The Power of Reiki
by Suzanne

My grandpa died in 1991. I walked with him through an enormous field of long yellow grass in 2012.
My first experience with Reiki was much bigger than I realized, even though I knew at the time it was big. I was in a workshop, and when my turn to receive Reiki came, I went to a place I’d never been before. My grandpa was there, and we walked and talked. Well, mostly I talked and he listened.
I could feel fire near my left kidney during this experience, but it was too great—there was no way I was coming back. He was his usual quiet self, but that familiarity was enough for me. I cried when I came back. This was a powerful introduction to a world I’d always wished I was part of but thought I wasn’t, the world of Spirit and psychic phenomena.
Not everyone’s first experience with Reiki is like mine. Some have no reaction at all, some have overpowering emotions of love or joy or acceptance, some feel tingling or other physical sensations, some (like me) “meet” with deceased relatives, and others fall asleep during a session. There’s no standard first experience.
Reiki is a powerful universal healing energy. Its ability to move us mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually surprises many who try a session, but its popularity demonstrates how effective it is—people come back for more because it works. For me, it opened the doors to intuitive abilities that until then I had no idea I had, and even now it continues to help me maintain balance in my own life.
Soon after the workshop, I became a certified Reiki practitioner. Since then I’ve observed in my clients what I learned in my various Reiki trainings—that Reiki helps the mind, body, and spirit to work more in harmony to balance and resolve issues, that it helps clear our minds, it can boost the body’s immune functioning, and it complements other treatments including medical or psychological treatments. Better balance means better health.
During a Reiki session, most people relax deeply, some fall asleep, and often people find their various pains diminish, such as headaches or pain in their back or joints. After a session, most clients tell me they feel like they’ve had a massage, and they sleep unusually well for several days afterwards, while others have more energy than usual. In 2019, I spent some time focusing on patients who have or had cancer. The benefits they reported were wonderful to them—diminished pain, better sleep, increased regularity, more energy for tasks, and their doctors being surprised at their speed of recovery from particular treatments. This is also related to the individual’s general health and various other factors, but when undergoing cancer or other treatments, any relief is often welcome.
Reiki can be sent over great distances, too. I’ve given Reiki sessions to people in the U.S., around Canada, and across the ocean. They report the same type of results as people who receive treatments in person—they feel relaxed or invigorated after a session, their headache is gone, this feels better, the other thing seems easier to deal with, and the list goes on. Pets also love Reiki. Anyone who’s had a Reiki session around an animal can tell you that that animal, whether dog, horse, cat, or cow, will come up and sit as close as possible. I’ve had many a dog or horse follow me after their owner had a session.
I studied and practiced Reiki while I learned more and more about the world of intuition. I discovered that I was able to pick up a lot of unspoken information while giving a treatment. During one particular Reiki session, I commented on some unusual sensations I was picking up. I told her there was something going on with a particular area of her back. I didn’t know or look for what it was, I simply recognized that it was “off” energy (I NEVER diagnose or search for illnesses, but I forward the information I get). Three years later, she told me she was diagnosed with cancer in that exact spot.
During all of this, I developed my intuitive abilities, and soon I became a practicing psychic medium, giving workshops and holding development circles for psychic mediumship and teaching others that they also have intuitive abilities that can be used in many ways throughout daily life.
Over the years, I’ve moved toward Personal Development Coaching (Life Coaching) and I continue to offer Reiki. I’m grateful that Reiki became part of my journey. I’m very pleased that I can offer this modality to others.
Suzanne is a Registered Reiki Practitioner trained and attuned to Master Level and a Certified Life Coach. Her background includes a 200-hour RYT and five years of instructing yoga, as well as working as a psychic medium. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree and has a lifetime of experience, observation, and insight available to assist clients. She facilitates workshops on intuitive and mediumship development, goal setting, releasing stress, and has new workshops to offer in 2020. For more information and to contact her, see the display ad on page 16 and the workshop ad in the Classifieds of the 25.4 November/December issue of the WHOLifE Journal. |