BE for us, for the planet and for the future?
Are you ready to awaken into a totally different reality?
Joanne Boutiere, BF, is the owner and purveyor of neat stuff and Infinite Possibilities for Kokopelli’s and Awakening Possibilities in Swift Current, SK. For more information about Awakening Possibilities, her Access classes and/or sessions, email:,
visit and, call 306-773-8035. Also, see the colour display ad on page 27 of the 21.4 November/December issue of the WHOLifE Journal. |