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Volume 29 Issue 2
July/August 2023

The Wild Harvest, How Nature Provides

Gone Swimming: The Manitou Waters Whole Body – Whole Mind Healing Arts Spa Retreat

Energetic Gardening and Spiritual Cultivation

RAPID™ for Pain

When Diet and Exercise Aren’t Working: A Single Question

The Art of Sound Bathing

Autonomous Taboo: The Art of Tattoo and the Feminine


Energetic Gardening and Spiritual Cultivation
by Kristoffer Bergen
Kristoffer Bergen

A garden is a spiritual place.
A gardener is a spiritual being.

I have been a lover of plants all my life. Initiated into gardening by my mother and grandmother, I have always tended to any piece of land that I might call my “own.”

As my gardening skills developed, my love of wilderness gradually flowed into my garden spaces. Possessing a laissez-faire laziness about the yard, balanced by good aesthetic sense, I found that wild and native plants tolerated some measure of neglect, and yet still looked great, or even best when left alone. I encourage you to bring a bit of wilderness into your space. For me, things began with plants sometimes wanting to come with me, grabbing my attention while foraging for mushrooms or berries. Invariably others would tag along, hidden in the soil. Soon I had an abundance of wild strawberries, lilies, grasses, and forest flowers throughout the yard.

This is great at handling neglected and problematic spaces, too. Wild plants are fiercely competitive against weeds. Once an area has established itself it requires little or no weeding. Start with a small corner of the yard and see how things progress.

A word of caution in relocating threatened or endangered plants. Follow regulations or restrictions and only move plants compromised by development. Consider collecting seed and starting new plants from that.

Once I was introduced to Reiki, I started playing with that energy with the plants and garden. It supports the plants that struggle, boosts the others to thrive, and, by deepening my connection with plant and nature spirits, it also improves my communication with them. In addition to Reiki, I have found other practices similarly beneficial. The shamanic system of healing known as Ama Deus contains specific methods and symbols for healing the earth and environment. Meaning “Love of God,” Ama Deus evokes powerful responses when directed towards healing, and I have been surprised by the waves of loving energy the Earth sends back when I use it to heal the land.

Talk to your plants. Talk to your garden, to the nature spirits present, and to those you wish to invite in. Have an intention in mind, but ask each plant where it would like to live. Be flexible if possible, for the plants and yard may have even better ideas than whatever you had in mind. It takes time to know with certainty what things are trying to say, and information can come in many forms, but everyone has some capacity for tuning in and receiving information in this way.

Communication with the plants takes much uncertainty out of pruning. A bad cut is irreversible, but the only concern I have is the quality of my cut, not where I am cutting. The trees know what best to remove to be healthy and productive. Say a prayer for the tree and ask for guidance. That is all.

Another simple practice I can recommend is making occasional small offerings to the plant, earth, and elemental spirits of your garden space. One very useful thing people can do is cultivate or offer tobacco to the Earth. This is healing to the damaged connections joining the beings of this plane. The spirits cannot do this themselves. Offering tobacco on their behalf greatly benefits all beings, as does any offering made with sacred intention.

People talk about the benefits of Earthing, and going barefoot in the garden is a perfect way to do this, connecting the entire body to a space that it has loved and cared for. Morning dew on the feet transmits a crazy amount of vibratory information, regulating the body at many levels. Essentially, dew is a plant remedy, direct from nature, completely wild and unbottled!

Many people enjoy placing or planting crystals around their gardens. Whether by aesthetic attraction or to bring a certain energy to an area, crystals find their way into all sorts of places. Builders of “fairy gardens” in particular seem to always include a stone or two somewhere, in a bid to attract that energy.

There are too many possible stones and uses to examine; the imagination is the limit. However, I caution you to take care placing stones. Consider which way crystals are pointing and how that energy might affect any plants. I have killed plants off because an ill-considered crystal was nearby or pointing at the stem. Again, consider asking the plants if THEY think something’s a good idea before trying it. The Universe thrives on consent.

Make room for Life and Life makes room for you. Beneficial insects are good, but they also need pests to eat to exist and reproduce. A balanced ecosystem has a balance of both, with abundance for all. Buddhist monks chant mantras to benefit any insects that they invariably harm by walking, or any other activity. One such mantra is “Om Krichara Gana Hum Hrim Svaha.” Saying this seven times over a garden shovel, shoes, bicycle, or even your car, helps ensure that any creature possibly harmed finds higher rebirth and enlightenment. “Om Mani Padme Hum” is another mantra powerful at assisting any being that is harmed or suffering. Despite being well known, it should not be underestimated as the spiritual treasures it releases are unmatched!

Every plant has powers to reveal and a story to tell, especially the weeds. They astound with the amount of vigour and spirit they express. Many are valuable food and medicines. Plants that pop up to heal broken ground are often great at healing broken bodies. Others are nutritious edibles, especially when picked young and may save you in a survival situation if you happen to know what is safe and what is not. I can easily snack while weeding and getting a good dose of liver-nourishing bitters.

Naturally, I shun the use of poisons and feel that their use is highly detrimental physically and environmentally, but also to karma. Poisoning one’s world is also poisoning one’s mind. Fundamentally, they are one and the same substance. Care for the environment around you. Pick up trash when the chance arises; nature spirits REALLY like it when we do that. They increase their affinity for us and it nurtures our affinity with them.

Finally, share your cultivation and space with people you love and respect. Share your knowledge and plants with anyone interested. I hope you enjoy these tips and ideas, see what you can come up with on your own, and discover what new blessings you can bring to life.

Kristoffer Bergen started Fairy Fire Gardens and Wildscapes to promote holistic visions of gardening. Healer and beekeeper as well, Kris lives in Saskatoon with his fiance, two children and six cats. He is experienced in several systems of spiritual healing, and also prepares and uses flower remedies. For inquiries, please call 639-318-8815, instagram.com/fairyfiregardens/. Also, see the Directory of Services ad on page 19 of the 29.2 July/August issue of the WHOLifE Journal.


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