Volume 25 Issue 4 November/December 2019
Keep Calm, and Eat Slow
by Noelle Chorney
When I mention to people that I am involved in the Slow Food movement, I am often met by a look of confusion. “You mean, like using a slow cooker?” No, I say, like everything that is the opposite of fast food.
Slow Food founder Carlo Petrini was determined to fight the cultural erosion brought on by fast food—industrialized and standardized “food” production that undermines local food cultures and traditions and family farms, and the rise of “fast life” that prevents families from eating together, affects our health, and disconnects us from the land and people that grow our food. He founded Slow Food in Italy after the first McDonald’s opened in Rome in 1989. Slow Food has since evolved into an international movement of millions of people in more than 160 countries.
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Microgreens – Winter Project Time!
by Stacey Tress
What are Microgreens?
They are larger than sprouts and smaller than baby salad greens. You harvest microgreens after they have produced at least two “true” leaves after the cotyledons appear. Cotyledons begin as part of the embryo within the seed of a plant. In dicotyledonous plants they produce two kidney-shaped “seed” leaves, the first leaves to appear. True leaves, by contrast, develop from the plant stem. [The dicotyledons, also known as dicots, are one of the two groups into which all the flowering plants were formerly divided. The name refers to one of the typical characteristics of the group, namely that the seed has two embryonic leaves or cotyledons. Legumes (pea, beans, lentils, peanuts), mint, and lettuce are examples of dicots. Grains (wheat, corn, rice, millet), onions, and grass are examples of monocots].
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Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting – A Winning Formula to Achieve Better Health
by Taranum Sultana
The ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting (IF) have gained popularity in recent years as proven strategies to lose unhealthy weight, in a sustainable and healthy manner, and improve overall health. It is important to understand that the ketogenic diet focuses on a specific ratio of macronutrients while intermittent fasting is an eating pattern – not a diet.
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Are You Cannabis Curious?
by Sue Letwin
Before 2016 I knew barely anything about cannabis. I knew that it was an illegal drug except for rare medical use, and I didn’t plan to use it. Things can sure change in the course of a few years! I have gone from being a cannabis virgin to running a cannabis business within the last three years.
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Canora Business Releases New MyShrooms Energy: a Natural Product with Proven Health Benefits
—Reprinted Courtesy of the Canora Courier
A Canora-based business has released a new oral spray which offers potentially life-changing benefits in human health. MyShrooms Energy, the most recent product by Nick Martinuik of MySpray Therapeutics in Canora, recently became widely available. Martinuik, a natural medicine researcher, homeopath, and registered massage therapist has practised natural medicine in Canora for over 20 years. In partnership with a pharmaceutical lab in Richmond, BC, he has formulated other health-promoting products in the past, including MyPain LiniMint, MyShrooms Immunity, and MyShrooms Defence
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The Art of Making Fire Cider
An Old-time Tonic Used for What Ails You
—Courtesy of Storey Publishing
Fire cider—a spicy, zesty, immune-boosting tonic of apple cider vinegar and powerhouse herbs like horseradish, onion, garlic, ginger, and cayenne—is an old-time remedy that’s gaining a new generation of fans. Best-selling author and herbalist Rosemary Gladstar has created a compendium of recipes for making and using these cider vinegar tonics.
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Reflexology and Its Many Healing Benefits
by Marco De Michele
Hi! I’m Marco De Michele and I’m proud to call Saskatchewan home after moving to Regina from Northern Italy eight years ago. Since becoming a proud father of a beautiful baby boy, I have become especially interested in all aspects of health and nutrition as it relates to our innate vitality. Reflexology, in particular, was inspiring to me. I studied at the International Institute of Reflexology, the first to teach the original form of reflexology known as the Ingham Method. I completed my studies in October 2017 and continue to be inspired to learn everything I can about reflexology and health.
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The Power of Reiki
by Suzanne
My grandpa died in 1991. I walked with him through an enormous field of long yellow grass in 2012. My first experience with Reiki was much bigger than I realized, even though I knew at the time it was big. I was in a workshop and when my turn to receive Reiki came, I went to a place I’d never been before. My grandpa was there, and we walked and talked. Well, mostly I talked and he listened.
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What is Dry Salt Therapy?
by Lynn Constantinoff
Dry Salt Therapy, also known as Halotherapy, is a holistic, safe, drug-free, natural therapy which originates from the Wieliczka salt mine in Poland. Interestingly, workers were found to be healthier and had fewer respiratory illnesses than workers in other occupations. Today there are thousands of salt therapy rooms in Europe and beyond replicating this environment. It is believed all symptoms of illness can be therapeutically neutralized through salt.
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by Melva Armstrong
I am writing this editorial right after the federal election and I will say only that as citizens of this country, we have a great opportunity now to find ways for everyone to work together for the betterment of all. The world is changing rapidly and there are always new and advanced ways to operate within it. When we look around at how other countries are evolving, we can learn from their experiences at adapting new advancements in all walks of life. I think it would be good for those running our governments, as well as private companies and individuals to learn to be open-minded to moving forward and advancing in new exciting ways to operate rather than keeping stuck in old outdated, unworkable ways.
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Pilgrimage: A Personal Story
News of Note
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